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A Indústria 4.0 apresenta uma série de tecnologias que facilitam os processos de produção e têm como objetivo reduzir custos e recursos. Já a sustentabilidade é a capacidade de satisfazer as nossas necessidades no presente sem comprometer a capacidade de as gerações futuras satisfazerem as suas próprias necessidades. A sustentabilidade é um conceito abrangente que considera as dimensões social, ambiental e económica. Com a combinação destes dois conceitos nasce a Sustentabilidade 4.0 que procura por meio da implementação de novas tecnologias utilizar os recursos como matéria-prima e energia de forma mais eficiente tornando os seus produtos/serviços mais competitivos. Há uma descentralização dos processos através da utilização de tecnologias que permitem controlar e monitorizar toda a cadeia de produção. Procurando fundir os processos físicos, digitais e biológicos da indústria originando novos modelos de negócio e gestão mais completos. Sendo este um tema ainda pouco explorado e com pouca base científica o presente trabalho pretende explorar os dois conceitos e perceber de que forma um influencia o outro, ou seja, perceber quais as tecnologias que influenciam as três dimensões da sustentabilidade. No trabalho realizado para a presente dissertação foi adotada a metodologia Action Research onde se iniciou com uma pesquisa bibliográfica que, de acordo com os pioneiros deste tema, permitiu percecionar o impacto das novas tecnologias na sustentabilidade. De seguida na fase action foi desenvolvida uma framework para avaliação do impacto da Indústria 4.0 na Sustentabilidade denominada de Framework para a Sustentabilidade 4.0. Posto isto a mesma foi aplicada a um caso de estudo, a empresa de metalomecânica Mecwide SA, com o intuito de perceber quais os contributos das novas tecnologias nas dimensões sociais, ambientais e económicas da
sustentabilidade. De seguida na análise de dados, deu-se a recolha de informação através de inquéritos e observação direta. E por fim identificadas as tecnologias utilizadas e as suas relações com a questões da sustentabilidade a nível social, ambiental e económico. Como resultado do trabalho concretizado, é notável uma forte relação na aplicação das tecnologias para atingir um melhor desenvolvimento sustentável principalmente nas dimensões social e ambiental. Os resultados indicam que as introduções das tecnologias simplificam processos, eliminam tarefas repetitivas e melhoram a comunicação, garantem o acesso a informação em qualquer lugar o que permite o teletrabalho. São ainda utilizadas para a divulgação de formações, inquéritos de satisfação e comunicação de eventos. O que leva a um melhor clima organizacional e sentimento de preocupação e interesse pelo trabalho e consequente aumento de produtividade. A nível ambiental a introdução das novas tecnologias permite recolher e analisar dados de consumos e gastos de energia, combustíveis, recursos naturais e matérias-primas em tempo real. O que indiretamente está ligado a uma gestão mais eficiente com redução de custos o que impacta na dimensão económica da sustentabilidade. Além disso as novas tecnologias estão bastante associadas às energias renováveis que começam a ser adotadas pela Mecwide, à redução de consumos, desperdícios e custos de não qualidade.
Industry 4.0 presents a series of technologies that facilitate production processes and aim to reduce costs and resources. Sustainability, on the other hand, is the ability to meet our needs in the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainability is a comprehensive concept that considers the social, environmental and economic dimensions. With the combination of these two concepts, Sustainability 4.0 is born, which seeks to use resources such as raw materials and energy more efficiently through the implementation of new technologies, making its products/services more competitive. There is a decentralization of processes through the use of technologies that allow the control and monitoring of the entire production chain. Seeking to merge the physical, digital and biological processes of the industry, giving rise to new, more complete business and management models. As this is a topic that has still been little explored and with little scientific basis, this work aims to explore the two concepts and understand how one influences the other, that is, to understand which technologies influence the three dimensions of sustainability. The work carried out for this dissertation adopted the Action Research methodology, which began with a bibliographical search that, according to the pioneers of this topic, allowed us to perceive the impact of new technologies on sustainability. Then, in the action phase, a framework was developed to assess the impact of Industry 4.0 on Sustainability, called the Framework for Sustainability 4.0. This was then applied to a case study, the metalworking company Mecwide SA, with the aim of understanding the contributions of new technologies to the social, environmental and economic dimensions of sustainability. Next, in the data analysis, information was collected through surveys and direct observation. Finally, the technologies used and their relationships with sustainability issues at a social, environmental and economic level were identified. As a result of the work carried out, a strong relationship in the application of technologies to achieve better sustainable development is notable, especially in the social and environmental dimensions. The results indicate that the introduction of technologies simplifies processes, eliminates repetitive tasks and improves communication, ensuring access to information anywhere, which allows teleworking. They are also used to promote training, conduct satisfaction surveys and communicate events. This leads to a better organizational climate and a feeling of concern and interest in work and, consequently, an increase in productivity. At an environmental level, the introduction of new technologies allows the collection and analysis of data on consumption and expenditure of energy, fuels, natural resources and raw materials in real time. This is indirectly linked to more efficient management with cost reduction, which impacts the economic dimension of sustainability. In addition, new technologies are closely associated with renewable energies that are beginning to be adopted by Mecwide, reducing consumption, waste and costs of non-quality.
Industry 4.0 presents a series of technologies that facilitate production processes and aim to reduce costs and resources. Sustainability, on the other hand, is the ability to meet our needs in the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Sustainability is a comprehensive concept that considers the social, environmental and economic dimensions. With the combination of these two concepts, Sustainability 4.0 is born, which seeks to use resources such as raw materials and energy more efficiently through the implementation of new technologies, making its products/services more competitive. There is a decentralization of processes through the use of technologies that allow the control and monitoring of the entire production chain. Seeking to merge the physical, digital and biological processes of the industry, giving rise to new, more complete business and management models. As this is a topic that has still been little explored and with little scientific basis, this work aims to explore the two concepts and understand how one influences the other, that is, to understand which technologies influence the three dimensions of sustainability. The work carried out for this dissertation adopted the Action Research methodology, which began with a bibliographical search that, according to the pioneers of this topic, allowed us to perceive the impact of new technologies on sustainability. Then, in the action phase, a framework was developed to assess the impact of Industry 4.0 on Sustainability, called the Framework for Sustainability 4.0. This was then applied to a case study, the metalworking company Mecwide SA, with the aim of understanding the contributions of new technologies to the social, environmental and economic dimensions of sustainability. Next, in the data analysis, information was collected through surveys and direct observation. Finally, the technologies used and their relationships with sustainability issues at a social, environmental and economic level were identified. As a result of the work carried out, a strong relationship in the application of technologies to achieve better sustainable development is notable, especially in the social and environmental dimensions. The results indicate that the introduction of technologies simplifies processes, eliminates repetitive tasks and improves communication, ensuring access to information anywhere, which allows teleworking. They are also used to promote training, conduct satisfaction surveys and communicate events. This leads to a better organizational climate and a feeling of concern and interest in work and, consequently, an increase in productivity. At an environmental level, the introduction of new technologies allows the collection and analysis of data on consumption and expenditure of energy, fuels, natural resources and raw materials in real time. This is indirectly linked to more efficient management with cost reduction, which impacts the economic dimension of sustainability. In addition, new technologies are closely associated with renewable energies that are beginning to be adopted by Mecwide, reducing consumption, waste and costs of non-quality.
Indústria 4.0 Framework Digitalização Sustentabilidade social Sustentabilidade ambiental Sustentabilidade financeira Industry 4.0 Digitalization Social Sustainability Environmental Sustainability Financial Sustainability