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A liderança e a motivação apresentam-se como dois conceitos fundamentais para o
sucesso e evolução de uma organização. Existe uma relação entre os dois temas, uma vez
que podemos aferir que uma correta aplicação da liderança pode contribuir para o
aumento dos níveis de motivação. A liderança eficaz proporciona aos trabalhadores um
ambiente de trabalho onde estes se sentem valorizados e motivados e a motivação age
como um agente impulsionador para que os liderados alcancem as metas propostas. Ora,
quando os líderes entendem e aplicam os princípios da motivação, conseguem incitar os
crescimento dos seus colaboradores, contribuindo, como foi referido, para o sucesso da
Neste sentido, entendeu-se pertinente a formulação da seguinte pergunta de investigação:
Qual o papel da liderança e motivação para estudantes do Ensino Superior no contexto
organizacional? Assim, o objetivo geral desta dissertação é estudar a liderança e
motivação na perspetiva dos estudantes do Ensino Superior. Como objetivos específicos,
Como objetivos específicos da dissertação, foram selecionados os seguintes: Identificar
o item com a média mais alta e mais baixa no que concerne ao estilo de liderança
orientado para a tarefa, para as pessoas, no que respeita ao estilo de liderança participativo
e autocrático; identificar o estilo de liderança mais evidenciado pelo estudante e pelo
estudante trabalhador e por sexo; identificar o item com a média mais alta e mais baixa
referente às necessidades de autoestimas, sociais, de segurança e autorrealização;
identificar o item com a média mais alta referente ao relacionamento entre o líder e a
motivação; Identificar a dimensão de motivação segundo a ocupação e o sexo - estudantes
e estudantes trabalhadores. O estudo também formulou as seguintes hipótese: H1 - Há
correlação positiva entre a liderança orientada para as pessoas e a motivação; H2 - Há
correlação positiva entre a liderança participativa e a motivação; H3 - Estilo de liderança
orientada para a tarefa provoca menor grau de motivação; H4 – Liderança autocrática
conduz a baixa grau de motivação dos colaboradores.
Para a realização do estudo, optou-se por um estudo de natureza quantitativa, com os
dados a serem recolhidos através de um inquérito por questionário e analisados com
recurso ao Excel e ao SPSS, com os dados a serem analisados com recurso ao Coeficiente
de Correlação de Pearson, médias, desvios padrões, estatísticas descritivas. A amostra foi
constituída por estudantes do Ensino Superior e recolheram-se 133 respostas válidas. De acordo com os resultados, é possível aferir que os estudantes do Ensino Superior
identificam-se com uma liderança participativa e orientada para as pessoas, num ambiente
de trabalho onde as relações interpessoais, o respeito e a confiança estão presentes e que
valorize os seus colaboradores, através do seu reconhecimento e compensação, onde se
levanta o sentido de bem estar.
Leadership and motivation are two fundamental concepts for the success and evolution of an organization. There is a relationship between the two themes, since we can say that a correct application of leadership can contribute to increasing levels of application. Effective leadership provides workers with a work environment where they feel valued and motivated and motivation is like a driving agent for leaders to achieve the proposed goals. Now, when leaders understand and apply the principles of motivation, they are able to encourage the growth of their employees, contributing, as mentioned, to the success of the organization. In this sense, we understand that it is pertinent to formulate the following research question: What is the role of leadership and motivation for Higher Education students in the organizational context? Thus, the general objective of this dissertation is to study leadership and motivation from the perspective of Higher Education students. As specific objectives, the following were selected as specific objectives of the dissertation: identify the item with the highest and lowest media with regard to the task-oriented leadership style, for people, with regard to the leadership style participatory and autocratic; identify the leadership style most demonstrated by students and workers and by gender; Identify the item with the highest and lowest media regarding trust, social, security and self actualization needs; Identify the item with the highest media regarding the relationship between the leader and motivation; To identify the dimension of motivation according to occupation and gender, students and working students. The study also formulated the following hypotheses: H1 - There is a positive correlation between people-oriented leadership and motivation; H2 - There is a positive correlation between participative leadership and motivation; H3 - Task-oriented leadership style causes a lower level of motivation; H4 – Autocratic leadership leads to a low level of employee motivation. To carry out the study, a quantitative study was chosen, with data to be collected through a questionnaire survey and analyzed using Excel and SPSS, with the data to be analyzed using the Correlation Coefficient Pearson, means, standard deviations, descriptive statistics. The sample consisted of Higher Education students and 133 valid responses were collected. According to the results, it is possible to verify that Higher Education students feel motivated in an organizational context through participatory and people oriented leadership, in a work environment where interpersonal relationships, respect and trust are present and that values its employees, through their recognition and compensation, where a strong sense of well-being is raised.
Leadership and motivation are two fundamental concepts for the success and evolution of an organization. There is a relationship between the two themes, since we can say that a correct application of leadership can contribute to increasing levels of application. Effective leadership provides workers with a work environment where they feel valued and motivated and motivation is like a driving agent for leaders to achieve the proposed goals. Now, when leaders understand and apply the principles of motivation, they are able to encourage the growth of their employees, contributing, as mentioned, to the success of the organization. In this sense, we understand that it is pertinent to formulate the following research question: What is the role of leadership and motivation for Higher Education students in the organizational context? Thus, the general objective of this dissertation is to study leadership and motivation from the perspective of Higher Education students. As specific objectives, the following were selected as specific objectives of the dissertation: identify the item with the highest and lowest media with regard to the task-oriented leadership style, for people, with regard to the leadership style participatory and autocratic; identify the leadership style most demonstrated by students and workers and by gender; Identify the item with the highest and lowest media regarding trust, social, security and self actualization needs; Identify the item with the highest media regarding the relationship between the leader and motivation; To identify the dimension of motivation according to occupation and gender, students and working students. The study also formulated the following hypotheses: H1 - There is a positive correlation between people-oriented leadership and motivation; H2 - There is a positive correlation between participative leadership and motivation; H3 - Task-oriented leadership style causes a lower level of motivation; H4 – Autocratic leadership leads to a low level of employee motivation. To carry out the study, a quantitative study was chosen, with data to be collected through a questionnaire survey and analyzed using Excel and SPSS, with the data to be analyzed using the Correlation Coefficient Pearson, means, standard deviations, descriptive statistics. The sample consisted of Higher Education students and 133 valid responses were collected. According to the results, it is possible to verify that Higher Education students feel motivated in an organizational context through participatory and people oriented leadership, in a work environment where interpersonal relationships, respect and trust are present and that values its employees, through their recognition and compensation, where a strong sense of well-being is raised.
Liderança Motivação Estudantes Estudantes trabalhadores Ensino superior Ambiente organizacional Leadership Organizational environment Motivation Students Higher education