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A Internet e as redes sociais vieram revolucionar por completo o mundo em que vivemos,
particularmente no que diz respeito à comunicação e às possibilidades de expressão
individual e pública a partir da palavra e da imagem. De entre os inúmeros fenómenos
passíveis de análise, a utilização das redes sociais para promoção de novas visões da
relação connosco próprios e com a sociedade merece uma atenção particular.
O presente estudo, intitulado de “O caso do movimento Body Positivity no Instagram”,
tem como objetivo descrever e compreender o movimento Body Positivity, entendido
como ativismo digital, no contexto da rede social Instagram e analisar se o conteúdo do
movimento Body Positivity afeta os utilizadores do Instagram e, em caso afirmativo, se é
um impacto positivo ou negativo
Neste sentido, foi realizada uma revisão da literatura com o objetivo de recolher o máximo
de informação disponível sobre o tópico, de modo a responder aos objetivos definidos.
Posteriormente, foi adotada uma metodologia de investigação qualitativa através da
realização de uma análise de conteúdo a um conjunto de perfis de Instagram de
influenciadores e marcas body positive nacionais e internacionais. Esta análise teve como
objetivo reconhecer e analisar princípios e premissas que decorrem das perspetivas
individuais dos utilizadores sobre o conteúdo body positive.
Os resultados obtidos através da análise de conteúdo e do enquadramento teórico
ajudaram a responder aos objetivos propostos numa fase inicial pelo que é possível
afirmar que o movimento Body Positivity tem realmente impacto positivo nos utilizadores
do Instagram e é bem recebido pelos mesmos, tal como foi possível observar pelas
interações com as várias contas analisadas.
The Internet and social networks have completely revolutionized the world we live in, particularly with regard to communication and the possibilities for individual and public expression through words and images. Among the countless phenomena that can be analyzed, the use of social networks to promote new visions of our relationship with ourselves and with society deserves particular attention. This study, entitled "The case of the Body Positivity movement on Instagram", aims to describe and understand the Body Positivity movement, understood as digital activism, in the context of the social network Instagram and to analyze whether the content of the Body Positivity movement affects Instagram users and, if so, whether it has a positive or negative impact. To this end, a literature review was carried out with the aim of gathering as much information as possible on the topic in order to meet the objectives set. Subsequently, a qualitative research methodology was adopted by carrying out a content analysis of a set of Instagram profiles of national and international body positive influencers and brands. The aim of this analysis was to recognize and analyse principles and assumptions that stem from users' individual perspectives on body positive content. The results obtained through content analysis and the theoretical framework helped to answer the objectives proposed at an early stage, so it is possible to state that the Body Positivity movement does have a positive impact on Instagram users and is well received by them, as can be seen from the interactions with the various accounts analyzed.
The Internet and social networks have completely revolutionized the world we live in, particularly with regard to communication and the possibilities for individual and public expression through words and images. Among the countless phenomena that can be analyzed, the use of social networks to promote new visions of our relationship with ourselves and with society deserves particular attention. This study, entitled "The case of the Body Positivity movement on Instagram", aims to describe and understand the Body Positivity movement, understood as digital activism, in the context of the social network Instagram and to analyze whether the content of the Body Positivity movement affects Instagram users and, if so, whether it has a positive or negative impact. To this end, a literature review was carried out with the aim of gathering as much information as possible on the topic in order to meet the objectives set. Subsequently, a qualitative research methodology was adopted by carrying out a content analysis of a set of Instagram profiles of national and international body positive influencers and brands. The aim of this analysis was to recognize and analyse principles and assumptions that stem from users' individual perspectives on body positive content. The results obtained through content analysis and the theoretical framework helped to answer the objectives proposed at an early stage, so it is possible to state that the Body Positivity movement does have a positive impact on Instagram users and is well received by them, as can be seen from the interactions with the various accounts analyzed.
Body positivity Movimentos sociais Instagram Redes sociais Social movements Social networks