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Deparamo-nos hoje, no meio da arte digital, com algo que poderíamos apelidar de um certo fetichismo tecnológico. No que diz respeito às obras audiovisuais interativas, público e autores deslumbram-se com a excelência e complexidade técnica, colocando a relação com a obra num plano secundário. Espelho disso será o foco no sistema computacional por parte da literatura, que tanto contribui para fomentar o desinteresse estético. Perante isto, surge a necessidade de compreender as metáforas que dão vida a estes objetos artísticos, de compreender como podemos ir além do fetichismo tecnológico na criação e de expor como a estética tem de estar, no mínimo, lado a lado com a técnica. Enquadrado como pesquisa artística, este projeto culmina na criação de tree-dimensional: uma instalação audiovisual interativa que nasce da observação e do registo fotográfico regular de uma árvore ao longo de um ano, e na composição de ativações performativas para a mesma. Metaforicamente: culmina numa caixa de música que enche o espaço e nos convida a passar tempo com uma bailarina cheia de ramos, folhas e raízes.
In today's digital art landscape, we encounter what could be described as a certain technological fetishism. Regarding interactive audiovisual works, both the audience and the authors are too dazzled by technical excellence and complexity, placing the relationship with the work on a secondary level. The literature's focus on the computational system reflects this issue, greatly fostering aesthetic disinterest. In light of this, there arises a need to understand the metaphors that give life to these artistic objects, to comprehend how we can move beyond technological fetishism in creation, and to expose how aesthetics must, at the very least, be side by side with technique. As an artistic research project, its outcomes are the creation of tree-dimensional: an interactive audiovisual installation that arises from the observation and regular photographic recording of a tree over a year, and the composition of performative activations for it. Metaphorically, its outcome is a music box that fills the space and invites us to spend time with a ballerina full of branches, leaves, and roots.
In today's digital art landscape, we encounter what could be described as a certain technological fetishism. Regarding interactive audiovisual works, both the audience and the authors are too dazzled by technical excellence and complexity, placing the relationship with the work on a secondary level. The literature's focus on the computational system reflects this issue, greatly fostering aesthetic disinterest. In light of this, there arises a need to understand the metaphors that give life to these artistic objects, to comprehend how we can move beyond technological fetishism in creation, and to expose how aesthetics must, at the very least, be side by side with technique. As an artistic research project, its outcomes are the creation of tree-dimensional: an interactive audiovisual installation that arises from the observation and regular photographic recording of a tree over a year, and the composition of performative activations for it. Metaphorically, its outcome is a music box that fills the space and invites us to spend time with a ballerina full of branches, leaves, and roots.
Obra interativa Fetichismo tecnológico Metáfora Árvore Ativação performativa Interactive artwork Technological fetishism Metaphor Tree Performative activation