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A digitalização na gestão de obras é um conceito atual que a cada dia que passa mais
se interioriza nos processos organizacionais das empresas do setor da Arquitetura,
Engenharia e Construção (AEC). Este processo implica a generalização da utilização de
um conjunto de ferramentas de hardware e software que permitem às empresas deste
setor uma crescente desmaterialização e versatilidade das suas atividades.
Sobre o tema do trabalho, faz-se uma referência à metodologia BIM (Building
Information Modeling), enquanto conjunto de ferramentas que permitem acompanhar
todas as fases do processo construtivo de um empreendimento, apoiando-se na
capacidade de gestão de informação em larga escala, desde a conceção do projeto até
à exploração do empreendimento.
Para a digitalização na gestão de obras existe um conjunto amplo e variado de
hardware e software associados, que podem ser utilizados para a mesma finalidade,
permitindo a aquisição de dados “in situ”, bem como o tratamento dessa informação.
Neste trabalho foram usados dois tipos hardware para aquisição de informação em
obra, nomeadamente, dois UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicle) ou drones e um TLS
(Terrestrial Laser Scanner).
Assim, no caso de estudo objeto da dissertação, para a aquisição de dados no
levantamento da obra, utilizaram-se dois UAVs, da marca DJI, Mavic Mini 2 e Mavic 3,
e um laser scanner Leika BLK360 G1, com o propósito de tratar os dados recolhidos e
de seguida fazer a comparação dos resultados obtidos, entre os equipamentos
No tratamento dos dados recolhidos foram utilizadas duas técnicas, a fotogrametria e
o processamento de nuvem de pontos, respetivamente associados a cada um dos tipos
de hardware atrás referidos. A utilização destas técnicas teve, também como
propósito, a comparação dos resultados do tratamento de dados.
Por fim, após o levantamento em obra e o tratamento dos dados recolhidos, feitas as
comparações dos resultados obtidos pelos diferentes hardware e software utilizados,
identificaram-se as vantagens e as limitações entre as ferramentas e as técnicas
utilizadas, no âmbito da digitalização na gestão de obras.
Digitalization in construction management is an up-to-date concept that is becoming more and more ingrained in the organizational processes of Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) companies. Digitalization involves a set of hardware and software tools that allow companies in the AEC sector to dematerialize their activities. Under the theme of this work, reference is made to the BIM (Building Information Modeling) methodology, as a set of tools that make it possible to monitor all phases of the construction process of an asset, based on the ability to manage information on a large scale, from project design to project construction. On the subject of digitalization in construction management, there is a wide and varied set of hardware and associated software that can be used for the same purpose, allowing the acquisition of data “in situ”, as well as the processing of this information. For the work associated with this dissertation two types of hardware were used to acquire data on site, namely a couple of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or drones and a TLS (Terrestrial Laser Scanner). Thus, in the case study, which is the subject of this dissertation, two drones were used to acquire the data during the site survey, namely a DJI Mavic Mini 2 and a DJI MAVIC 3, and a Leica BLK 360 G1 laser scanner, with the posterior aim of processing the data collected and then comparing the results obtained between the different pieces of equipment. Two techniques were used to process the data collected: photogrammetry and point cloud processing respectively associated with each type of hardware previously mentioned. The purpose of using these techniques was also to compare the results of the data processing. Finally, after the on-site survey and the processing of the data collected, comparisons were made of the results obtained by the different hardware and software used, and the advantages and limitations of the tools and techniques used were identified in the context of digitalization in construction management.
Digitalization in construction management is an up-to-date concept that is becoming more and more ingrained in the organizational processes of Architecture, Engineering and Construction (AEC) companies. Digitalization involves a set of hardware and software tools that allow companies in the AEC sector to dematerialize their activities. Under the theme of this work, reference is made to the BIM (Building Information Modeling) methodology, as a set of tools that make it possible to monitor all phases of the construction process of an asset, based on the ability to manage information on a large scale, from project design to project construction. On the subject of digitalization in construction management, there is a wide and varied set of hardware and associated software that can be used for the same purpose, allowing the acquisition of data “in situ”, as well as the processing of this information. For the work associated with this dissertation two types of hardware were used to acquire data on site, namely a couple of UAVs (Unmanned Aerial Vehicles) or drones and a TLS (Terrestrial Laser Scanner). Thus, in the case study, which is the subject of this dissertation, two drones were used to acquire the data during the site survey, namely a DJI Mavic Mini 2 and a DJI MAVIC 3, and a Leica BLK 360 G1 laser scanner, with the posterior aim of processing the data collected and then comparing the results obtained between the different pieces of equipment. Two techniques were used to process the data collected: photogrammetry and point cloud processing respectively associated with each type of hardware previously mentioned. The purpose of using these techniques was also to compare the results of the data processing. Finally, after the on-site survey and the processing of the data collected, comparisons were made of the results obtained by the different hardware and software used, and the advantages and limitations of the tools and techniques used were identified in the context of digitalization in construction management.
Gestão de obra UAV TLS Fotogrametria Nuvem de pontos BIM Construction management Photogrammetry Point cloud