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O presente estudo tem como principal objectivo caracterizar as práticas de Gestão de
Recursos Humanos mais desenvolvidas em pequenas e médias empresas (PME’s)
Embora parte integrante de uma investigação mais ampla, a qual resultou numa dissertação
de mestrado que pretendeu estudar as práticas de Gestão de Recursos Humanos (GRH) nas
empresas de média dimensão do distrito de Aveiro, este estudo pretende apresentar uma
das suas principais dimensões de análise. De referir que a investigação inicial abrangia o
conceito de média empresa (de 50 a 500 trabalhadores). No entanto, e para conferir
originalidade ao estudo que agora se apresenta publicamente, a realidade empírica em
estudo foi circunscrita às denominadas PME’s (50 a 249 trabalhadores).
Para melhor contextualizar a realidade objecto de estudo, tomou-se como ponto de partida
a abordagem teórica sobre as diferentes fases evolutivas do conceito e conteúdo da GRH e,
consequentemente, a sua caracterização no nosso país. Adicionalmente é analisado o papel
que o departamento de recursos humanos assume no desenvolvimento da GRH no interior
das PME’s através da disseminação que faz das suas diferentes práticas, previamente
identificadas a partir da revisão de literatura analisada. A partir da literatura revista foi
identificado um conjunto de 21 práticas de GRH como as mais comummente
desenvolvidas em contexto organizacional. Dado ser objectivo principal perceber se a
GRH das PME’s portuguesas acompanha a tendência evolutiva desta disciplina de gestão a
nível internacional, fez-se a diferenciação entre aquelas que são consideradas práticas
tradicionais e práticas estratégicas de GRH.
Delimitado ao distrito de Aveiro, de um universo constituído por 613 empresas, foi
aplicado um inquérito por questionário, via postal, tendo sido recolhidos 111 questionários
válidos. A análise dos resultados permite concluir que não obstante predominarem em
Portugal as PME’s, estas apresentam pouca intensidade no desenvolvimento de práticas de
GRH, ao mesmo tempo que se apresentam como limitadoras do grau de intervenção do
departamento de RH, no desenvolvimento dessas práticas.
Há, portanto, motivos para propor alguns desafios de mudança à GRH vigente neste grupo
de empresas, ainda muito dependente dos processos burocrático-administrativos na gestão
do recurso mais dinâmico das organizações: as pessoas.
É ainda longo o caminho a percorrer para que se possa falar numa efectiva gestão
estratégica de recursos humanos nas PME’s portuguesas. Contudo, os primeiros passos
estão dados. Este estudo permitiu não só uma primeira aproximação a um conjunto de
PME’s portuguesas bem como a obtenção de maior conhecimento da função recursos
humanos das PME’s estudadas. As principais conclusões extraídas deste estudo pretendem
ser um importante input que auxilie as empresas portuguesas com esta tipologia a
melhorarem a sua eficiência no domínio da GRH.
The present study aims the characterisation of the Portuguese medium and small companies’ Human Resources Management most developed practices. Although being an integrated part of a wider research, ending in a Master dissertation that aimed the study of Human Resources Management practices in Aveiro district medium size companies, the present study pretends to present one of its main analysis dimensions. It’s worth referring that the initial investigation concerned the medium size company concept (from 50 to 500 workers). Despite this, and in order to originally frame the now public study, the researched empirical reality was restricted to the so called small and medium size companies (50 to 249 workers). In order to better contextualise the studied reality object, the starting point was a theoretical approach on the different evoluting phases of HRM concept and containing and, consequently, its characterisation in our country. Additionally, there’s an analysis of the role that the human resources’ department assumes in the development of the HRM inside the small and medium size companies through the dissemination of its different practices, previously identified through the analysed bibliography revision. Through the revised bibliography it was possible to identify a set of 21 HRM practices as the most commonly developed in the organisational context. Since it’s crutial to understand if the portuguese small and medium size companies follow the evolutive tendancy of this management disicpline at an international level, the differentiation between those considered as traditional practices and the HRM strategical praxtices was done. Restricted to the Aveiro district, from a universe of 613 companies, an enquiry by questionnaire was applied, by post, having recovered 111 valid questionnaires. The results’ analysis allows to conclude that although predominant in Portugal, the small and medium size companies present low intensity in the HRM practices’ development, presenting at the same time a limitator role for the HR department intervention in the development of those same practices. For this reason, it believable to exist strong motives to propose some changing challenges to the present HRM in this group of companies, still too dependant on bureaucratic- administrative processes in the organisations’ most dynamic resource management: people. The pat is still long in order to be able to talk about an effective human resources strategic management in the Portuguese small and medium size companies. Although, the first steps were taken. The present study allowed not only a first approach to a set of Portuguese small and medium size companies, as well as the obtaining of a wider knowledge of the studied small and medium size companies’ human resources function. The extract main conclusions aim to be an important input to help Portuguese companies to improve its HRM domain efficiency through this typology.
The present study aims the characterisation of the Portuguese medium and small companies’ Human Resources Management most developed practices. Although being an integrated part of a wider research, ending in a Master dissertation that aimed the study of Human Resources Management practices in Aveiro district medium size companies, the present study pretends to present one of its main analysis dimensions. It’s worth referring that the initial investigation concerned the medium size company concept (from 50 to 500 workers). Despite this, and in order to originally frame the now public study, the researched empirical reality was restricted to the so called small and medium size companies (50 to 249 workers). In order to better contextualise the studied reality object, the starting point was a theoretical approach on the different evoluting phases of HRM concept and containing and, consequently, its characterisation in our country. Additionally, there’s an analysis of the role that the human resources’ department assumes in the development of the HRM inside the small and medium size companies through the dissemination of its different practices, previously identified through the analysed bibliography revision. Through the revised bibliography it was possible to identify a set of 21 HRM practices as the most commonly developed in the organisational context. Since it’s crutial to understand if the portuguese small and medium size companies follow the evolutive tendancy of this management disicpline at an international level, the differentiation between those considered as traditional practices and the HRM strategical praxtices was done. Restricted to the Aveiro district, from a universe of 613 companies, an enquiry by questionnaire was applied, by post, having recovered 111 valid questionnaires. The results’ analysis allows to conclude that although predominant in Portugal, the small and medium size companies present low intensity in the HRM practices’ development, presenting at the same time a limitator role for the HR department intervention in the development of those same practices. For this reason, it believable to exist strong motives to propose some changing challenges to the present HRM in this group of companies, still too dependant on bureaucratic- administrative processes in the organisations’ most dynamic resource management: people. The pat is still long in order to be able to talk about an effective human resources strategic management in the Portuguese small and medium size companies. Although, the first steps were taken. The present study allowed not only a first approach to a set of Portuguese small and medium size companies, as well as the obtaining of a wider knowledge of the studied small and medium size companies’ human resources function. The extract main conclusions aim to be an important input to help Portuguese companies to improve its HRM domain efficiency through this typology.