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O presente Relatório Final de Estágio resulta de uma reflexão realizada no
âmbito da Prática Educativa, inserida no Mestrado em Ensino de Inglês e de
Francês ou Espanhol no Ensino Básico. A temática centra-se nas
potencialidades da abordagem de conteúdos culturais na aprendizagem de
léxico em Língua Estrangeira (LE).
Enquanto docente de LE considero que os conteúdos culturais podem ser
aliados extraordinariamente profícuos na sala de aula. O objetivo deste
Relatório Final é demonstrar essa potencialidade, especificamente no que se
refere à aquisição do léxico, particularmente da língua espanhola. Na
aprendizagem de uma língua, o contexto no qual a palavra é utilizada pode
constituir toda a diferença na compreensão e assimilação da mensagem.
Pretende-se então, associar o léxico aos aspetos culturais da língua-alvo,
fomentando a motivação, a curiosidade e o interesse que podem conduzir a
uma aprendizagem efetiva de conteúdos.
Fazendo uso de uma abordagem cultural como um meio para chegar à
aprendizagem foram, pois, implementadas nas aulas de Espanhol atividades
destinadas a descodificar alguns padrões sociais que podem ser observados em
Espanha. Estes padrões refletem comportamentos da comunidade e são o
resultado da transmissão de conteúdos e tradição cultural. As atividades foram
delineadas no sentido de promover e enriquecer a competência comunicativa.
Pretende-se demonstrar que o estudo e aprendizagem de conteúdos
culturais podem promover nos alunos um domínio mais abrangente do léxico
conduzindo-os a um maior domínio linguístico e simultaneamente à
capacidade de ler nas entrelinhas das referências culturais frequentemente
existentes no léxico e nas trocas comunicativas mais amplas.
The current Final Practice Report results from a reflection carried out in the Educational Practice within the Mestrado em Ensino do Inglês e Francês ou Espanhol no Ensino Básico. The theme focuses on the potentiality of a cultural content approach concerning the learning of lexicon in a Foreign Language (FL) study. As a FL teacher I consider that cultural contents can be an extraordinary classroom ally. The purpose of this Final Report is to demonstrate this capability, specifically as far as the acquisition of lexicon is considered, particularly in the Spanish language. When learning a language, the context in which the word is used is essential to understanding the message. Therefore, the goal is to associate the lexicon to the cultural aspects of the target language, developing motivation and interest that can lead to an effective learning of the contents. Using a cultural approach as a means to achieve learning, certain activities were implemented in Spanish classes. These activities aimed the decoding of some social patterns that can be observed in Spain. They reflect the community's behavior and are the result of the transmission of cultural tradition. The activities were outlined in order to enrich the communicative competence. The intention is to demonstrate that the study of cultural contents can promote in students a broader domain of lexicon which can lead them to a greater linguistic knowledge and simultaneously to the ability to read between the lines of cultural references that often exist in the lexicon and in communicative exchanges.
The current Final Practice Report results from a reflection carried out in the Educational Practice within the Mestrado em Ensino do Inglês e Francês ou Espanhol no Ensino Básico. The theme focuses on the potentiality of a cultural content approach concerning the learning of lexicon in a Foreign Language (FL) study. As a FL teacher I consider that cultural contents can be an extraordinary classroom ally. The purpose of this Final Report is to demonstrate this capability, specifically as far as the acquisition of lexicon is considered, particularly in the Spanish language. When learning a language, the context in which the word is used is essential to understanding the message. Therefore, the goal is to associate the lexicon to the cultural aspects of the target language, developing motivation and interest that can lead to an effective learning of the contents. Using a cultural approach as a means to achieve learning, certain activities were implemented in Spanish classes. These activities aimed the decoding of some social patterns that can be observed in Spain. They reflect the community's behavior and are the result of the transmission of cultural tradition. The activities were outlined in order to enrich the communicative competence. The intention is to demonstrate that the study of cultural contents can promote in students a broader domain of lexicon which can lead them to a greater linguistic knowledge and simultaneously to the ability to read between the lines of cultural references that often exist in the lexicon and in communicative exchanges.
Abordagem cultural Léxico Conteúdos culturais Aprendizagem de língua estrangeira Cultural approach Lexicon Cultural content foreign language learning
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Escola Superior de Educação