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É essencial que o novo colaborador traga o potencial que a empresa procura, daí a relevância do processo de recrutamento numa organização. Com a ajuda de novas tecnologias é esperado ainda mais rigor e maior agilidade nesse processo.
Esta dissertação pretende apresentar o que já foi estudado sobre Realidade Virtual (RV) e Realidade Aumentada (RA) na Gestão de Recursos Humanos (GRH) e qual o potencial desta tecnologia no processo Recrutamento.
O desenho metodológico do presente estudo compreendeu duas Revisões Sistemáticas da Literatura e uma Análise de Conteúdo Online.
Da análise da literatura científica que relaciona RV/RA com o recrutamento, inicialmente resultaram 174 outputs. Após análise mais aprofundada resultou a informação de que efetivamente a utilização de RV/RA neste processo de GRH não é tratado academicamente. De forma a perceber o que já está a ser implementado pelas organizações neste tema, foi realizado uma análise ao conteúdo online, dos quais resultaram 5 empresas que já implementam esta tecnologia neste processo.
Os resultados mostram que na literatura ainda há muito a ser estudado sobre Realidade Virtual e Realidade Aumentada no Recrutamento, não obstante, comprovou-se que já existem organizações que usam a aplicabilidade da RV e RA em seu proveito no que concerne ao recrutamento.
Este estudo permitiu concluir que a Realidade Virtual e a Realidade Aumentada são ferramentas em constante evolução, muito pouco dinamizadas no processo de Recrutamento. Trata-se assim de um tema que carece de investigação e que deveria ser estudado não só dando destaque ao recrutamento como também à atração de talento.
It is essential that the new employee brings the potential that the company seeks, given the relevance of the recruitment process in an organization. With the help of new technologies, even more rigor and agility in this process is expected. This dissertation aims to present what has been studied about Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) in Human Resource Management (HRM) and what is the potential of this technology in the Recruitment process. The methodological design of the present study comprised two Systematic Literature Reviews and one Online Content Analysis. From the analysis of the scientific literature that relates RV / RA with recruitment, initially 174 results were obtained. Further analysis has resulted in the information that effectively using RV / RA in this HRM process is not academically addressed. In order to understand what is already being implemented by organizations on this topic, an analysis of online content was conducted, resulting in 5 companies that already implement this technology in this process. The results show that in the literature there is still much to be studied about Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality on Recruitment, however, it has been proven that there are already organizations that use the applicability of VR and RA to their advantage regarding recruitment. This study concluded that Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are tools in constant evolution, very little dynamized in the Recruitment process. This is a subject that needs investigation and should be studied not only highlighting recruitment but also attracting talent.
It is essential that the new employee brings the potential that the company seeks, given the relevance of the recruitment process in an organization. With the help of new technologies, even more rigor and agility in this process is expected. This dissertation aims to present what has been studied about Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR) in Human Resource Management (HRM) and what is the potential of this technology in the Recruitment process. The methodological design of the present study comprised two Systematic Literature Reviews and one Online Content Analysis. From the analysis of the scientific literature that relates RV / RA with recruitment, initially 174 results were obtained. Further analysis has resulted in the information that effectively using RV / RA in this HRM process is not academically addressed. In order to understand what is already being implemented by organizations on this topic, an analysis of online content was conducted, resulting in 5 companies that already implement this technology in this process. The results show that in the literature there is still much to be studied about Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality on Recruitment, however, it has been proven that there are already organizations that use the applicability of VR and RA to their advantage regarding recruitment. This study concluded that Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality are tools in constant evolution, very little dynamized in the Recruitment process. This is a subject that needs investigation and should be studied not only highlighting recruitment but also attracting talent.
Realidade virtual Realidade aumentada Gestão de recursos humanos Recrutamento Virtual reality Recruitment Augmented reality Human resources management