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O ato performativo é uma forma de expressão artística que pode ser potenciado
através do cruzamento de vários media com elementos cenográficos. Tipicamente a
produção destes conteúdos e individualizada, complexa e suportada por recursos
técnicos e tecnológicos que nem sempre estão ao alcance de todos os artistas. Por outro
lado, estes conteúdos são produzidos para uma determinada configuração estanque,
limitando a realização do ato performativo a locais que respondem a configuração
definida. Na tentativa de ultrapassar estas limitações e democratizar a produção de
conteúdos para atos performativos foi concebido um Sistema Modular Multimedia em
Contexto Performativo.
Esta proposta explora a simbiose de todos os elementos constituintes do
espetáculo, tornando a produção de conteúdos em um processo global. Para o
desenvolvimento deste sistema partiu-se da investigação sobre as constituintes dos atos
performativos identificando as suas lacunas, definiu-se as características e os requisitos
para a produção dos conteúdos, desenvolveu-se um modelo conceptual genérico através
de um ecossistema digital de interação ecológico sustentado por um desenho modular
que foi implementado num protótipo. Para este protótipo foi conceptualizado todo um
espetáculo para um caso de estudo tendo sido produzidos todos os conteúdos com a
metodologia definida no modelo conceptual. Assim, foi desenvolvido e implementado
um artefacto com componente digital e física, com a finalidade de provar as
potencialidades de um sistema modular multimédia multidisciplinar.
The performative act is a form of artistic expression that can be enhanced by crossing various media with scenographic elements. Typically, the production of these contents is individualized, complex and supported by technical and technological resources that are not always available to all artists. On the other hand, these contents are produced for a certain watertight configuration, limiting the performance of the performative act to places that respond to the defined configuration. In an attempt to overcome these limitations and democratize the production of content for performative acts, a Modular Multimedia System in Performative Context was conceived. This proposal explores the symbiosis of all the elements that make up the show, making the production of content a global process. For the development of this system, research was started on the constituents of performative acts identifying their gaps, the characteristics and requirements for the production of content were defined, a generic conceptual model was developed through a digital ecosystem of ecological interaction supported by a modular design that was implemented in a prototype. For this prototype, a whole show for a case study was conceptualized and all content was produced using the methodology defined in the conceptual model. Thus, an artifact with a digital and physical component was developed and implemented in order to prove the potential of a multidisciplinary modular multimedia system.
The performative act is a form of artistic expression that can be enhanced by crossing various media with scenographic elements. Typically, the production of these contents is individualized, complex and supported by technical and technological resources that are not always available to all artists. On the other hand, these contents are produced for a certain watertight configuration, limiting the performance of the performative act to places that respond to the defined configuration. In an attempt to overcome these limitations and democratize the production of content for performative acts, a Modular Multimedia System in Performative Context was conceived. This proposal explores the symbiosis of all the elements that make up the show, making the production of content a global process. For the development of this system, research was started on the constituents of performative acts identifying their gaps, the characteristics and requirements for the production of content were defined, a generic conceptual model was developed through a digital ecosystem of ecological interaction supported by a modular design that was implemented in a prototype. For this prototype, a whole show for a case study was conceptualized and all content was produced using the methodology defined in the conceptual model. Thus, an artifact with a digital and physical component was developed and implemented in order to prove the potential of a multidisciplinary modular multimedia system.
Trabalho de projeto
Ato performativo Sistema modular multimédia Ecossistema digital Performative act Modular multimedia system Digital ecosystem