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O fenómeno Internet tem sido amplamente utilizado como meio de comunicação para fins pessoais e profissionais. Através do seu fácil acesso, pequenas e grandes empresas podem usufruir da rede no sentido da realizaçãode vendas, possibilitando o alcance de um mercado global. Mais se acrescenta que o e-commerce exibe um potencial de crescimento constante, pelo fato de a inclusão digital atingir de forma crescente a população consumidora. São amplas as vantagens competitivas proporcionadas pelas ferramentas digitais, como sendo a divulgaçãodo seu nome e produtos, bem como a criação de posicionamento no mercado. Assim, as empresas devem esforçar-se por adoptar as melhores estratégias de marketing digital, utilizando esta ferramenta, notável pela agilidade e rapidez de criação e circulação de conteúdo, desenvolvendo, simultaneamente, a sua estratégia de marketing. Existe uma perspectiva crescente de tratamento personalizado, onde a comunicação one-to-one é personalizada de acordo com os desejos dos consumidores, que recorrem ao universo online como auxiliar na tomada de decisão, procurando mais informações sobre o produto ou a empresa, comparando preços, consultando opiniões de outros utilizadores e aceitando recomendações de amigos nas redes sociais.
Neste sentido, foi reconhecida a necessidade, por parte da Divercol, de acompanhar a tendência crescente por parte das empresas em integrarem as suas estratégias de comunicação com o meio digital, dando respostas rápidas e claras ao público que, conforme o supracitado, recorre cada vez mais ao universo online, no sentido da procura de informação, que é disseminada a uma velocidade cada vez maior. Este projeto visa, portanto, estabelecer essa integração, através da construção de interfaces comunicativas entre empresa e público. Estas plataformas de comunicação irão materializar-se através, por um lado, de um website institucional reformulado, dinâmico, atualizado e adaptado para informar os clientes, divulgar o seu nome, a sua identidade e os seus produtos e acompanhar as tendências, bem como questões e dúvidas que o público possa apresentar e, por outro, através do enriquecimento da página de Facebook da empresa com conteúdo atualizado, pertinente e atual, de forma continuada e frequente, de forma a criar envolvimento e confiança entre empresa e público.
De forma a atingir o objetivo suprarreferido, elabora-se um plano de comunicação digital para a Divercol, sustentado pelo modelo SOSTAC, que visará, em primeiro vi lugar, analisar a situação atual da empresa e, em função dessa componente, definir os objetivos a alcançar com o plano, que devem ser SMART, delinear a estratégia a utilizar para os cumprir, o plano tático que materializará a estratégia definida, as ações a efetuar e as métricas de controlo a utilizar, de forma a tirar conclusões acerca do desempenho do plano.
Findo este projeto, espera-se que a empresa reforce a sua presença digital, através do incremento no alcance das suas publicações, do volume de tráfego redireccionado para o seu novo website, através de SEO e da integração estabelecida entre este último e a rede social, mantendo-se uma empresa moderna, a par das tendências, dinâmica, próxima do seu público e aumentando a competitividade no seu mercado.
The Internet phenomenon has been widely used as a means of communication for personal and professional purposes. Through its easy access, small and large companies can take advantage of this network in order to make sales, enabling the reach of a global market. Furthermore, e-commerce exhibits a potential for constant growth, as digital inclusion increasingly reaches the consumer population. The competitive advantages provided by digital tools are wide, such as the dissemination of its name and products, as well as the creation of market positioning. Thus, companies should strive to adopt the best digital marketing strategies, using this tool, notable for the agility and speed of content creation and circulation, while simultaneously developing their online marketing strategy. There is a growing perspective of personalized treatment, where one-to-one communication is personalized according to the wishes of consumers, who turn to the online universe as an aid in decision making, looking for more information about the product or the company, comparing prices , consulting opinions of other users and accepting recommendations from friends on social networks. In this sense, Divercol's need to follow the growing trend of companies to integrate their communication strategies with the digital medium and provide quick and clear answers to the public who, as mentioned above, are increasingly turning to the online universe in order to search for information, which is disseminated at an ever-increasing speed was recognized. Therefore, this project aims to establish this integration through the construction of communicative interfaces between the company and the public. These communication platforms will materialize themselves through, on one hand, a reformulated, dynamic, updated and adapted institutional website to inform customers, publicize the brand’s name, identity and products and follow trends, as well as issues and doubts that the public may present and, on the other hand, by enriching the company's Facebook page with updated, relevant and current content, on a continuous and frequent basis, in order to create engagement and trust between the company and the public. In order to achieve the above-mentioned objective, a digital communication plan is prepared for Divercol, supported by the SOSTAC model, which will aim, firstly, to analyze the current situation of the company and, based on this component, define the objectives to be achieved with the plan, which must be SMART, outline the strategy to be used to fulfill them, the tactical plan that will materialize the defined strategy, the actions to be taken and the control metrics to be used, in order to draw conclusions about the plan's performance. After this project, it is expected that the company will strengthen its digital presence, by increasing the reach of its publications, the volume of traffic redirected to its new website, through SEO and the integration established between the latter and the social network, remaining a modern company, abreast of trends, dynamic, close to its public and increasing competitiveness in its market.
The Internet phenomenon has been widely used as a means of communication for personal and professional purposes. Through its easy access, small and large companies can take advantage of this network in order to make sales, enabling the reach of a global market. Furthermore, e-commerce exhibits a potential for constant growth, as digital inclusion increasingly reaches the consumer population. The competitive advantages provided by digital tools are wide, such as the dissemination of its name and products, as well as the creation of market positioning. Thus, companies should strive to adopt the best digital marketing strategies, using this tool, notable for the agility and speed of content creation and circulation, while simultaneously developing their online marketing strategy. There is a growing perspective of personalized treatment, where one-to-one communication is personalized according to the wishes of consumers, who turn to the online universe as an aid in decision making, looking for more information about the product or the company, comparing prices , consulting opinions of other users and accepting recommendations from friends on social networks. In this sense, Divercol's need to follow the growing trend of companies to integrate their communication strategies with the digital medium and provide quick and clear answers to the public who, as mentioned above, are increasingly turning to the online universe in order to search for information, which is disseminated at an ever-increasing speed was recognized. Therefore, this project aims to establish this integration through the construction of communicative interfaces between the company and the public. These communication platforms will materialize themselves through, on one hand, a reformulated, dynamic, updated and adapted institutional website to inform customers, publicize the brand’s name, identity and products and follow trends, as well as issues and doubts that the public may present and, on the other hand, by enriching the company's Facebook page with updated, relevant and current content, on a continuous and frequent basis, in order to create engagement and trust between the company and the public. In order to achieve the above-mentioned objective, a digital communication plan is prepared for Divercol, supported by the SOSTAC model, which will aim, firstly, to analyze the current situation of the company and, based on this component, define the objectives to be achieved with the plan, which must be SMART, outline the strategy to be used to fulfill them, the tactical plan that will materialize the defined strategy, the actions to be taken and the control metrics to be used, in order to draw conclusions about the plan's performance. After this project, it is expected that the company will strengthen its digital presence, by increasing the reach of its publications, the volume of traffic redirected to its new website, through SEO and the integration established between the latter and the social network, remaining a modern company, abreast of trends, dynamic, close to its public and increasing competitiveness in its market.
Marketing digital Internet Redes sociais Comunicação Digital marketing Internet Social network Communication