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Os Global Business Services (GBS) surgiram como uma evolução do modelo de serviços partilhados, moldando o futuro das operações organizacionais. À medida que os GBS estendem o seu alcance a novos locais e adotam estratégias de offshoring para a redução de custos e melhorar a eficiência, confrontam-se com vários impactos interculturais, que têm sido ignorados pela literatura. O objectivo desta dissertação é realçar a influência positiva do interculturalismo em iniciativas de offshoring, quando as características interculturais são adequadamente abordadas e monitorizadas pelas empresas. As formações e treinos interculturais surgem como um elemento crucial, que não só influencia o sucesso do offshoring, mas também promove um ambiente de trabalho mais inclusivo para equipas culturalmente diversas em GBS.
Para investigar os impactos interculturais do offshoring foram realizadas entrevistas com participantes de um projecto de offshoring numa organização GBS. Os resultados revelaram que a língua e a competência cultural são aspectos interculturais fundamentais, e que exigem uma análise cuidada. Já as barreiras linguísticas e de comunicação, a passagem de conhecimentos, e as disparidades nas leis e regulamentos surgiram como os aspetos mais desafiantes do offshoring. Além disso, foi observada uma potencial lacuna geracional entre a familiaridade com conceitos interculturais, e a confiança e capacidade na atuação em diferentes contextos culturais. A pesquisa destacou também a necessidade de iniciativas de formação intercultural e enfatizou a importância de uma comunicação clara sobre as expectativas do projecto, juntamente com uma abordagem estruturada para gerir a diversidade cultural.
Esta dissertação destaca a crescente importância das práticas de offshoring no cenário global, exigindo uma cuidadosa consideração das implicações interculturais. Como resultado, a decisão de proceder com iniciativas de offshoring deve ser cuidadosamente considerada. Esta pesquisa tem como objetivo contribuir para a literatura, e proporcionar uma compreensão profunda sobre as implicações interculturais no contexto de offshoring em GBS.
Global business services (GBS) have arisen as a gradual evolution of the shared services model, shaping the future of organizational operations. As GBS spreads its reach to new locations and embraces offshoring strategies for cost reduction and better efficiency, it confronts a variety of intercultural implications that have been disregarded in the existing literature. The purpose of this dissertation is to shed light on the positive influence of interculturalism in offshore initiatives when cultural concerns are appropriately addressed and monitored by businesses. Intercultural training emerges as a critical element that not only influences the success of sourcing activities but also fosters a more inclusive work environment for culturally diverse teams of the GBS. To investigate the intercultural implications of offshoring, personal interviews were conducted with active participants of an offshore project within a GBS organization. Findings revealed language and cultural competence as pivotal intercultural aspects that demand careful consideration. Language and communication barriers, knowledge transfer, and disparities in legal and regulatory frameworks emerged as the most challenging facets of offshoring. Additionally, a potential generational gap was observed between familiarity with intercultural concepts and confidence in navigating diverse cultural contexts. The study underscored the pressing need for intercultural training initiatives and emphasized the importance of clear communication regarding project expectations, along with a structured approach to managing cultural diversity. The importance of this dissertation lies in the premise that offshoring practices will continue to rise, fueled by globalization and digitization. As a result, the decision to engage in offshore initiatives must be carefully considered, scrutinizing potential concerns associated with interculturalism. This research endeavors to contribute to the literature and o bring to the businesses a deeper understanding of intercultural implications within the context of offshoring in GBS.
Global business services (GBS) have arisen as a gradual evolution of the shared services model, shaping the future of organizational operations. As GBS spreads its reach to new locations and embraces offshoring strategies for cost reduction and better efficiency, it confronts a variety of intercultural implications that have been disregarded in the existing literature. The purpose of this dissertation is to shed light on the positive influence of interculturalism in offshore initiatives when cultural concerns are appropriately addressed and monitored by businesses. Intercultural training emerges as a critical element that not only influences the success of sourcing activities but also fosters a more inclusive work environment for culturally diverse teams of the GBS. To investigate the intercultural implications of offshoring, personal interviews were conducted with active participants of an offshore project within a GBS organization. Findings revealed language and cultural competence as pivotal intercultural aspects that demand careful consideration. Language and communication barriers, knowledge transfer, and disparities in legal and regulatory frameworks emerged as the most challenging facets of offshoring. Additionally, a potential generational gap was observed between familiarity with intercultural concepts and confidence in navigating diverse cultural contexts. The study underscored the pressing need for intercultural training initiatives and emphasized the importance of clear communication regarding project expectations, along with a structured approach to managing cultural diversity. The importance of this dissertation lies in the premise that offshoring practices will continue to rise, fueled by globalization and digitization. As a result, the decision to engage in offshore initiatives must be carefully considered, scrutinizing potential concerns associated with interculturalism. This research endeavors to contribute to the literature and o bring to the businesses a deeper understanding of intercultural implications within the context of offshoring in GBS.
Global business services Offshoring Intercultural impacts Globalization