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O objectivo do presente estudo foi o de explorar de que forma as questões socioculturais da história de Portugal influenciaram a actividade da Banda e o de aferir se o repertório que as bandas actualmente tocam corresponde à evolução verificada ao nível do seu potencial artístico. Finalmente é apresentado um projecto de composição para banda em concerto.
Foi realizada uma análise do repertório tocado em práticas performativas de concerto recorrendo a notas de programa, registos dos arquivos das bandas militares, e vários arquivos pessoais. Para cada período temporal definido, foram considerados factores como o impacto dos factores socioculturais ou a instrumentação disponível.
Da análise dos documentos emergiram três períodos temporais distintos cujo tipo de repertório foi dividido nas seguintes categorias: repertório nacional e estrangeiro (original, transcrito, arranjo e estreias nacionais ou absolutas), repertório de banda militar e repertório de banda civil. Neste último foi ainda considerado o repertório de banda comunitária, académica e de projecto.
Os resultados indicam que em meados do século XIX até ao período da implantação da República as lutas político-partidárias e as necessidades socioreligiosas contribuíram para um forte desenvolvimento das Bandas no território nacional. Numa segunda fase, a implantação do Estado Novo, as duas Grandes Guerras Mundiais e o regime ditatorial fascista travam este desenvolvimento, sobretudo nas bandas civis. Após o 25 de Abril, verifica-se uma convergência de acções de entidades públicas e privadas que potenciam a melhoria das condições económicas, educativas e sociais das Bandas, cujo alcance ainda hoje é visível.
Dos finais do século XIX até à República há uma prática de repertório que é consentânea com a estética musical da época. Na segunda fase, verifica-se no âmbito das bandas comunitárias, uma estagnação e até retrocesso nas práticas de repertório. O pós-25 de Abril, traz consigo uma preocupação ao nível do Estado em melhorar a qualidade da prática musical, que conduziu ao presente período de evolução no qual a correlação entre o potencial artístico deste tipo de agrupamentos e a estética do repertório que praticam emerge novamente.
The aim of this study was to explore the impact of sociocultural history of Portugal on the activity of the band and to assess whether the quality of the repertoire that bands play corresponds to the development of their artistic potential. Finally, we present a set of compositions designed for a band concert. An analysis of the performance practices of the band, namely of the repertoire played, was carried out through program notes, records of the archives of military bands and several personal archives. For each time period defined, factors such as the impact of sociocultural factors or instrumentation available were considered. The analysis of the documents indicated three distinct time periods and for each one the type of repertoire performed was divided into the following categories: national and foreign repertoire (original, transcript , arrangement and national premieres or absolute premiers) , military band repertoire and civilian band repertoire. Four types of civilian bands were also included: community, academic and project. The results indicated that from the mid -nineteenth century to the establishment of the Republic party both political struggles and religious aspirations and needs contributed to a strong development of the Bands in the country. In the second phase, the implementation of the New State, the two World Wars and the fascist dictatorship hinder this development, particularly in civilian bands . After April 25 , there is a convergence of actions of public and private entities that enabled better economic, educational and social conditions of bands, whose reach is still visible. From the late nineteenth century to the Republic there is a practice of repertoire that is consistent with the musical aesthetic of the time. In the second phase, there a stagnation and even regression in the practice of the repertoire, especially in the community bands. The post-April 25 , brought a concern at the state level to improve the quality of musical practice, which led to the present period of evolution in which there is a visible correlation between the artistic potential of such groupings and the aesthetics of the repertoire they play.
The aim of this study was to explore the impact of sociocultural history of Portugal on the activity of the band and to assess whether the quality of the repertoire that bands play corresponds to the development of their artistic potential. Finally, we present a set of compositions designed for a band concert. An analysis of the performance practices of the band, namely of the repertoire played, was carried out through program notes, records of the archives of military bands and several personal archives. For each time period defined, factors such as the impact of sociocultural factors or instrumentation available were considered. The analysis of the documents indicated three distinct time periods and for each one the type of repertoire performed was divided into the following categories: national and foreign repertoire (original, transcript , arrangement and national premieres or absolute premiers) , military band repertoire and civilian band repertoire. Four types of civilian bands were also included: community, academic and project. The results indicated that from the mid -nineteenth century to the establishment of the Republic party both political struggles and religious aspirations and needs contributed to a strong development of the Bands in the country. In the second phase, the implementation of the New State, the two World Wars and the fascist dictatorship hinder this development, particularly in civilian bands . After April 25 , there is a convergence of actions of public and private entities that enabled better economic, educational and social conditions of bands, whose reach is still visible. From the late nineteenth century to the Republic there is a practice of repertoire that is consistent with the musical aesthetic of the time. In the second phase, there a stagnation and even regression in the practice of the repertoire, especially in the community bands. The post-April 25 , brought a concern at the state level to improve the quality of musical practice, which led to the present period of evolution in which there is a visible correlation between the artistic potential of such groupings and the aesthetics of the repertoire they play.
Banda em Portugal Práticas de repertório Composição para banda Compositores portugueses para banda Band in Portugal Practices of repertoire Composition for band Portuguese composers for band