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A partir da experiência do estágio profissional na produtora Filmógrafo,
percebeu-se que o trabalho de montagem seria o principal tema de reflexão para este
relatório. Dos vários projetos em que participei como montador, destaca-se a montagem
do documentário Paluí - Histórias Sonoras para Cantos Interiores. Neste, a música
representa um papel importante e estrutural na construção da narrativa. Outro fator que
caracteriza este projeto é o distanciamento do montador em relação às imagens
filmadas. Com base nestas particularidades, que foram levantadas durante o
desenvolvimento prático dos projetos, avançou-se para uma reflexão teórica e
aprofundada sobre o tema da montagem e a relação do montador com o material fílmico.
A pesquisa para esta reflexão passou por uma recolha de livros, artigos
científicos e teses, analisando o processo de montagem do ponto de vista do montador.
Para além disto, documentários e conferências em vídeo foram outros materiais de
pesquisa utilizados. Jillian Holt e Walter Murch são os principais autores que suportam
esta investigação, abrindo o leque de conceitos relacionados com a montagem, tais como
a criatividade e a intuição. O distanciamento emocional do montador é outra
componente desta reflexão que acaba por estar relacionada com estes conceitos.
O desenvolvimento teórico prossegue com uma análise sobre a música como um
elemento que faz parte da própria narrativa e que, por isso, acaba por ser estrutural no
processo de montagem.
O relatório culmina com uma descrição dos projetos práticos desenvolvidos no
estágio, nos quais se identificam os conceitos e temas abordados na vertente teórica.
From the experience of the professional internship at the production company Filmógrafo, it was realized that the editing work would be the main theme of reflection for this report. Of the various projects in which I participated as an editor, the editing of the documentary Paluí – Histórias Sonoras para Cantos Interiores stands out. In this project, music plays an important and structural role in the construction of the narrative. Another factor that characterizes Paluí is the distancing of the editor in relation to the images shot. Based on these particularities, which were raised during the practical development of the projects, we proceeded to a theoretical and in-depth reflection on the theme of editing and the editor's relationship with the filmic material. The research for this reflection went through a collection of books, scientific articles, and theses, analyzing the editing process from the point of view of the editor. In addition, documentaries and video conferences were other research materials used. Jillian Holt and Walter Murch are the main authors who support this investigation, opening the range of concepts related to editing, such as creativity and intuition. The emotional distance from the editor is another component of this reflection that ends up being related to these concepts. Theoretical development continues with an analysis of music as an element that is part of the narrative itself and, therefore, ends up being structural in the editing process. The report culminates with a description of the practical projects developed in the internship, in which the concepts and themes addressed in the theoretical aspect are identified.
From the experience of the professional internship at the production company Filmógrafo, it was realized that the editing work would be the main theme of reflection for this report. Of the various projects in which I participated as an editor, the editing of the documentary Paluí – Histórias Sonoras para Cantos Interiores stands out. In this project, music plays an important and structural role in the construction of the narrative. Another factor that characterizes Paluí is the distancing of the editor in relation to the images shot. Based on these particularities, which were raised during the practical development of the projects, we proceeded to a theoretical and in-depth reflection on the theme of editing and the editor's relationship with the filmic material. The research for this reflection went through a collection of books, scientific articles, and theses, analyzing the editing process from the point of view of the editor. In addition, documentaries and video conferences were other research materials used. Jillian Holt and Walter Murch are the main authors who support this investigation, opening the range of concepts related to editing, such as creativity and intuition. The emotional distance from the editor is another component of this reflection that ends up being related to these concepts. Theoretical development continues with an analysis of music as an element that is part of the narrative itself and, therefore, ends up being structural in the editing process. The report culminates with a description of the practical projects developed in the internship, in which the concepts and themes addressed in the theoretical aspect are identified.
Relatório de Estágio
Montagem Processo Criatividade Intuição Distanciamento do montador Música Edititng Process Creativity Intuition Editor’s distancing Music