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- On statistical modelling of mechanical manipulatorsPublication . Galhano, Alexandra; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Carvalho, J. L. Martins deA novel approach to the modelling of robot manipulators is presented. System descriptions based on a set of differential equations may lead to very precise results and strategies but, in general, require laborious conputations. This motivates the need of alternative methods based on other mathematical concepts. The proposed statistical model gives clear quidelines towards the robot kinematic and dynamic optimization and the definition of rest and active manipulation regions. Furthermore, the results point out ideal properties for the actuators namely as "position and acceleration" devices instead of "velocity" machines. This observation is of utmost importance as it gives a basis to new mechanical robot manipulator structures, with performances close to biomechanical systems.
- A novel method for the modelling of mechanical manipulatorsPublication . Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Galhano, AlexandraA new approach to the analysis and design of robot manipulators is presented. The novel feature resides on a non-standard formulation to the modelling problem. Usually, system descriptions are based on a set of differential equations which, in general, require laborious computations and may be difficult to analyse. These facts motivate the need of alternative models based on different mathematical concepts. The proposed statistical approach to the Fourier modelling gives clear guidelines towards the optimisation of the robot kinematics and point out structural characteristics of the trajectory planning algorithms.
- WinRob: An educational program for roboticsPublication . Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Galhano, AlexandraThe paper presents a program for robotics education that runs on standard IBM-PC's under Microsoft Windows environment. The WinRob package is designed for undergraduates students and emphasis the aspect of robot modelling and control. The software is self-explanatory and uses menus, dialog boxes with figures and context-dependent on-line help. In this perspective, students are motivated to investigate on the kinematics, dynamics, trajectory planning and control in order to get insight into robotics.
- On the analysis and design of robot manipulators: A statistical approachPublication . Galhano, Alexandra; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Carvalho, J. L. Martins deA new approach to the analysis and design of robot manipulators is presented. The novel feature resides on a non-standard approach to the modelling problem. Usually, system descriptions are based on a set of differential equations which, due to their nautre lead to very precise results and strategies but in general lead to laborious computations. This motivates the need of alternative models based on other mathematical concepts. The proposed statistical method is a step in this direction which gives clear guidelines towards the robot kinematic and dynamic optimization. Furthermore, the use of histograms allows not only fast design procedures but above all, the use of experiemental data; consequently, complex dynamic modelling exercises can be avoided.
- On the statistical analysis of biomechanical armsPublication . Galhano, Alexandra; Carvalho, J. L. Martins de; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.Standard joint-actuated manipulators have poor performances due to the high requirements imposed by the transients of the operational tasks. Muscle-actuated arms are superior because the anatomic levers adapt the manipulating requirements to the actuators. The statistical analysis of thes systems highlights its main properties and cosntitutes a step towards the design of new mechanical robotic structures, with performances closer to the biological arms.
- Fractional-order position/force robot controlPublication . Ferreira, N. M. Fonseca; Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Galhano, Alexandra; Cunha, J. BoaventuraIn this paper it is studied the implementation of fractional-order algorithms in position/force control of two cooperating robotic manipulaotrs. The performance and system robustness are analyzed in the time and frequency domains. The effect of backlash and flexibility at the robot joints is also investigated.
- A program for teaching the fundamentals of robot modelling and controlPublication . Tenreiro Machado, J. A.; Galhano, AlexandraThe paper presents a program for robotics education that runs on standard IMB-PC's under the Microsoft Windows environment. The program WinRob is designed for undergraduate students and emphasises the aspect of robot modelling. The software is self-explanatory and uses menus, dialog boxes with figures and context-dependent on-line help. In this perspective, students are motivated to investigate on the kinematics, dynamics, trajectory planning and control in order to get insight into robotics.