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O presente Relatório de Estágio é o resultado da Prática Educativa
realizada durante o Mestrado em Ensino de Inglês e de Francês ou Espanhol
no Ensino Básico. O objetivo do mesmo é fazer uma reflexão crítica sobre o
trabalho desenvolvido durante o estágio, no sentido de desenvolver nos
alunos a sua competência gramatical.
O estudo da gramática sempre desempenhou um papel importante no
ensino/aprendizagem de línguas estrangeiras e apesar de, ao longo dos anos,
com o surgimento de novas teorias da didática, a gramática ter deixado de ser
o foco do ensino de línguas, esta nunca deixou de estar na base das práticas
dos professores. Mesmo com o enfase dado à competência comunicativa, a
gramática continua a ter um grande peso no ensino de línguas estrangeiras.
Deste modo, irei refletir sobre o ensino da gramática na aula de Língua
Estrangeira e tentar perceber de que forma esta pode ser trabalhada, bem
como perceber de que forma eu me posiciono, enquanto professora de
línguas estrangeiras. Por outras palavras, farei uma análise da minha prática
educativa para perceber quais as teorias que orientaram o meu pensamento e
a que abordagens recorri com mais frequência, quando trabalhei questões
gramaticais, e ao mesmo tempo, perceber qual o peso da gramática nas
minhas opções pedagógicas.
Por fim, este relatório pretende ainda dar a conhecer estratégias indutivas
e dedutivas utilizadas no meu estágio que poderão ser utilizadas para
promover e potenciar o ensino da gramática numa aula de língua estrangeira.
The current Educational Practice Report, is the result of the teaching practicum performed during the Mestrado em Ensino de Inglês e de Francês ou Espanhol no Ensino Básico. Its purpose is to do a critical reflection about the work developed during the educational practice, in order to broaden the pupil’s grammar competence. Grammar study has always played an important role in foreign languages in the teaching/learning process. With the emergence of new didactical theories over the years, grammar stopped being the focus of language teaching; however, it has never stopped being on the basis of teacher’s practice. Even with the emphasis given to the communicative competence, grammar continues to have a great significance in foreign language teaching. Therefore, I will reflect on grammar teaching in a foreign language classroom and try to understand in what way it can be approached, as well as understand in what way I place myself as a foreign language teacher. In other words, I will analyse my educational practice so as to understand which theories guided my thought and which approaches I have resorted to more frequently, when dealing with grammar issues and at the same time understand the weight grammar has had over my pedagogical options. Finally, this report also intends to present inductive and deductive strategies used on my teaching practicum which can be used to promote and maximise grammar teaching in a foreign language classroom.
The current Educational Practice Report, is the result of the teaching practicum performed during the Mestrado em Ensino de Inglês e de Francês ou Espanhol no Ensino Básico. Its purpose is to do a critical reflection about the work developed during the educational practice, in order to broaden the pupil’s grammar competence. Grammar study has always played an important role in foreign languages in the teaching/learning process. With the emergence of new didactical theories over the years, grammar stopped being the focus of language teaching; however, it has never stopped being on the basis of teacher’s practice. Even with the emphasis given to the communicative competence, grammar continues to have a great significance in foreign language teaching. Therefore, I will reflect on grammar teaching in a foreign language classroom and try to understand in what way it can be approached, as well as understand in what way I place myself as a foreign language teacher. In other words, I will analyse my educational practice so as to understand which theories guided my thought and which approaches I have resorted to more frequently, when dealing with grammar issues and at the same time understand the weight grammar has had over my pedagogical options. Finally, this report also intends to present inductive and deductive strategies used on my teaching practicum which can be used to promote and maximise grammar teaching in a foreign language classroom.
Gramática Competência comunicativa Estratégias indutivas e dedutivas Atividades Grammar Communicative competence Inductive and deductive strategies Activities
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Escola Superior de Educação