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A Realidade Virtual e a Realidade Aumentada aplicada aos processos de Recursos Humanos poderá ser um tipo de tecnologia com grande potencial, com um importante papel na réplica do ambiente de trabalho. Emergente no contexto organizacional, ainda não se encontra aplicada em todos os campos de atuação empresarial. O desafio consiste em transformar a envolvente em que nos movemos, permitindo um ambiente imersivo onde as pessoas possam sentir, percecionar e tornar real a sua experiência virtual, no contexto laboral.
O objetivo deste trabalho é identificar as potencialidades da Realidade Virtual e da Realidade Aumentada em Recursos Humanos, em particular no processo de Seleção de Pessoas.
Metodologicamente, fez-se uma Revisão Sistemática da Literatura à produção científica existente sobre a Realidade Virtual e Aumentada nos Recursos Humanos e na Seleção de Pessoas e uma Análise de Conteúdo online a páginas web sobre Realidade Virtual e Aumentada na Seleção de Pessoas. A amostra da Revisão Sistemática da Literatura inclui 21 artigos referentes à utilização da Realidade Virtual e Aumentada nos Recursos Humanos, 7 artigos sobre Realidade Virtual e Aumentada na Seleção de Pessoas. A amostra da Análise de Conteúdo online inclui 20 websites sobre Realidade Virtual e Aumentada na Seleção de Pessoas.
Os resultados obtidos mostram diferenças entre o que está estudado cientificamente e o que já se desenvolve e comercializa na prática. Existem algumas lacunas na produção científica faltando estudos em alguns processos específicos de Recursos Humanos onde seria importante testar a aplicação eficiente desta tecnologia.
A Realidade Virtual e Aumentada oferece ferramentas inovadoras de trabalho, identifica o candidato mais adequado ao perfil da vaga, permite visualizar as atividades com maior realismo, avalia competências, demonstrando que a inovação tecnológica é uma opção de investimento no mercado dos Recursos Humanos.
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality applied at the Human Resources processes seems to be a kind of technology that people can expect to play an important role in the work environment and should help to create a virtual set to replicate the company activity in order to achieve this goal. Emerging in the organizational context, it is not yet applied in all fields of business. The challenge has been to make the virtual world feel, sound and look real to immerse people into a virtual work environment. The main goal of this work is to identify the potential of the Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Human Resources, particularly in the Personnel Selection process. Methodologically, a Systematic Literature Review was carried out to the existing scientific production for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Human Resources and Personnel Selection, and an online Content Analysis to web pages for Virtual and Augmented Reality in Personnel Selection. The Systematic Literature Review sample includes 21 articles on the use of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Human Resources, 7 articles on Virtual and Augmented Reality in People Selection. The online Content Analysis sample includes 20 websites. The results show differences between what is scientifically studied and what is already developed and commercialized in practice. There are some gaps in scientific production about certain specific Human Resources processes where it would be important to test the efficient application of this technology. The Virtual and Augmented Reality offer innovative working tools such as identifies the most suitable candidate according to the vacancy profile, allows to visualize the activities with more realism, evaluates the competences, showing that technological innovation is an investment option in Human Resources.
Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality applied at the Human Resources processes seems to be a kind of technology that people can expect to play an important role in the work environment and should help to create a virtual set to replicate the company activity in order to achieve this goal. Emerging in the organizational context, it is not yet applied in all fields of business. The challenge has been to make the virtual world feel, sound and look real to immerse people into a virtual work environment. The main goal of this work is to identify the potential of the Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Human Resources, particularly in the Personnel Selection process. Methodologically, a Systematic Literature Review was carried out to the existing scientific production for Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Human Resources and Personnel Selection, and an online Content Analysis to web pages for Virtual and Augmented Reality in Personnel Selection. The Systematic Literature Review sample includes 21 articles on the use of Virtual and Augmented Reality in Human Resources, 7 articles on Virtual and Augmented Reality in People Selection. The online Content Analysis sample includes 20 websites. The results show differences between what is scientifically studied and what is already developed and commercialized in practice. There are some gaps in scientific production about certain specific Human Resources processes where it would be important to test the efficient application of this technology. The Virtual and Augmented Reality offer innovative working tools such as identifies the most suitable candidate according to the vacancy profile, allows to visualize the activities with more realism, evaluates the competences, showing that technological innovation is an investment option in Human Resources.
Versão Final (contém alterações sugeridas pelo Júri)
Realidade virtual Realidade aumentada Gestão de recursos humanos Seleção de pessoas Virtual reality Human resource management Augmented reality Personnel selection