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Este estudo explora a importância da comunicação digital nas vendas de um negócio local, tomando como objeto de estudo o Atelier Cristina Torres. Num cenário onde o marketing digital se tornou indispensável para o sucesso empresarial, as pequenas empresas enfrentam desafios específicos, particularmente no setor da moda, onde a imagem e o envolvimento do cliente são cruciais para a criação de uma marca reconhecida. A investigação foi realizada com base na metodologia de Design Science Research (DSR), que permitiu a identificação de problemas e oportunidades, e o desenvolvimento de artefactos digitais que otimizassem a presença do atelier nas redes sociais e outras plataformas digitais. Foram analisados vários aspetos da comunicação digital, incluindo redes sociais como Instagram, Facebook e TikTok, com o intuito de perceber de que forma a interação com os consumidores pode ser aumentada e, consequentemente, contribuir para um aumento nas vendas e no reconhecimento da marca. Os resultados mostram que a implementação de uma estratégia digital coesa, combinada com a criação de conteúdos visuais atrativos e a colaboração com influenciadores digitais, pode aumentar significativamente a notoriedade e a interação com o público. Este estudo sugere que a comunicação digital não só permite alcançar novos clientes, como também ajuda a fidelizar os clientes existentes, através de uma experiência de marca personalizada e envolvente. Ao investir em publicidade paga, otimização de conteúdos e na presença em redes sociais, o Atelier Cristina Torres conseguiu melhorar a sua presença online e atingir novos públicos, o que se refletiu num crescimento do negócio. As conclusões destacam a importância de uma estratégia de comunicação digital adaptada à realidade e aos objetivos de cada negócio, particularmente para empresas locais que desejam expandir a sua influência no mercado competitivo da moda.
This study explores the importance of digital communication in the sales of a local business, taking Atelier Cristina Torres as its object of study. In a scenario where digital marketing has become indispensable for business success, small businesses face specific challenges, particularly in the fashion sector, where image and customer engagement are crucial to creating a recognized brand. The investigation was carried out based on the Design Science Research (DSR) methodology, which allowed the identification of problems and opportunities, and the development of digital artefacts that optimized the studio's presence on social networks and other digital platforms.Various aspects of digital communication were analyzed, including social networks such as Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, with the aim of understanding how interaction with consumers can be increased and, consequently, contribute to an increase in sales and brand recognition. The results show that implementing a cohesive digital strategy, combined with the creation of attractive visual content and collaboration with digital influencers, can significantly increase notoriety and interaction with the public. This study suggests that digital communication not only allows you to reach new customers, but also helps to retain existing customers through a personalized and engaging brand experience. By investing in paid advertising, content optimization and presence on social networks, Atelier Cristina Torres was able to improve its online presence and reach new audiences, which was reflected in business growth. The conclusions highlight the importance of a digital communication strategy adapted to the reality and objectives of each business, particularly for local companies that wish to expand their influence in the competitive fashion market.
This study explores the importance of digital communication in the sales of a local business, taking Atelier Cristina Torres as its object of study. In a scenario where digital marketing has become indispensable for business success, small businesses face specific challenges, particularly in the fashion sector, where image and customer engagement are crucial to creating a recognized brand. The investigation was carried out based on the Design Science Research (DSR) methodology, which allowed the identification of problems and opportunities, and the development of digital artefacts that optimized the studio's presence on social networks and other digital platforms.Various aspects of digital communication were analyzed, including social networks such as Instagram, Facebook and TikTok, with the aim of understanding how interaction with consumers can be increased and, consequently, contribute to an increase in sales and brand recognition. The results show that implementing a cohesive digital strategy, combined with the creation of attractive visual content and collaboration with digital influencers, can significantly increase notoriety and interaction with the public. This study suggests that digital communication not only allows you to reach new customers, but also helps to retain existing customers through a personalized and engaging brand experience. By investing in paid advertising, content optimization and presence on social networks, Atelier Cristina Torres was able to improve its online presence and reach new audiences, which was reflected in business growth. The conclusions highlight the importance of a digital communication strategy adapted to the reality and objectives of each business, particularly for local companies that wish to expand their influence in the competitive fashion market.
Atelier Comunicação digital Moda Redes sociais Vendas Digital communication Fashion Sales Social media