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O User Generated Content é uma das fontes de informação mais importantes e credíveis na ótica do utilizador no comércio online. Este conteúdo é útil e fácil de usar quando se procura informação, porque reduz as dissonâncias cognitivas das transações comerciais, permitindo poupar tempo em pesquisas. A investigação tem como objeto de estudo o UGC presente no site Booking. Este foi escolhido devido à notoriedade e uso que tem em Portugal. Deste modo, o objetivo geral desta investigação é o de testar a aceitação e uso deste UGC, recorrendo a um dos principais modelos de adoção de tecnologias, o Technology Acceptance Model (TAM).
O modelo de equações estruturais é constituído por 4 constructos, que são a facilidade de uso percebida, a utilidade percebida, a intenção comportamental de usar e o uso propriamente dito. O modelo relaciona a variável facilidade de uso percebida com a utilidade percebida. Estas, por sua vez, relacionam-se com a intenção comportamental, que por sua vez se relaciona com o uso. De acordo com os índices de ajustamento, o modelo apresenta um ajustamento muito bom. Recorrendo ao TAM e com os valores obtidos no modelo, todas as hipóteses de pesquisa foram validadas, pelo que se verificaram a aceitação e uso do UGC do Booking. Foi possível determinar que a facilidade de uso percebida é a crença que maior influência gera na intenção comportamental para usar. Também se determinou que a intenção comportamental para usar tem um impacto elevado no uso. Para além disso, foi possível determinar qual o tipo de UGC mais utilizado nos sites de reserva de alojamentos em geral e no Booking. Para além disso, foi confirmada a elevada notoriedade do Booking em relação a outros concorrentes nesta amostra.
The User Generated Content is one of the most important and credible information sources in the user’s perspective while shopping online. This content is easy to use and useful when searching for information, because it reduces the cognitive dissonances on commercial transactions that allows saving time in searching. This investigation has Booking’s UGC as object of study. Booking was chosen due to the high notoriety and use in Portugal. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to test the acceptance and use of this UGC, using one of the main models of acceptance of technology, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The equation’s structural model is constituted by 4 factors that are perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, behavioral intention to use and use. The model predicts a relation between perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. These in turn are related to behavioral intention, which in turn is related to use. According to the model fit indices, the fit is very good. Using TAM and according to the values obtained in the model, all the research questions were validated. For that reason, the acceptance and use of Booking’s UGC were also verified. It was possible to find that ease of use is the belief with higher positive effect on behavior intention to use. The analysis of the model also concludes that intention to use has a high impact on use. Furthermore, it was possible to find which one is the most used type of UGC in the booking’s sites in general and in the Booking in particular. It was also verified the higher notoriety of Booking regarding other competitors in this sample.
The User Generated Content is one of the most important and credible information sources in the user’s perspective while shopping online. This content is easy to use and useful when searching for information, because it reduces the cognitive dissonances on commercial transactions that allows saving time in searching. This investigation has Booking’s UGC as object of study. Booking was chosen due to the high notoriety and use in Portugal. Therefore, the main purpose of this research is to test the acceptance and use of this UGC, using one of the main models of acceptance of technology, the Technology Acceptance Model (TAM). The equation’s structural model is constituted by 4 factors that are perceived usefulness, perceived ease of use, behavioral intention to use and use. The model predicts a relation between perceived ease of use and perceived usefulness. These in turn are related to behavioral intention, which in turn is related to use. According to the model fit indices, the fit is very good. Using TAM and according to the values obtained in the model, all the research questions were validated. For that reason, the acceptance and use of Booking’s UGC were also verified. It was possible to find that ease of use is the belief with higher positive effect on behavior intention to use. The analysis of the model also concludes that intention to use has a high impact on use. Furthermore, it was possible to find which one is the most used type of UGC in the booking’s sites in general and in the Booking in particular. It was also verified the higher notoriety of Booking regarding other competitors in this sample.
User generated content Technology acceptance model Booking Modelo de equações estruturais User generated content; Structural equation model Technology acceptance model