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Sendo hoje consensual afirmar que a Comunicação digital ganhou uma enorme
proeminência no quotidiano da vida das pessoas e no desenvolvimento das organizações
ou empresas, está claro que o investimento na multimédia para a produção de conteúdos
inovadores e originais como um meio de promoção, divulgação e publicidade de uma
empresa tornou-se crucial. A aposta na criação de conteúdos multimédia para as
plataformas de redes sociais, a existência de um website e a divulgação de conteúdos em
formato digital são cada vez mais um critério essencial para dar a conhecer a missão, os
objetivos e os produtos e/ou serviços que uma empresa pretende demonstrar aos seus
atuais ou potenciais clientes.
Neste sentido, a definição de uma estratégia de marketing digital é uma peça
central para dar visibilidade à empresa e fortalecer a relação com o seu público-alvo.
Este trabalho tem como principal propósito definir a estratégia de marketing
digital da IOTech – entidade de acolhimento do estágio – e produzir conteúdos
multimédia que sustentem essa estratégia. Para o efeito, foram utilizadas como técnicas
de recolha de dados, o inquérito por questionário dirigido às empresas, do mesmo setor
de atividade da IOTech - “Outras atividades relacionadas com as tecnologias da
informação e informática”, com o objetivo de compreender e identificar os métodos, os
procedimentos e as ferramentas que utilizam para promover os seus produtos e/ou
serviços. E a entrevista semiestruturada realizada com o CEO da IOTech pretendeu
conhecer e analisar a perceção da empresa sobre a definição da estratégia no contexto
Os resultados ao inquérito por questionário, demonstram que a maioria das
empresas inquiridas têm elaborada uma estratégia de marketing digital e na maior parte
das vezes, os conteúdos publicados são diversificados e adaptados a cada plataforma e
ao público-alvo. Através da entrevista realizada ao CEO da IOTech, identificámos que os
objetivos pretendidos, para o contexto digital, são: reforçar, divulgar e disseminar a
marca. Este trabalho permite reforçar a ideia de que complementar as análises do
mercado com o ponto de vista do marketing e com a produção de conteúdos através de
tecnologias multimédia apresenta benefícios para o sucesso de uma empresa.
It is consensual to say that digital communication has gained enormous prominence in people's daily lives and in the development of organizations or companies, investment in multimedia to produce innovative and original content as a means of promotion, dissemination and publicity of a company has become crucial. The investment in the creation of multimedia content for social media platforms, the existence of a website and the dissemination of content in digital format are increasingly an essential criterion to make known the mission, goals and products and/or services that a company intends to demonstrate to its current or potential customers. In this sense, the definition of a digital marketing strategy is a central piece to give visibility to the company and strengthen the relationship with its target audience. The main purpose of this work is to define the digital marketing strategy of IOTech – host entity for the internship – and to produce multimedia content that support this strategy. For this purpose, the survey through a questionnaire directed at companies, in the same sector of activity as IOTech - "Other activities related to information and computer technologies", were used as data collection techniques, with the aim of understanding and identifying the methods, procedures and tools they use to promote their products and/or services. And the semi-structured interview carried out with the CEO of IOTech intended to know and analyze the company's perception of the definition of strategy in the digital context. The results of the survey show that most of the participant companies have developed a digital marketing strategy, and, in most cases, the contents published are diversified and adapted to each platform and target audience. Through the interview conducted with the CEO of IOTech, we identified that the intended goals, for the digital context, are to reinforce, publicize and disseminate the brand. This work reinforces the idea that complementing market analysis with a marketing point of view and with the production of content through multimedia technologies has benefits for the success of a company.
It is consensual to say that digital communication has gained enormous prominence in people's daily lives and in the development of organizations or companies, investment in multimedia to produce innovative and original content as a means of promotion, dissemination and publicity of a company has become crucial. The investment in the creation of multimedia content for social media platforms, the existence of a website and the dissemination of content in digital format are increasingly an essential criterion to make known the mission, goals and products and/or services that a company intends to demonstrate to its current or potential customers. In this sense, the definition of a digital marketing strategy is a central piece to give visibility to the company and strengthen the relationship with its target audience. The main purpose of this work is to define the digital marketing strategy of IOTech – host entity for the internship – and to produce multimedia content that support this strategy. For this purpose, the survey through a questionnaire directed at companies, in the same sector of activity as IOTech - "Other activities related to information and computer technologies", were used as data collection techniques, with the aim of understanding and identifying the methods, procedures and tools they use to promote their products and/or services. And the semi-structured interview carried out with the CEO of IOTech intended to know and analyze the company's perception of the definition of strategy in the digital context. The results of the survey show that most of the participant companies have developed a digital marketing strategy, and, in most cases, the contents published are diversified and adapted to each platform and target audience. Through the interview conducted with the CEO of IOTech, we identified that the intended goals, for the digital context, are to reinforce, publicize and disseminate the brand. This work reinforces the idea that complementing market analysis with a marketing point of view and with the production of content through multimedia technologies has benefits for the success of a company.
Relatório de estágio
Estratégia de marketing digital IOTech Comunicação transmedia Conteúdos multimédia Digital marketing strategy Transmedia communication Multimedia content