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Este relatório de estagio surge no âmbito do Mestrado em Design, da Escola
Superior de Medias Artes e Design do Instituto Politécnico do Porto.
Aqui, é apresentado todo o percurso e evolução neste projeto de estagio com a
empresa Sika, que esta direcionada e focada no mercado de construção. A Sika acolheu
o autor deste relatório durante 3 meses e meio, sendo orientado nessa empresa pelo
tutor e designer Armando Fernandes (Sika) e pela Professora Doutora Rita Coelho
(docente orientadora na Escola Superior de Media Artes e Design).
Inserido no departamento de Marketing, realizei vários projetos num contexto
real e com certa autonomia, comunicando a marca para o mundo exterior, resultando
na contribuição como estagiário em Design Gráfico na Sika.
Este estágio permitiu-me adquirir uma compreensão profunda das atividades e
processos da empresa, bem como uma visão abrangente do setor da construção e
indústria. Durante esse período, pude participar em projetos envolventes e
desafiadores, utilizando o design 3D como uma ferramenta poderosa de comunicação.
No decorrer deste estágio, alcancei resultados relevantes, aperfeiçoando as
minhas competências na área de modelação e renderização 3D, bem como na síntese
de briefings, onde explorei a minha experiência neste estágio e o meu contributo para a
Sika. Aprendi a identificar as necessidades dos clientes, compreender as suas
expectativas e transformar essas informações em soluções visuais eficazes.
Foi uma experiência enriquecedora que me permitiu aplicar os meus
conhecimentos teóricos na pratica, expandir as minhas habilidades de design e adquirir
uma compreensão mais profunda no contexto empresarial. Estou confiante de que as
competências e conhecimentos adquiridos durante este estágio serão valiosos para a
minha carreira profissional no futuro.
This internship report is part of the Master's Degree in Design from the School of Media Arts and Design at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto. Here, the entire journey and progression in this internship project with Sika, a company focused on the construction market, are presented. The author of this report was welcomed by Sika for a period of three and a half months, under the guidance of the tutor and designer Armando Fernandes (Sika) and Professor Rita Coelho, PhD (academic supervisor at the School of Media Arts and Design). As part of the Marketing department, I worked on various projects in a real-world context with a certain level of autonomy, effectively communicating the brand to the external world. This resulted in my contribution as a Graphic Design intern at Sika. This internship allowed me to gain a deep understanding of the company's activities and processes, as well as a comprehensive view of the construction and industry sector. Throughout this period, I had the opportunity to participate in engaging and challenging projects, utilizing 3D design as a powerful communication tool. Throughout this internship, l achieved significant results, refining my skills in the field of 3D modeling and rendering, as well as in briefing synthesis, where I explored my experience during this internship and my contribution to Sika. l learned to identify clients' needs, understand their expectations, and translate that information into effective visual solutions. It was an enriching experience that enabled me to apply my theoretical knowledge in practice, expand my design skills, and gain a deeper understanding of the business context. I am confident that the skills and knowledge acquired during this internship will be valuable for my future professional career.
This internship report is part of the Master's Degree in Design from the School of Media Arts and Design at the Polytechnic Institute of Porto. Here, the entire journey and progression in this internship project with Sika, a company focused on the construction market, are presented. The author of this report was welcomed by Sika for a period of three and a half months, under the guidance of the tutor and designer Armando Fernandes (Sika) and Professor Rita Coelho, PhD (academic supervisor at the School of Media Arts and Design). As part of the Marketing department, I worked on various projects in a real-world context with a certain level of autonomy, effectively communicating the brand to the external world. This resulted in my contribution as a Graphic Design intern at Sika. This internship allowed me to gain a deep understanding of the company's activities and processes, as well as a comprehensive view of the construction and industry sector. Throughout this period, I had the opportunity to participate in engaging and challenging projects, utilizing 3D design as a powerful communication tool. Throughout this internship, l achieved significant results, refining my skills in the field of 3D modeling and rendering, as well as in briefing synthesis, where I explored my experience during this internship and my contribution to Sika. l learned to identify clients' needs, understand their expectations, and translate that information into effective visual solutions. It was an enriching experience that enabled me to apply my theoretical knowledge in practice, expand my design skills, and gain a deeper understanding of the business context. I am confident that the skills and knowledge acquired during this internship will be valuable for my future professional career.
Relatório de estágio
Design gráfico Modelação e renderização 3D Identidade visual Graphic design 3D modelling and rendering Visual identity