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Gestão de Energia e Sustentabilidade são os pilares em que assenta esta dissertação, realizada no âmbito da Energia Elétrica em Ambiente Industrial.
Neste sentido, deve entender-se “Gestão de Energia” como o planeamento de operações nas unidades de produção e de consumo. Tem como objetivos a conservação dos recursos, proteção climática e redução de custos, para que seja possível o acesso permanente à energia de que necessitamos.
“Sustentabilidade”, por definição, é uma caraterística ou condição de um processo ou de um sistema que permite a sua permanência, até um determinado nível, por um determinado prazo.
A Indústria Têxtil, da região do Vale do Ave, por ser extensa e muito heterogénea, quer na qualidade, quer na dimensão e nos recursos que utiliza, apresentou-se como uma oportunidade para aplicar os conhecimentos adquiridos, nas diversas disciplinas do Mestrado em Engenharia Electrotécnica - Área de Sistemas Eléctricos de Energia e como meio condutor à tentativa de optimização e racionalização do consumo de Energia Elétrica no Sector.
O modelo encontrado para dar uma resposta satisfatória ao inicialmente proposto foi a Auditoria Energética. Neste sentido, foram realizadas visitas às instalações industriais, para o levantamento e recolha de informação, que posteriormente viria a ser analisada e, com base na mesma, tentou apresentar-se um conjunto de soluções que visassem a eficiência Energética do sector.
Com o decorrer das visitas, surgiu a necessidade de criar um modelo, que servisse de guia da auditoria. Algo que seria um bloco de notas, mas específico, de forma a não perder a informação recolhida. Então foi desenvolvida uma aplicação para IPAD/IPHONE, o que permite também a recolha e armazenamento de fotografias, que aqui tem um papel fundamental.
Salienta-se que as expectativas foram ao encontro do esperado, pois o que se encontrou foi um número significativo de empresas a precisar deste contributo.
Atuando no “combate” ao consumo desnecessário e ao desperdício, é estar a contribuir ativa e positivamente, no desenvolvimento próspero da temática de Sustentabilidade Energética.
Energy Management and Sustainability are the key pillars on which this dissertation is based within the Energy in Industrial Environment. In this sense, "Energy Management" should be understood as the planning of operations on production plants and consumption units. It aims to resource conservation, climate protection and cost reduction, so we can have permanent access to energy. "Sustainability" by definition is a condition or characteristic of a process or a system that allows us to stay on to a certain extent within a certain period. The Textile Industry in Vale do Ave, due to its extensive industry sector expertise, both in quality, dimension and resources, presents itself as an opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired in a wide variety of subjects within the Masters in Electrical Engineering – Electrical Power Systems Area, aiming to optimize and rationalize the consumption of Electric Energy in the Sector. Energy Auditing was the model we chose to achieve what we originally set out to do. Therefore, we visited several industrial facilities to survey and collect information, based on which we tried to present a set of solutions that aimed Energy efficiency in this sector. In the course of the visits, there was the need to create a guide for the audit. Something that would be a specific notepad, in order to retain the collected information. So we developed a software for IPAD / IPHONE, which also allows the collection and storage of photographs, which plays a key role in this process. In this respect, it should be pointed out that the reality met the expectations we had, because we found many companies in need of this support. By acting in "combat" against the unnecessary consumption and waste, is to be contributing actively and positively in the prosperous development of Energy Sustainability.
Energy Management and Sustainability are the key pillars on which this dissertation is based within the Energy in Industrial Environment. In this sense, "Energy Management" should be understood as the planning of operations on production plants and consumption units. It aims to resource conservation, climate protection and cost reduction, so we can have permanent access to energy. "Sustainability" by definition is a condition or characteristic of a process or a system that allows us to stay on to a certain extent within a certain period. The Textile Industry in Vale do Ave, due to its extensive industry sector expertise, both in quality, dimension and resources, presents itself as an opportunity to apply the knowledge acquired in a wide variety of subjects within the Masters in Electrical Engineering – Electrical Power Systems Area, aiming to optimize and rationalize the consumption of Electric Energy in the Sector. Energy Auditing was the model we chose to achieve what we originally set out to do. Therefore, we visited several industrial facilities to survey and collect information, based on which we tried to present a set of solutions that aimed Energy efficiency in this sector. In the course of the visits, there was the need to create a guide for the audit. Something that would be a specific notepad, in order to retain the collected information. So we developed a software for IPAD / IPHONE, which also allows the collection and storage of photographs, which plays a key role in this process. In this respect, it should be pointed out that the reality met the expectations we had, because we found many companies in need of this support. By acting in "combat" against the unnecessary consumption and waste, is to be contributing actively and positively in the prosperous development of Energy Sustainability.
Energia Eficiência Energética Auditorias Energéticas Poupança Energia Verde Sustentabilidade Energy Energy Efficiency Energy Audits Savings Green Energy Sustainability