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A Transformação Digital (TD) faz atualmente parte da realidade de inúmeras organizações, nos seus mais diversos setores de atividade e está a transformar, não só a forma como se relacionam com os seus clientes, mas também as suas estruturas e o seu próprio Modelo de Negócio. À semelhança de outras organizações, também as Instituições de Ensino Superior (IES) estão a passar por um processo de mudança, o que está a provocar alterações na forma como comunicam e interagem com toda a sua comunidade envolvente. A implementação de iniciativas de TD, está a originar transformações no Modelo de negócio das organizações e das IES. Nas primeiras pesquisas realizadas sobre a TD foram encontrados vários estudos efetuados em contexto organizacional, no entanto, em comparação com as IES observou-se a falta de estudos semelhantes. Nesse sentido é importante refletir, sobre que tipo de iniciativas de TD estarão as IES a adotar para se adaptarem a esta nova realidade. Com este propósito foi formulada a seguinte questão de investigação: “Que Modelo de TD pode ser utilizado numa IES, em particular no Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto (ISCAP)? Para dar resposta a esta pergunta foram definidos três objetivos que serviram de princípio orientador para o desenvolvimento deste trabalho: em primeiro, sistematizar os conceitos relacionados com a TD e o Modelo de Negócio, em segundo apresentar o “estado da arte” sobre a TD e o Modelo de Negócio nas IES e em terceiro identificar os principais componentes do Modelo de TD do ISCAP. Para atingir o primeiro foi realizada uma revisão da literatura sobre as temáticas em estudo, que permitiu consolidar e sistematizar os conceitos associados à TD, de igual forma para o segundo objetivo, foi realizada uma revisão de literatura que possibilitou a consolidação e sistematização dos conceitos associados ao Modelo de Negócio e a sua análise na perspetiva organizacional e na perspetiva das IES. Para alcançar o terceiro objetivo foi realizado um estudo de caso.
Digital Transformation (DT) is currently part of the reality of countless organizations in its most diverse sectors of activity and is transforming not only the way they relate to their clients, but also their structures and their own Business Model. Like other organizations, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are also going through a process of change, which is causing changes in the way they communicate and interact with their entire surrounding community. The implementation of DT initiatives is leading to transformations in the business model of organizations and HEIs. In the first researches carried out on DT were found several studies carried out in an organizational context, however, in comparison with the HEI there was a lack of similar studies. In this sense, it is important to reflect on which type of DT initiatives the HEIs will be adopting to adapt to this new reality. For this purpose, the following research question was formulated: "What model of DT can be used in an HEI, in particular at the a Higher Institute of Accounting and Administration of Porto (ISCAP)? To answer this question, three objectives were defined as guiding principles for the development of this work: first, to systematize the concepts related to DT and the Business Model, second, to present the "state of the art" on DT and the Business Model in HEIs, and third, to identify the main components of the DT Model of ISCAP. To achieve the first, a literature review was carried out on the themes under study, which allowed consolidating and systematizing the concepts associated to the DT, also for the second objective, a literature review was carried out that allowed consolidating and systematizing the concepts associated with the Business Model and their analysis from the organizational perspective and the perspective of HEIs. To achieve the third objective, a case study was carried out.
Digital Transformation (DT) is currently part of the reality of countless organizations in its most diverse sectors of activity and is transforming not only the way they relate to their clients, but also their structures and their own Business Model. Like other organizations, Higher Education Institutions (HEIs) are also going through a process of change, which is causing changes in the way they communicate and interact with their entire surrounding community. The implementation of DT initiatives is leading to transformations in the business model of organizations and HEIs. In the first researches carried out on DT were found several studies carried out in an organizational context, however, in comparison with the HEI there was a lack of similar studies. In this sense, it is important to reflect on which type of DT initiatives the HEIs will be adopting to adapt to this new reality. For this purpose, the following research question was formulated: "What model of DT can be used in an HEI, in particular at the a Higher Institute of Accounting and Administration of Porto (ISCAP)? To answer this question, three objectives were defined as guiding principles for the development of this work: first, to systematize the concepts related to DT and the Business Model, second, to present the "state of the art" on DT and the Business Model in HEIs, and third, to identify the main components of the DT Model of ISCAP. To achieve the first, a literature review was carried out on the themes under study, which allowed consolidating and systematizing the concepts associated to the DT, also for the second objective, a literature review was carried out that allowed consolidating and systematizing the concepts associated with the Business Model and their analysis from the organizational perspective and the perspective of HEIs. To achieve the third objective, a case study was carried out.
Transformação digital Instituições de Ensino Superior Digital transformation canvas Iniciativas de transformação digital Digital transformation Digital transformation initiatives Higher Education Institutions