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Para que uma organização alcance os objetivos estabelecidos de crescimento,
reconhecimento e progressão é necessário que a sua comunicação seja direcionada e
segmentada de acordo com o público-alvo, dotada de ferramentas e plataformas que
potenciem a sua visibilidade, atraindo assim potenciais clientes, levando-os a consumir um
produto ou serviço desejado.
A par da expansão da comunicação digital e o exponencial crescimento de dados em
ambiente online, o Business Intelligence (BI) oferece diversas vantagens no que diz respeito
à comunicação digital e conhecer melhor o público para estabelecer estratégias mais
direcionadas e segmentadas é fundamental.
Neste sentido, este projeto apresenta uma solução de BI, desenvolvido através da
metodologia CRISP-DM (CRoss Industry Standard Process for Data Mining), com o
objetivo de criar uma solução de suporte à decisão através da implementação de um Data
Warehouse para uma organização.
Os dados foram extraídos do Google Analytics e os dashboards foram desenvolvidos para
fornecer insights úteis aos gestores de comunicação, utilizando a ferramenta Power BI.
A implementação da solução de BI foi validada e aceite pela Direção da organização,
permitindo perceber a importância e pertinência da solução de BI criada.
Contribui-se, assim, para realçar a importância da utilização de soluções de Business
Intelligence no processo de tomada de decisão nas organizações, um vasto conjunto de
dados com características e fontes diferentes pode ser interligado usando modelos de dados,
que agilizam a análise das informações e a avaliação do desempenho das organizações.
For an organization to achieve the established objectives of growth, recognition and progression, its communication must be targeted and segmented according to the target audience, equipped with tools and platforms that enhance its visibility, thus attracting potential customers, leading to them to consume a desired product or service. Alongside the expansion of digital communication and the exponential growth of data in an online environment, Business Intelligence (BI) offers several advantages with regard to digital communication and better understanding the public to establish more targeted and segmented strategies is essential. In this sense, this project presents a BI solution, developed using the CRISP-DM methodology (CRoss Industry Standard Process for Data Mining), with the objective of creating a decision support solution through the implementation of a Data Warehouse for an organization. The data was extracted from Google Analytics and the dashboards were developed to provide useful insights to communication managers, using the Power BI tool. The implementation of the BI solution was validated and accepted by the organization's Management, allowing them to understand the importance and relevance of the BI solution created. This contributes to highlighting the importance of using Business Intelligence solutions in the decision-making process in organizations, a vast set of data with different characteristics and sources can be interconnected using data models, which speed up the analysis of information and evaluating the performance of organizations.
For an organization to achieve the established objectives of growth, recognition and progression, its communication must be targeted and segmented according to the target audience, equipped with tools and platforms that enhance its visibility, thus attracting potential customers, leading to them to consume a desired product or service. Alongside the expansion of digital communication and the exponential growth of data in an online environment, Business Intelligence (BI) offers several advantages with regard to digital communication and better understanding the public to establish more targeted and segmented strategies is essential. In this sense, this project presents a BI solution, developed using the CRISP-DM methodology (CRoss Industry Standard Process for Data Mining), with the objective of creating a decision support solution through the implementation of a Data Warehouse for an organization. The data was extracted from Google Analytics and the dashboards were developed to provide useful insights to communication managers, using the Power BI tool. The implementation of the BI solution was validated and accepted by the organization's Management, allowing them to understand the importance and relevance of the BI solution created. This contributes to highlighting the importance of using Business Intelligence solutions in the decision-making process in organizations, a vast set of data with different characteristics and sources can be interconnected using data models, which speed up the analysis of information and evaluating the performance of organizations.
Business intelligence Comunicação digital Data warehouse Sistemas de apoio à decisão Business intelligence Digital communication Data warehouse Decision support systems