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O Governo Federal tem implementado e exigido práticas de gestão ambiental responsável em seus órgãos, o desenvolvimento sustentável, a gestão ambiental têm sido temas amplamente discutidos em diversas esferas da sociedade e ganhado cada vez mais relevância também na gestão pública. Nesse contexto, as instituições públicas de ensino, por força de sua representação social, precisam servir de exemplo para as demais organizações. A problemática envolvida nesta pesquisa foi diagnosticar a efetividade das políticas públicas de gestão ambiental e a promoção da sustentabilidade dentro de uma instituição federal de ensino, com ênfase nos programas Agenda Ambiental na Administração Pública (A3P) e Plano de Gestão de Logística Sustentável (PLS). Os objetivos específicos consistiram em verificar a existência de políticas de gestão ambiental no IFMT – Campus Cáceres; identificar as ações ambientais praticadas pela Instituição e identificar a existência de um PLS do Campus. O diagnóstico apontou a ausência de normatizações implementadas no âmbito institucional, evidenciando que não existe uma política ambiental formalmente inserida em sua gestão que atendam efetivamente às questões ambientais e confirmou-se que a instituição de ensino não possui o PLS formalmente estabelecido, ainda que adote práticas informais, isoladas e desarticuladas que devem ser consideradas, tais como campanhas para reduzir o consumo de água e energia, estabelecimento de sistema de coleta seletiva de resíduos, com instalação de pontos de coleta distribuídos pelo Campus, melhoria da qualidade de vida no ambiente de trabalho com presença de espaços verdes e áreas de convivência, que ainda que timidamente, demonstram a preocupação da Instituição com a sustentabilidade e a responsabilidade socioambiental. Foram recomendadas na pesquisa, melhorias, como a formalização de um PLS, o desenvolvimento de um sistema coordenado de coleta seletiva, a sensibilização e capacitação dos servidores, monitoramento contínuo das práticas sustentáveis, a integração de critérios ambientais nas compras públicas e melhorias na eficiência energética.
The Federal Government has implemented and mandated responsible environmental management practices within its agencies, with sustainable development and environmental management being widely discussed topics across various sectors of society, gaining increasing relevance in public administration as well. In this context, public educational institutions, due to their social representation, must set an example for other organizations. The issue addressed in this research was to assess the effectiveness of public environmental management policies and the promotion of sustainability within a federal educational institution, with an emphasis on the Environmental Agenda in Public Administration (A3P) and the Sustainable Logistics Management Plan (PLS). The specific objectives were to verify the existence of environmental management policies at IFMT – Campus Cáceres, to identify the environmental actions practiced by the institution, and to determine whether a PLS existed for the campus. The diagnosis revealed the absence of formalized regulations within the institution, highlighting the lack of an environmental policy formally integrated into its management that effectively addresses environmental issues. It was confirmed that the educational institution does not have a formally established PLS, although it adopts informal, isolated, and uncoordinated practices that should be acknowledged. These include campaigns to reduce water and energy consumption, the establishment of a selective waste collection system with collection points distributed throughout the campus, and improvements in workplace quality of life through green spaces and common areas, which, though modest, demonstrate the institution's concern for sustainability and socio-environmental responsibility. The research recommended improvements such as the formalization of a PLS, the development of a coordinated selective waste collection system, raising awareness and providing training to staff, continuous monitoring of sustainable practices, integrating environmental criteria into public procurement, and improving energy efficiency.
The Federal Government has implemented and mandated responsible environmental management practices within its agencies, with sustainable development and environmental management being widely discussed topics across various sectors of society, gaining increasing relevance in public administration as well. In this context, public educational institutions, due to their social representation, must set an example for other organizations. The issue addressed in this research was to assess the effectiveness of public environmental management policies and the promotion of sustainability within a federal educational institution, with an emphasis on the Environmental Agenda in Public Administration (A3P) and the Sustainable Logistics Management Plan (PLS). The specific objectives were to verify the existence of environmental management policies at IFMT – Campus Cáceres, to identify the environmental actions practiced by the institution, and to determine whether a PLS existed for the campus. The diagnosis revealed the absence of formalized regulations within the institution, highlighting the lack of an environmental policy formally integrated into its management that effectively addresses environmental issues. It was confirmed that the educational institution does not have a formally established PLS, although it adopts informal, isolated, and uncoordinated practices that should be acknowledged. These include campaigns to reduce water and energy consumption, the establishment of a selective waste collection system with collection points distributed throughout the campus, and improvements in workplace quality of life through green spaces and common areas, which, though modest, demonstrate the institution's concern for sustainability and socio-environmental responsibility. The research recommended improvements such as the formalization of a PLS, the development of a coordinated selective waste collection system, raising awareness and providing training to staff, continuous monitoring of sustainable practices, integrating environmental criteria into public procurement, and improving energy efficiency.
Políticas ambientais Sustentabilidade A3P PLS Environmental policies Sustainability