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As sociedades ocidentais estão atualmente envolvidas numa 4ª revolução industrial, caraterizada por uma forte transformação digital, transversal aos diferentes setores de atividade económica e social. Neste âmbito, estudos recentes têm vindo a apontar para um forte incremento na utilização da Realidade Virtual (RV) e Realidade Aumentada (RA), sobretudo em áreas relacionadas com o entretenimento, saúde, educação e indústria.
A presente dissertação tem como objetivo analisar as potencialidades da Realidade Virtual e Realidade Aumentada na Gestão e Desenvolvimento de Recursos Humanos, em especial na Gestão do Desempenho e Produtividade. Recorrendo-se a uma metodologia qualitativa, foram realizados dois estudos de investigação, (1) revisão sistemática da literatura e (2) análise do conteúdo online, no sentido de sistematizar o conhecimento científicos já produzido sobre a temática em estudo, compreender o seu potencial de utilização, explorar o processo de aplicação e ainda compreender os benefícios da RV e RA na gestão de desempenho e produtividade.
Os resultados demonstram que o recurso à RV e RA tem vindo a ser utilizado, na última década, no âmbito da Gestão de Recursos Humanos e em específico na gestão de desempenho e produtividade, mostrando-se como uma ferramenta vantajosa, capaz de acompanhar a inovação tecnológica e a competitividade organizacional, através de procedimentos mais eficazes para os colaboradores e para a própria organização.
Ainda que tratando-se de uma área claramente emergente, este estudo parece evidenciar a relevância e potencialidade da Realidade Virtual e Aumentada na Gestão do desempenho e da produtividade organizacional.
Western societies are currently engaged in a 4th industrial revolution, that is characterized by a strong digital transformation that cuts across different sectors of economic and social activity. In this context, recent studies have pointed to a strong increase of the use of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), especially in areas related to entertainment, health, education and industry. This dissertation aims to analyze the potentialities of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Human Resources Management and Development, especially in Performance and Productivity Management. Using a qualitative methodology, two research studies were conducted: systematic literature review (1) and online content analysis (2); first hand in order to systematize the scientific knowledge already produced on the subject under study and also, to understand its potential for utilization, explore the application process and understand the benefits of VR and AR in managing performance and productivity. The results show us that the use of VR and AR has been already used, since the last decade, in Human Resources Management, specifically in performance and productivity management, proving to be an advantageous tool, able to follow the technological innovation and organizational competitiveness through more effective procedures for employees and the organization itself. Although it is a clearly emerging area, this study seems to highlight the relevance and potentiality of Virtual and Augmented Reality in the management of performance and organizational productivity.
Western societies are currently engaged in a 4th industrial revolution, that is characterized by a strong digital transformation that cuts across different sectors of economic and social activity. In this context, recent studies have pointed to a strong increase of the use of Virtual Reality (VR) and Augmented Reality (AR), especially in areas related to entertainment, health, education and industry. This dissertation aims to analyze the potentialities of Virtual Reality and Augmented Reality in Human Resources Management and Development, especially in Performance and Productivity Management. Using a qualitative methodology, two research studies were conducted: systematic literature review (1) and online content analysis (2); first hand in order to systematize the scientific knowledge already produced on the subject under study and also, to understand its potential for utilization, explore the application process and understand the benefits of VR and AR in managing performance and productivity. The results show us that the use of VR and AR has been already used, since the last decade, in Human Resources Management, specifically in performance and productivity management, proving to be an advantageous tool, able to follow the technological innovation and organizational competitiveness through more effective procedures for employees and the organization itself. Although it is a clearly emerging area, this study seems to highlight the relevance and potentiality of Virtual and Augmented Reality in the management of performance and organizational productivity.
Recursos humanos Gestão de desempenho Produtividade Realidade virtual Realidade aumentada Productivity Augmented reality Human resources Performance management Virtual reality