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O surgimento de um mercado a nivel global cada vez mais competitivo obrigou empresas de diferentes setores e com diferentes segmentos de mercado a colocarem a tecnologia e inovação como um fator decisivo para a sua sobrevivência. Esta nova era digital trouxe uma vasta melhoria em todos os componentes das empresas desde a receção de pedidos de encomendas, passando pelo fabrico das mesmas, no transporte e entrega dos produtos e serviços, no aumento da eficiência na relação dos clientes antes, durante e o serviço pós-venda e também na melhoria nos fluxos de informação..
Sendo considerada, a nível nacional, um tipo de indústria tradicional com vários anos de existência, o fabrico de mobiliário é um setor onde é relevante apresentar mais investigações acerca da transformação digital. Esses tipos de investigações podem tornar-se num instrumento para avaliar o nível de digitalização de todas este tipo de empresas e identificar aspetos que ainda possam otimizar.
Esta dissertação apresenta um tipo de metodologia qualitativa por um estudo de casos múltiplos onde existirá uma primeira etapa de entrevistas com quatro empresas, fazendo uma comparação entre diferentes modelos de análise. Posteriormente, serão levantados os dados dessas entrevistas, cruzados com as dimensões selecionadas, identificar duas empresas que correspondam ao critério selecionado e transitar para uma segunda fase de entrevistas cujos intervenientes serão intervenientes responsáveis no setor da produção. A amostra selecionada serão as empresas que fabricam mobiliário nos concelhos de Paços de Ferreira e Paredes.
De acordo com os resultados obtidos, a presente investigação revela que a digitalização das empresas estudadas deste setor é positiva apesar que neste setor é evidente que as empresas têm ritmos diferentes nas implementações digitais.
The emergence of an increasingly competitive global market has forced companies from different sectors and market segments to place technology and innovation as decisive factors for their survival. This new digital era has brought a vast improvement in all components of companies from the order requests to the manufacture of those orders, to the transportation and delivery of products and services, to the increase of efficiency in customer relations and to the improvement of information flows Being considered, at the national level, a type of traditional industry with several years of existence, furniture manufacturing is a sector where it is relevant to present further research on digital transformation. This type of research can become an instrument to evaluate the level of digitalization of all these types of companies and identify aspects that can still be optimized. This dissertation presents a type of qualitative methodology through a multiple case study where there will be the first stage of interviews with four companies, making a comparison between different analysis models. Subsequently, the data from these interviews will be collected, crossed with the selected dimensions, identifying two companies that match the selected criteria and moving on to the second stage of interviews whose participants will be responsible players in the production sector. The selected sample will be the companies that manufacture furniture in Paços de Ferreira and Paredes municipalities. According to the results obtained, this research reveals that the digitalization of the companies studied in this sector is positive, although in this sector it is clear that companies have different rhythms in digital implementations.
The emergence of an increasingly competitive global market has forced companies from different sectors and market segments to place technology and innovation as decisive factors for their survival. This new digital era has brought a vast improvement in all components of companies from the order requests to the manufacture of those orders, to the transportation and delivery of products and services, to the increase of efficiency in customer relations and to the improvement of information flows Being considered, at the national level, a type of traditional industry with several years of existence, furniture manufacturing is a sector where it is relevant to present further research on digital transformation. This type of research can become an instrument to evaluate the level of digitalization of all these types of companies and identify aspects that can still be optimized. This dissertation presents a type of qualitative methodology through a multiple case study where there will be the first stage of interviews with four companies, making a comparison between different analysis models. Subsequently, the data from these interviews will be collected, crossed with the selected dimensions, identifying two companies that match the selected criteria and moving on to the second stage of interviews whose participants will be responsible players in the production sector. The selected sample will be the companies that manufacture furniture in Paços de Ferreira and Paredes municipalities. According to the results obtained, this research reveals that the digitalization of the companies studied in this sector is positive, although in this sector it is clear that companies have different rhythms in digital implementations.
Transformação digital Tecnologia Inovação Indústria 4.0 Mobiliário Digital transformation Technology Inovation Industry 4.0 Furnitu