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No 1º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, cada criança passa 7h diárias na escola, tempo que pode atingir as 8,5h no caso de frequentar atividades de enriquecimento curricular, ou até mais, caso permaneça na componente de apoio à família. Somando a estas horas, o tempo que dedicam a outras atividades não curriculares de caráter desportivo, artístico, linguístico, entre outros, que tempo lhes sobra para o verdadeiro usufruto do tempo livre? Que tempo lhes sobra para serem realmente crianças e poderem brincar livremente sem a orientação do adulto? Tendo isso em consideração, o principal objetivo desta investigação é compreender o significado atribuído ao tempo livre e se este está relacionado com o bem-estar subjetivo da criança. Trata-se de um estudo de natureza mista: aplicação de questionário a alunos e respetivos encarregado de educação (EE); realização de entrevistas a alunos e professores. O tratamento dos dados contemplou a análise estatística e a análise de conteúdo, respetivamente. As principais conclusões são: a) para crianças, EE e professores, tempo livre é sinónimo de brincar livremente, devendo as crianças escolher as atividades da sua preferência, situação que é considerada de extrema importância pois promove a proatividade da criança no desenvolvimento de capacidades e de competências e, sempre que ela desejar, pode descansar; b) crianças e professores consideram a existência de uma relação direta entre tempo livre e bem-estar subjetivo; c) os professores defendem um papel ativo das crianças nas suas aprendizagens; d) a grande maioria das crianças frequenta atividades de tempo livre de cariz desportivo.
A child in the 1st cycle of Basic Education spends 7 hours a day at school, a time that can reach 8.5 hours in the case of attending curricular enrichment activities, or even more, if they remain in the family support component. Adding to these hours, the time they dedicate to other non-curricular activities of a sporting, artistic, linguistic nature, among others, what time is left for them to truly enjoy their free time? How much time do they have left to really be children and be able to play freely without adult guidance? Taking this into consideration, the main objective of this investigation is to understand the meaning attributed to free time and whether it is related to the child's subjective well-being. This is a mixed study: questionnaire applied to students and their guardians; conducting interviews with students and teachers. Data processing included statistical analysis and content analysis, respectively. The main conclusions can be summarized as follows: for the child, EE and teacher, free time is synonymous with playing freely, it is a free choice and the child's preference, which is extremely important as it allows the development of abilities and skills, assigning an active role for the child and rest; It is the child who decides the activities carried out in their free time; children and teachers consider that there is a direct relationship between free time and subjective well-being; the teachers in this study defend an active role for the student in their learning; and the vast majority of children attend free-time sporting activities.
A child in the 1st cycle of Basic Education spends 7 hours a day at school, a time that can reach 8.5 hours in the case of attending curricular enrichment activities, or even more, if they remain in the family support component. Adding to these hours, the time they dedicate to other non-curricular activities of a sporting, artistic, linguistic nature, among others, what time is left for them to truly enjoy their free time? How much time do they have left to really be children and be able to play freely without adult guidance? Taking this into consideration, the main objective of this investigation is to understand the meaning attributed to free time and whether it is related to the child's subjective well-being. This is a mixed study: questionnaire applied to students and their guardians; conducting interviews with students and teachers. Data processing included statistical analysis and content analysis, respectively. The main conclusions can be summarized as follows: for the child, EE and teacher, free time is synonymous with playing freely, it is a free choice and the child's preference, which is extremely important as it allows the development of abilities and skills, assigning an active role for the child and rest; It is the child who decides the activities carried out in their free time; children and teachers consider that there is a direct relationship between free time and subjective well-being; the teachers in this study defend an active role for the student in their learning; and the vast majority of children attend free-time sporting activities.
Tempo livre Bem-estar subjetivo 1º CEB Free time Subject well-being 1st cycle of basic education
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Escola Superior de Educação