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A satisfação dos colaboradores revela-se um fator crítico para o sucesso de uma
organização. Para que os colaboradores de uma empresa se sintam motivados no
desempenho das suas tarefas é necessário que estes se sintam satisfeitos no seu trabalho.
São os colaboradores que através da sua produtividade contribuem para a melhoria da
performance económica e financeira das empresas.
O objetivo desta investigação consiste em analisar o impacto da satisfação dos
colaboradores na performance económica e financeiras das empresas brasileiras cotadas
na Bovespa, no período entre 2011 e 2020.
Começando pela revisão de literatura, esta procurou aprofundar a temática da satisfação
e o desempenho no trabalho, quer ao nível individual, quer ao nível coletivo, em termos
da organização como um todo, tendo-se, no final, definido as hipóteses de partida para a
investigação. De seguida, foi conduzido um estudo empírico de forma a validar as
hipóteses de partida e testar o objetivo desta investigação.
Foram utilizados neste estudo dados recolhidos através das bases de dados Eikon,
Datastream e Worldscope, tendo sido analisadas 38 empresas. A performance económica
e financeira das empresas foi aferida tendo em conta três indicadores, designadamente, a
rendibilidade do ativo (ROA), a rendibilidade do capital próprio (ROE) e o Q de Tobin.
Como forma de aferir a satisfação dos colaboradores, foi utilizado um vetor de quatro
variáveis explicativas, sendo elas, a percentagem de colaboradores satisfeitos no trabalho,
a pontuação ESG da força de trabalho, a implementação de horários de trabalho flexíveis
e a existência de políticas de diversidade e de oportunidades nas organizações.
O modelo de regressão econométrica utilizado foi o modelo de efeitos fixos para os
indivíduos e para o tempo, tendo sido obtidas evidências de que a satisfação dos
colaboradores tem um impacto positivo e significativo na performance económica e
financeira das empresas brasileiras cotadas na Bovespa.
Employee satisfaction is a critical factor for the success of an organization. For the employees of a company to feel motivated in the performance of their tasks, it is necessary that they feel satisfied in their work. It is the employees who, through their productivity, contribute to improving the economic and financial performance of companies. The objective of this investigation is to analyze the impact of employee satisfaction on the economic and financial performance of Brazilian companies listed on Bovespa, in the period between 2011 and 2020. Starting with the literature review, this sought to deepen the theme of satisfaction and performance at work, both at the individual level and at the collective level, in terms of the organization as a whole, having, in the end, defined the starting hypotheses for the investigation. Then, an empirical study was conducted in order to validate the starting hypotheses and test the objective of this investigation. Data collected from the Eikon, Datastream and Worldscope databases were used in this study, with 38 companies having been analysed. The economic and financial performance of companies was measured taking into account three indicators, namely return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE) and Tobin's Q. As a way of measuring employee satisfaction, a vector of four explanatory variables was used, namely, the percentage of employees satisfied at work, the workforce's ESG score, the implementation of flexible working hours and the existence of employee safety policies. diversity and opportunities in organizations. The econometric regression model used was the fixed effects model for individuals and time, and evidence was obtained that employee satisfaction has a positive and significant impact on the economic and financial performance of Brazilian companies listed on Bovespa.
Employee satisfaction is a critical factor for the success of an organization. For the employees of a company to feel motivated in the performance of their tasks, it is necessary that they feel satisfied in their work. It is the employees who, through their productivity, contribute to improving the economic and financial performance of companies. The objective of this investigation is to analyze the impact of employee satisfaction on the economic and financial performance of Brazilian companies listed on Bovespa, in the period between 2011 and 2020. Starting with the literature review, this sought to deepen the theme of satisfaction and performance at work, both at the individual level and at the collective level, in terms of the organization as a whole, having, in the end, defined the starting hypotheses for the investigation. Then, an empirical study was conducted in order to validate the starting hypotheses and test the objective of this investigation. Data collected from the Eikon, Datastream and Worldscope databases were used in this study, with 38 companies having been analysed. The economic and financial performance of companies was measured taking into account three indicators, namely return on assets (ROA), return on equity (ROE) and Tobin's Q. As a way of measuring employee satisfaction, a vector of four explanatory variables was used, namely, the percentage of employees satisfied at work, the workforce's ESG score, the implementation of flexible working hours and the existence of employee safety policies. diversity and opportunities in organizations. The econometric regression model used was the fixed effects model for individuals and time, and evidence was obtained that employee satisfaction has a positive and significant impact on the economic and financial performance of Brazilian companies listed on Bovespa.
Satisfação no trabalho Rendibilidade Desempenho empresarial Performance económica e financeira Job satisfaction Economic and financial performance Profitability Business performance