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A evolução do mercado da domótica têm vindo a crescer exponencialmente, por todo o mundo. Contudo, considerando a escassez de informações de hábitos de consumo, tendências e descrição do mercado de domótica em Portugal, torna-se desafiante retratar o valor que este setor representa e como irá evoluir daqui para a frente.
O crescimento do mercado deriva de vários fatores, entre os quais se destaca o aparecimento progressivo de novas ofertas de mercado, inovações tecnológicas, rápida evolução da Internet of Things e tendências, como as soluções Do-it-Yourself.
Este projeto consiste na análise da perceção face a sistemas DIY de domótica, onde se pretende perceber se as tecnologias domésticas inteligentes são utilizadas e valorizadas, quais os fatores que levam à sua aquisição ou inibição, propósito das mesmas, e por fim, vantagens e desvantagens percecionadas. A análise torna-se real através do instrumento de recolha de dados primários, por questionário, resultando num estudo de carater exploratório. O modelo para avaliar este estudo tem por base os constructos do TAM e de outros modelos.
A partir dos resultados obtidos no estudo, procedeu-se à perceção face ao controlo de tecnologias que tornam uma casa inteligente, tal como a sua aquisição e instalação por conta própria, considerando vários fatores inerentes à adesão a este tipo de soluções.
The evolution of the home automation market has been growing exponentially around the world. However, given the scarcity of information on consumer habits, trends and market description of home automation in Portugal, it becomes challenging to portray the value this industry represents and how it will develop from now on. The constant growth of the market is due to several factors, among which we can highlight the progressive emergence of market offerings, technological innovations, rapid progress of the Internet of Things and trends such as Do-it-Yourself solutions. This project aims to analyze the perception of DIY home automation systems, which suggests to understand if smart home technologies are used and valued, which factors lead to the adoption and inhibition, motivations, advantages and disadvantages perceived. This analysis becomes possible through the questionnaire primary data collection instrument, resulting in an exploratory study. The model to evaluate this study was based on the constructs of TAM and other models. From the results of the study, the perception regarding the control of technologies that make a smart home, as well as its acquisition and installation on its own, was characterized, considering several factors and inherent to the adoption of this type of solutions.
The evolution of the home automation market has been growing exponentially around the world. However, given the scarcity of information on consumer habits, trends and market description of home automation in Portugal, it becomes challenging to portray the value this industry represents and how it will develop from now on. The constant growth of the market is due to several factors, among which we can highlight the progressive emergence of market offerings, technological innovations, rapid progress of the Internet of Things and trends such as Do-it-Yourself solutions. This project aims to analyze the perception of DIY home automation systems, which suggests to understand if smart home technologies are used and valued, which factors lead to the adoption and inhibition, motivations, advantages and disadvantages perceived. This analysis becomes possible through the questionnaire primary data collection instrument, resulting in an exploratory study. The model to evaluate this study was based on the constructs of TAM and other models. From the results of the study, the perception regarding the control of technologies that make a smart home, as well as its acquisition and installation on its own, was characterized, considering several factors and inherent to the adoption of this type of solutions.
(Esta versão contém as críticas e sugestões dos elementos do júri)
Domótica Casas inteligentes Do-It-Yourself Tecnologias domésticas inteligentes. Domotics Smarthome tecnologies Smart homes