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Este relatório incide sobre o processo formativo realizado pela mestranda no âmbito da Prática
Educativa Supervisionada (PES), nos contextos de Educação Pré-Escolar (EPE) e do 1.º Ciclo do
Ensino Básico (1.º CEB), inserido no segundo ano do Mestrado em Educação Pré-Escolar e Ensino do
1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico.
O documento reflete todo o processo formativo realizado, baseado na integração de conhecimentos
teóricos, legais e práticos que foram essenciais para a construção da identidade profissional de um
docente com dupla habilitação.
Ao longo do relatório, destaca-se a atitude reflexiva da mestranda, com a Metodologia de
Investigação-Ação {1-A) que desempenhou um papel central na orientação de todo o processo de
investigação, observação, planeamento, intervenção e reflexão. Durante a PES foram privilegiadas
práticas educativas de orientação socioconstrutivista, visando a criação de um ambiente promotor de
aprendizagens significativas. Este percurso formativo permitiu a construção da identidade
profissional docente através da reflexão sobre a prática, na prática e para a prática.
Por último, sublinha-se a importância do trabalho colaborativo entre a dupla de estagiárias, as
supervisoras e orientadoras institucionais, os docentes cooperantes, as auxiliares, as famílias e
as crianças. Este trabalho colaborativo foi fundamental para que o percurso formativo da mestranda
se revestisse numa análise conjunta e mais enriquecedora. Neste contexto, conforme demonstrado ao
longo do documento, foram desenvolvidas práticas educativas contextualizadas e inovadoras, que
impulsionaram o desenvolvimento pessoal e profissional, proporcionando-lhe as competências
necessárias para garantir uma continuidade educativa, bem como a construção da sua identidade
docente de perfil duplo.
This report focuses on the training process carried out by the Master's student within the framework of Supervised Educational Practice (PES), in the context of preschool education and the first cycle of basic education, as part of the second year of the Master's Degree in Preschool Education and Teaching of the First Cycle of Basic Education. The document reflects the entire training process, based on the integration of theoretical, legal and practical knowledge, which was essential for the construction of the professional identity of a dual-qualified teacher. Throughout the report, the reflective attitude of the master's student stands out, with the action research methodology that sought to play a central role in guiding the entire process of research, observation, planning, intervention and reflection. Educational practices with a socio constructivist orientation were privileged during the PES, with the aim of creating an environment that promotes meaningful learning. This training path allowed the construction of the teacher's professional identity through reflection on practice, in practice and for practice. lt also highlights the importance of collaboration between the trainee pair, the supervisors and institutional consultants, the cooperating teachers, the assistants, the families and, above all, the children. This collaborative work has been fundamental in ensuring that the Master's student's training path is characterized by a shared and enriched analysis. ln this context, as demonstrated throughout the document, contextualized and innovative pedagogical practices were developed, which promoted her personal and professional development, providing her with the necessary skills to ensure educational continuity, as well as building her dual-profile teaching identity.
This report focuses on the training process carried out by the Master's student within the framework of Supervised Educational Practice (PES), in the context of preschool education and the first cycle of basic education, as part of the second year of the Master's Degree in Preschool Education and Teaching of the First Cycle of Basic Education. The document reflects the entire training process, based on the integration of theoretical, legal and practical knowledge, which was essential for the construction of the professional identity of a dual-qualified teacher. Throughout the report, the reflective attitude of the master's student stands out, with the action research methodology that sought to play a central role in guiding the entire process of research, observation, planning, intervention and reflection. Educational practices with a socio constructivist orientation were privileged during the PES, with the aim of creating an environment that promotes meaningful learning. This training path allowed the construction of the teacher's professional identity through reflection on practice, in practice and for practice. lt also highlights the importance of collaboration between the trainee pair, the supervisors and institutional consultants, the cooperating teachers, the assistants, the families and, above all, the children. This collaborative work has been fundamental in ensuring that the Master's student's training path is characterized by a shared and enriched analysis. ln this context, as demonstrated throughout the document, contextualized and innovative pedagogical practices were developed, which promoted her personal and professional development, providing her with the necessary skills to ensure educational continuity, as well as building her dual-profile teaching identity.
Formação docente Metodologia de investigação-ação Prática educativa supervisionada Socioconstrutivismo Trabalho colaborativo Teacher education Action research methodology Supervised educational practice Socioconstructivism Collaborative work
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Escola Superior de Educação