Nas últimas décadas, os eventos, independentemente da sua tipologia, têm-se
destacado e ganho relevância no enquadramento do turismo.
Quando nos referimos em particular ao turismo desportivo do golfe os eventos
assumem-se como fundamentais tanto para os jogadores, motivando-os a viajar para
participar neles, como para os prestadores de serviço neles envolvidos, nomeadamente a
hotelaria e serviços conexos. Os eventos de golfe apresentam-se, assim, como uma
ferramenta de atração de turistas e de fidelização dos mesmos a hotéis e destinos.
A presente investigação pretende compreender de que forma os eventos de golfe
dinamizam o turismo interno e a hotelaria portuguesa.
Esta investigação é sustentada por uma investigação bibliográfica, na qual se
baseou o processo metodológico de recolha de dados qualitativos e quantitativos, dando
origem a um inquérito e uma entrevista com vista à obtenção de dados para, assim, serem
atingidos os objetivos propostos com a realização da investigação.
É nossa convicção que os eventos de golfe, a nível nacional, criam uma
movimentação de praticantes da modalidade que estão dependentes da hotelaria como
prestador de serviços, desenvolvendo-se uma atividade que origina um impacto positivo
na hotelaria.
In recent decades, events, regardless of their typology, have stood out and gained relevance in the context of tourism. When we refer to golf sports tourism, events are fundamental both for players, motivating them to travel to participate in them, and for the service providers involved in them, namely hotels and related services. Golf events are, therefore, a tool to attract tourists and build their loyalty to hotels and destinations. The present investigation aims to understand how golf events boost domestic tourism and Portuguese hotels. This investigation is supported by a bibliographical investigation, on which the methodological process of collecting qualitative and quantitative data was based, giving rise to a survey and an interview with a view to obtaining data in order to achieve the proposed objectives with the of the investigation. It is our belief that golf events, at a national level, create a movement of practitioners of the sport who are dependent on the hotel industry as a service provider, developing an activity that has a positive impact on the hotel industry.
In recent decades, events, regardless of their typology, have stood out and gained relevance in the context of tourism. When we refer to golf sports tourism, events are fundamental both for players, motivating them to travel to participate in them, and for the service providers involved in them, namely hotels and related services. Golf events are, therefore, a tool to attract tourists and build their loyalty to hotels and destinations. The present investigation aims to understand how golf events boost domestic tourism and Portuguese hotels. This investigation is supported by a bibliographical investigation, on which the methodological process of collecting qualitative and quantitative data was based, giving rise to a survey and an interview with a view to obtaining data in order to achieve the proposed objectives with the of the investigation. It is our belief that golf events, at a national level, create a movement of practitioners of the sport who are dependent on the hotel industry as a service provider, developing an activity that has a positive impact on the hotel industry.
Dissertação de mestrado
Golfe Eventos Turismo de eventos Turismo de golfe Hotelaria Impacto dos eventos Eventos de golfe Golf Events Event tourism Golf tourism Hospitality Golf hotels Impact of events Golf events