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O género documental destaca-se por um interesse na representação do mundo
real e histórico, a partir de histórias pessoais, de cariz íntimo e próximo. As imagens de
arquivo e os home-movies definem-se pelas mesmas características, como registos
genuínos das interações de famílias e/ou amigos, sendo ocasionalmente usados em
filmes documentais, como a manifestação do passado e da memória.
Com a introdução da Web surgem novas plataformas de produção mediática,
como é o caso do documentário interativo, capaz de estabelecer uma nova e
revolucionária relação com a audiência, passando os espectadores a ter um papel mais
ativo e imersivo na narrativa.
A presente dissertação pretende explorar as possibilidades do uso de home-
movies, como artefactos históricos e sociais da memória individual e coletiva, em
documentários interativos. O objetivo seria dinamizar, propagar e preservar estes
objetos audiovisuais. Pretende-se também refletir acerca da deslocação dos home-
movies da esfera privada para a esfera pública, assim como as implicações éticas, morais
e sociais associadas.
The documentary genre is known for its interest in the representation of the real and historical world, using personal stories that are intime and close. The images of the archive and the home-movies are defined by those same characteristics, as genuine records of the interaction of families and/or friends, being occasionally used in documentary films, as a manifestation of the past and memory. With the introduction of the Web, new platforms of media production arise, such as the interactive documentary, capable of establishing a new and revolutionary relation with its audience, giving spectators a more active and immersive role in the narrative. This dissertation aims to explore the possibilities of using home-movies, as historical and social artefacts of individual and collective memory, in interactive documentaries. The purpose would be to stimulate, propagate and preserves these audiovisual objects. The aim is also to reflect about the shift of home-movies from a private sphere to a public sphere, as well as the ethic, moral and social implications associated.
The documentary genre is known for its interest in the representation of the real and historical world, using personal stories that are intime and close. The images of the archive and the home-movies are defined by those same characteristics, as genuine records of the interaction of families and/or friends, being occasionally used in documentary films, as a manifestation of the past and memory. With the introduction of the Web, new platforms of media production arise, such as the interactive documentary, capable of establishing a new and revolutionary relation with its audience, giving spectators a more active and immersive role in the narrative. This dissertation aims to explore the possibilities of using home-movies, as historical and social artefacts of individual and collective memory, in interactive documentaries. The purpose would be to stimulate, propagate and preserves these audiovisual objects. The aim is also to reflect about the shift of home-movies from a private sphere to a public sphere, as well as the ethic, moral and social implications associated.
Dissertação de mestrado
Home-movies Arquivo Documentário Documentário interativo Documentário Web Archive Documentary Interactive Documentary Web documentary