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A presente dissertação foi realizada no âmbito do Mestrado em Engenharia Química no
ramo de Otimização Energética na Indústria Química, do Instituto Superior de Engenharia do
Porto. O estudo energético foi desenvolvido na empresa Petrogal, S.A, na Refinaria de
Matosinhos, avaliando a possível racionalização energética do processo existente na
Fábrica de Aromáticos.
Os objetivos propostos basearam-se na realização de uma integração energética à unidade
de pré-destilação, denominada por U-0100, que se encontra instalada na Fábrica de
Aromáticos. Pretende-se, de uma forma geral, o reaproveitamento máximo da energia do
processo, diminuindo o recurso a utilidades externas. Para tal recorreu-se à metodologia da
análise do ponto de estrangulamento, designada por tecnologia Pinch.
Numa primeira fase da otimização foi necessário conhecer todo o processo em causa e os
conceitos associados à tecnologia aplicada. Após contactar com o processo procedeu-se ao
levantamento energético do mesmo, referente ao ano 2013. Nesta etapa foram recolhidos
todos os dados considerados relevantes para a quantificação energética das correntes e das
utilidades empregues. Depois da recolha efetuou-se a integração energética estabelecendo
um ∆Tmin ótimo para o processo de 5°C, após uma prévia análise da influência deste
parâmetro sobre os consumos.
Constatou-se que atualmente o processo de separação opera com uma taxa de
recuperação energética de 16,8% da energia total, sendo a restante energia introduzida por
utilidades externas.
Com a análise do ponto de estrangulamento concluiu-se que a unidade de pré - destilação
U-0100 se encontra integrada energeticamente, não sendo essencial proceder a qualquer
modificação à mesma.
No entanto sugere-se como trabalho futuro um estudo técnico e económico da
implementação de um pré-aquecedor de ar, necessário ao processo de combustão que se
dá na fornalha H-0101. Isto tendo em vista o reaproveitamento máximo da corrente, gases
de combustão, que é desperdiçada para o meio ambiente.
This dissertation was performed in the context of the Master in Chemical Engineering in the field of Energetic Optimization of Chemical Industry. Studies were conducted in Petrogal, S.A, Matosinhos Refinery, in the Aromatic Factory. Considering the possibility of process optimization of a pre distillation unit, named U-0100, an energetic evaluation was done here. The main goal of the study was to recycle, as much as possible, the energy that is involved in the process, to reduce the use of external utilities. For this, the Pinch technology was applied. In the first stage of optimization, it was necessary to understand the process as well as the technology. It included energetic data collection from 2013. The following step was the heat integration process, considering a ΔTmin of 5°C. It was found out that 16,8% of the energy that is used in the pre-distillation unit, U-0100, comes from the existing energy among streams, while the remaining is introduced by external utilities. In a general way we can conclude that the process is optimized, not being essential to carry out any remodeling. However it is suggested as future work the technical and economic study of the implementation of an air preheater, necessary for the combustion process, which takes place in the furnace H-0101. This study should include the exhaust gases stream in order to maximize its energy reuse, instead of wasting it to atmosphere.
This dissertation was performed in the context of the Master in Chemical Engineering in the field of Energetic Optimization of Chemical Industry. Studies were conducted in Petrogal, S.A, Matosinhos Refinery, in the Aromatic Factory. Considering the possibility of process optimization of a pre distillation unit, named U-0100, an energetic evaluation was done here. The main goal of the study was to recycle, as much as possible, the energy that is involved in the process, to reduce the use of external utilities. For this, the Pinch technology was applied. In the first stage of optimization, it was necessary to understand the process as well as the technology. It included energetic data collection from 2013. The following step was the heat integration process, considering a ΔTmin of 5°C. It was found out that 16,8% of the energy that is used in the pre-distillation unit, U-0100, comes from the existing energy among streams, while the remaining is introduced by external utilities. In a general way we can conclude that the process is optimized, not being essential to carry out any remodeling. However it is suggested as future work the technical and economic study of the implementation of an air preheater, necessary for the combustion process, which takes place in the furnace H-0101. This study should include the exhaust gases stream in order to maximize its energy reuse, instead of wasting it to atmosphere.