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O presente Relatório de Estágio, intitulado "O contributo das atividades de envolvimento epistémico
para a educação cidadã dos alunos", está alinhado com o plano de estudos do Mestrado em Ensino do
1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico e Ensino de História e Geografia de Portugal no
2.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico. Este relatório constitui um componente essencial para a avaliação da
Prática de Ensino Supervisionada e é um requisito formal para a admissão à prova pública e obtenção
do grau de Mestre.
O documento oferece uma análise detalhada da experiência vivida durante o estágio no ano letivo
2023/2024, incluindo uma reflexão sobre o desenvolvimento profissional, social e pessoal. Explora a
relação entre investigação e prática, destacando como a observação, planificação, ação e reflexão
contribuíram para o enriquecimento das competências necessárias a um docente de perfil duplo. O
relatório dá especial ênfase ao projeto de investigação intitulado "O contributo das atividades de
envolvimento epistémico para a educação cidadã dos alunos". Este projeto, desenvolvido numa turma
do 3.º ano do 1.º Ciclo do Ensino Básico, utilizou uma abordagem de investigação-ação para explorar
como as atividades que promovem a autonomia e a educação em valores influenciam a formação cidadã
dos alunos.
Além disso, o relatório reflete sobre o processo de desenvolvimento científico pedagógico, pessoal
e social da docente em formação, ancorado no percurso trilhado ao longo do estágio. Salienta que a
prática pedagógica requer uma constante articulação entre planificação, intervenção e reflexão,
evidenciando que ser professor implica também um processo de investigação. O binómio investigação e
ação permeia os diversos capítulos do documento, desde os aspetos científico-pedagógicos e
programáticos até à apresentação dos recortes da prática educativa e do projeto. Neste contexto,
foi desenvolvido um projeto de investigação e intervenção focado em avaliar como atividades de
envolvimento epistémico, combinadas com o trabalho colaborativo, podem potenciar a educação cidadã
dos alunos. O projeto visou explorar as vantagens e benefícios que o trabalho colaborativo traz
para a educação em valores, examinando de que forma a interação e a cooperação entre os alunos
contribuem para uma compreensão mais profunda dos princípios cívicos e sociais.
This internship report, intitled "The Contribution of Epistemic Activities in the Citizen Education of Students", is aligned with the study plan of the Master's Degree in Teaching of the1st Cycle of Basic Education and Teaching of History and Geography of Portugal in 2nd Cycle of Basic Education. This report constitutes an essential component for the evaluation of Supervised Teaching Practice and is a formal requirement for admission to the public test and obtaining the Master's Degree. The document offers a detailed analysis of the experience during the internship in the 2023/2024 academic year, including a reflection on professional, social and personal development. Explores the relationship between research and practice, highlighting how observation, planning, action and reflection contributed to the enrichment of the skills necessary for a dual profile teacher. The report gives special emphasis to the research project entitled "The Contribution of Epistemic lnvolvement Activities in Student Citizenship Education". This project, developed in a 3rd year class of 1st Cycle of Basic Education, used in action research approach to explore how activities that promote autonomy and education in values influence students' citizenship formation. Furthermore, the report reflects on the process of scientific-pedagogical, personal and social development of the teacher in training, anchored in the path taken throughout the internship. lt highlights that pedagogical practice requires a constant articulation between planning, intervention and reflection, highlighting that being a teacher also implies a research process. The binomial research and action permeate the various chapters of the document, from the scientific-pedagogical and programmatic aspects to the presentation of the educational practice and project excerpts. ln this context, a research and intervention project were developed focused on evaluating how epistemic involvement activities, combined with collaborative work, can enhance students' citizenship education. The project aimed to explore the advantages and benefits that collaborative work brings to values education, examining how interaction and cooperation between students contribute to a deeper understanding of civic and social principies.
This internship report, intitled "The Contribution of Epistemic Activities in the Citizen Education of Students", is aligned with the study plan of the Master's Degree in Teaching of the1st Cycle of Basic Education and Teaching of History and Geography of Portugal in 2nd Cycle of Basic Education. This report constitutes an essential component for the evaluation of Supervised Teaching Practice and is a formal requirement for admission to the public test and obtaining the Master's Degree. The document offers a detailed analysis of the experience during the internship in the 2023/2024 academic year, including a reflection on professional, social and personal development. Explores the relationship between research and practice, highlighting how observation, planning, action and reflection contributed to the enrichment of the skills necessary for a dual profile teacher. The report gives special emphasis to the research project entitled "The Contribution of Epistemic lnvolvement Activities in Student Citizenship Education". This project, developed in a 3rd year class of 1st Cycle of Basic Education, used in action research approach to explore how activities that promote autonomy and education in values influence students' citizenship formation. Furthermore, the report reflects on the process of scientific-pedagogical, personal and social development of the teacher in training, anchored in the path taken throughout the internship. lt highlights that pedagogical practice requires a constant articulation between planning, intervention and reflection, highlighting that being a teacher also implies a research process. The binomial research and action permeate the various chapters of the document, from the scientific-pedagogical and programmatic aspects to the presentation of the educational practice and project excerpts. ln this context, a research and intervention project were developed focused on evaluating how epistemic involvement activities, combined with collaborative work, can enhance students' citizenship education. The project aimed to explore the advantages and benefits that collaborative work brings to values education, examining how interaction and cooperation between students contribute to a deeper understanding of civic and social principies.
Prática de ensino supervisionada Reflexão Autonomia Cooperação Valores Supervised teaching practice Reflection Autonomy Cooperation Values
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Escola Superior de Educação