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A oferta formativa em Recursos Humanos sobre o olhar dos diferentes Stakeholders é
importante para se construir uma visão holística destas sinergias. O objetivo geral deste
estudo é explorar de que modo os agentes empregadores contribuem para a oferta
formativa em Recursos Humanos. Tendo este objetivo como mote, torna-se importante
compreender de que forma é percecionada a oferta formativa pelos estudantes, pelos
agentes responsáveis pela oferta formativa e pelos agentes empregadores.
Assim, o presente estudo tem como objetivos específicos (1) compreender como os
estudantes percecionam o contributo dos agentes empregadores e educativos no
desenvolvimento das suas competências profissionais, (2) explorar como os responsáveis
pela oferta formativa em Recursos Humanos percecionam esse contributo junto dos seus
estudantes e (3) explorar de que modo os profissionais de Recursos Humanos auto
percecionam o seu contributo no desenvolvimento das competências profissionais nos
estudantes de RH.
Baseada na abordagem qualitativa, a recolha de dados foi obtida utilizando entrevistas
semiestruturadas construídas para o efeito. Foram entrevistados, com recurso no método
focus group, 49 finalistas de licenciaturas de recursos humanos de 2 instituições de ensino
superior do Grande Porto, e realizada entrevista individual aos 2 diretores de curso das
licenciaturas de Recursos Humanos de ambas as instituições e a 9 profissionais da área
dos recursos humanos, a trabalhar em organizações localizadas na Região Norte.
Os resultados sugerem que (1) a componente prática é a mais valorizada pelos estudantes;
(2) os diretores de curso consideram que existe uma relação forte com as entidades
empregadoras e (3) a maioria das entidades empregadoras sente-se envolvida com as
instituições académicas, apesar de reconhecerem que, nos cursos de licenciatura, existe
ainda uma elevada falta de orientação prática orientada para as questões mais basilares
dos RH.
No final, são apresentadas as prinicpais conclusões, identificadas limitações de
investigação e fornecidas pistas de investigação futura.
The Human Resources training offer from the point of view of the different stakeholders is important for building a holistic view of these synergies. The general aim of this study is to explore how employers contribute to the Human Resources training offer. With this objective as a motto, it is important to understand how the training offer is perceived by the students, the agents responsible for the training offer and the employers. The specific objectives of this study are therefore (1) to understand how students perceive the contribution of employers and educational agents to the development of their professional competences, (2) to explore how those responsible for providing training in Human Resources perceive this contribution among their students and (3) to explore how Human Resources professionals self-perceive their contribution to the development of professional competences among HR students.Using semi-structured interviews designed for this purpose, we interviewed 49 HR graduates from 2 higher education institutions in the Greater Porto area, 2 course directors and 9 HR professionals from the Northern Region. The results suggest that (1) the practical component is the one most valued by students; (2) course directors consider that there is a strong relationship with employers and (3) most employers feel involved with academic institutions, despite recognising that there is still a high lack of practical orientation in undergraduate courses geared towards the most basic HR issues.At the end, the main conclusions are presented, research limitations are identified and avenues for future research are provided. At the end, the main conclusions are presented, research limitations are identified and avenues for future research are provided.
The Human Resources training offer from the point of view of the different stakeholders is important for building a holistic view of these synergies. The general aim of this study is to explore how employers contribute to the Human Resources training offer. With this objective as a motto, it is important to understand how the training offer is perceived by the students, the agents responsible for the training offer and the employers. The specific objectives of this study are therefore (1) to understand how students perceive the contribution of employers and educational agents to the development of their professional competences, (2) to explore how those responsible for providing training in Human Resources perceive this contribution among their students and (3) to explore how Human Resources professionals self-perceive their contribution to the development of professional competences among HR students.Using semi-structured interviews designed for this purpose, we interviewed 49 HR graduates from 2 higher education institutions in the Greater Porto area, 2 course directors and 9 HR professionals from the Northern Region. The results suggest that (1) the practical component is the one most valued by students; (2) course directors consider that there is a strong relationship with employers and (3) most employers feel involved with academic institutions, despite recognising that there is still a high lack of practical orientation in undergraduate courses geared towards the most basic HR issues.At the end, the main conclusions are presented, research limitations are identified and avenues for future research are provided. At the end, the main conclusions are presented, research limitations are identified and avenues for future research are provided.
Oferta formativa em recursos humanos Instituições de ensino superior Entidades empregadoras Focus group Licenciatura em RH Mercado de trabalho em RH Training offer in human resources HR degree HR labour market Highereducation institutions Employers Focus group