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A reputação é um valor intangível que afeta a credibilidade, a confiança do público e,
consequentemente, o sucesso de uma organização, empresa ou marca. Assim, o universo
da comunicação engloba a área da assessoria de imprensa, que funciona como uma ponte
entre as empresas e os órgãos de comunicação social, que procura gerir a notoriedade e a
presença da marca na mente dos consumidores, parceiros e investidores.
O estudo integrado neste projeto é realizado com vista à conclusão do Mestrado de
Assessoria em Comunicação Digital do Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e
Administração do Porto, e tem como objetivo principal descrever e analisar o papel da
assessoria de imprensa na criação de reputação das empresas.
Para tal, com recurso a um estudo de caso da agência de comunicação MEDIA TAILORS,
o Zoo Santo Inácio, a investigação é sustentada através de uma metodologia mista,
quantitativa e qualitativa, procurando obter uma visão holística do tema, com o objetivo
de enriquecer a validade e a confiabilidade dos resultados obtidos.
No decorrer do estudo, verifica-se que a assessoria de imprensa do parque zoológico
impacta a imagem percecionada pelo público, quer derivado pelo contacto com os meios
de comunicação, quer pela estratégia comunicacional global.
Reputation is an intangible value that affects credibility, public trust and, consequently, the success of an organization, company or brand. Therefore, the world of communication includes the area of press relations, which acts as a bridge between companies and the media, seeking to manage the notoriety and presence of the brand in the minds of consumers, partners and investors. The study included in this project is designed to complete the Master's Degree in Digital Communication Advisory at the Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, and its main purpose is to describe and analyze the role of press relations in creating corporate reputation. To this end, using a case study of the communication agency MEDIA TAILORS, Zoo Santo Inácio, the research is supported by a mixed quantitative and qualitative methodology, seeking to obtain a holistic view of the subject, with the aim of increasing the accuracy and reliability of the results obtained. In the course of the study, it was verified that the zoo's press office has an impact on the image perceived by the public, whether resulting from the contact with the media or from the overall communication strategy.
Reputation is an intangible value that affects credibility, public trust and, consequently, the success of an organization, company or brand. Therefore, the world of communication includes the area of press relations, which acts as a bridge between companies and the media, seeking to manage the notoriety and presence of the brand in the minds of consumers, partners and investors. The study included in this project is designed to complete the Master's Degree in Digital Communication Advisory at the Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto, and its main purpose is to describe and analyze the role of press relations in creating corporate reputation. To this end, using a case study of the communication agency MEDIA TAILORS, Zoo Santo Inácio, the research is supported by a mixed quantitative and qualitative methodology, seeking to obtain a holistic view of the subject, with the aim of increasing the accuracy and reliability of the results obtained. In the course of the study, it was verified that the zoo's press office has an impact on the image perceived by the public, whether resulting from the contact with the media or from the overall communication strategy.
Comunicação Assessoria de imprensa Relações públicas Reputação Communication Public relations Press advisory Reputation