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O presente documento procura sintetizar as atividades desenvolvidas durante o período de estágio curricular realizado na Câmara Municipal do Porto, sob o pretexto de consubstanciar o conhecimento e a experiência adquirida. Na realidade, os contactos e o acompanhamento diário de situações de índole eminentemente prática contribuem para a abertura e compreensão de novas temáticas, criando um clima favorável de estímulo e motivação. Neste contexto, o trabalho desenvolvido aborda quatro casos de estudo, todos eles centrados em intervenções na via pública e que contemplam ações tão abrangentes na área da requalificação urbana, como a pavimentação, caracterização de solos, infraestruturas hidráulicas e elétricas, sem descurar os conceitos sobre acessibilidades pedonais e de sinalização. Ainda no domínio das exigências da qualidade estrutural dos pavimentos, os trabalhos implementados tiveram sempre em consideração as regras definidas de construção e de compactação. Do ponto de vista do apoio laboratorial realizou-se a identificação e caracterização dos solos pertencentes às camadas do pavimento para o primeiro caso de estudo, com recurso ao laboratório de materiais de construção do ISEP, tendo sido para o efeito efetuados vários ensaios com amostras recolhidas em obra. Na análise dos resultados obtidos estabeleceu-se a comparação com os requisitos definidos nas Condições Técnicas Gerais e com a ficha técnica fornecida pela entidade adjudicatária, de modo a aferir a sua conformidade. Por último, os conceitos e procedimentos frequentemente invocados neste relatório baseiam-se na documentação e pesquisa bibliográfica existente sobre os temas. Através da solidez destes elementos teóricos tornou-se possível recolher a informação e um conjunto de valores de referência conducentes à compreensão e resolução dos casos de estudo descritos.
The present document aims to summarize the activities performed during the curricular internship at Câmara Municipal do Porto, in order to strengthen the knowledge and experience acquired. In fact, the contact and the daily monitoring of situations with an eminently practical nature contribute to the development and comprehension of new topics, thus creating a favourable environment of stimulus and motivation. Within this context, the work developed builds upon four case studies, all of them focused on public road interventions that address extensive actions in the area of urban requalification, such as paving, soils characterization, hydraulic and electric infrastructures, not neglecting the concepts in regards to pedestrian accessibilities and signage. Still on the domain of structural quality pavements’ demands, the implemented jobs have always considered the established rules of construction and compaction. From the laboratory support point of view, the soils belonging to the pavement layers were identified and characterized for the first case study, resorting to ISEP’s construction materials’ laboratory, having been made several experiments with samples collected on the field. In the results’ analysis it was established the comparison to the General Technical Conditions requirements and to the technical file given by the contracting entity, in order to assess its compliance. Finally, the concepts and procedures frequently mentioned in this report come from the existent documentation and bibliographic research about the topics. Through the solid argumentation of these theoretical elements, it became possible to collect the information and a bundle of reference values that led to the comprehension and resolution of the case studies described.
The present document aims to summarize the activities performed during the curricular internship at Câmara Municipal do Porto, in order to strengthen the knowledge and experience acquired. In fact, the contact and the daily monitoring of situations with an eminently practical nature contribute to the development and comprehension of new topics, thus creating a favourable environment of stimulus and motivation. Within this context, the work developed builds upon four case studies, all of them focused on public road interventions that address extensive actions in the area of urban requalification, such as paving, soils characterization, hydraulic and electric infrastructures, not neglecting the concepts in regards to pedestrian accessibilities and signage. Still on the domain of structural quality pavements’ demands, the implemented jobs have always considered the established rules of construction and compaction. From the laboratory support point of view, the soils belonging to the pavement layers were identified and characterized for the first case study, resorting to ISEP’s construction materials’ laboratory, having been made several experiments with samples collected on the field. In the results’ analysis it was established the comparison to the General Technical Conditions requirements and to the technical file given by the contracting entity, in order to assess its compliance. Finally, the concepts and procedures frequently mentioned in this report come from the existent documentation and bibliographic research about the topics. Through the solid argumentation of these theoretical elements, it became possible to collect the information and a bundle of reference values that led to the comprehension and resolution of the case studies described.
Pavimentos rodoviários e pedonais Requalificação urbana Acessibilidades Via pública Beneficiação Conservação Camadas granulares Pavimentação Porto Road and pedestrian pavements Urban requalification Accessibilities Public road Iimprovements Conservation Granular layers Paving Oporto