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  • Fashion weeks as a driver of sustainable development in tourism destinations: the case of Portugal Fashion
    Publication . Liberato, Pedro; Mendes, Benedita; Liberato, Dália; Alén, Elisa
    Over the last years, fashion events tourism has been increasing, namely through promotional events, in which designers and fashion companies present their new collections, attracting visitors that meet their needs of shopping experiences and attending fashion events. The objective of this research work is to identify the effects of the realization of a fashion week in the sustainable development of a city, as a tourism destination. On the empirical side, using a qualitative methodology, the research presents a case study that relates the Portugal Fashion event with the sustainable development of the city of Porto as a tourism destination. The main conclusions show that the Portugal Fashion adds value to Porto and contributes to the sustainable development of both the economic and socio-cultural perspectives. However, it is crucial that the several stakeholders of the city cooperate so that the benefits from this event are maximized.
  • The intangible cultural heritage as a creative tourism product. The masks of Trás-os-Montes
    Publication . Rodrigues, Cristina; Liberato, Dália; Esteves, Elsa
    Many regions of the world and in particular Portugal, are associated with products, symbols, crafts, and traditions. These associations help to build the identity image of places and the perception we have of them as tourism destinations. This article aims to present theoretical reflections on the potential of intangible cultural heritage for the construction of creative tourism products, in an inland region of Portugal, with a particularly rich and dynamic tradition in socio-cultural terms. The study applies to Terras de Trás-os-Montes, where it is believed that several tourism products, of creative basis, may emerge from the Tradition of Masked: an ancestral intangible cultural heritage, common to several municipalities of the region. Using the qualitative methodology, the interview method was applied, to understand the perspective of individuals with relevant knowledge about the issue. The results presented, link Tradition to the enhancement of cultural identity, the development of tourism activity, the focus on creative tourism, and the dynamics of cross-border cooperation. These themes highlighted the importance and the positive contribution of this cultural heritage, internally, to the resident community and externally, to the tourism market.
  • Rural regeneration through creative tourism: local discourses on cultural heritage
    Publication . Rodrigues, Cristina; Mendes, Teresa; Liberato, Dália; Brandão, Filipa; Esteves, Elsa; Liberato, Pedro
    Alternative forms of tourism are gradually emerging, as tourism transforms itself and adopts new forms of consumption and development. It is therefore necessary to understand the new approaches to tourism sustainability in order to achieve more transformative results for destinations and their local communities. This research aims to identify creative tourism as the most equitable approach to achieving the sustainability and the regeneration of rural territories. Thus, the general objective is to understand how Cultural Heritage, as a tourist resource, can be used to promote regenerative impacts in a rural region of Portugal, particularly in Trás-os-Montes. As part of a qualitative methodology, the focus group interview technique was applied to three of the destination's stakeholders: Municipalities; Tourism agents; and Residents, to discuss the tourism promotion of a very particular heritage and its implications. The main results identify the greatest consensus among the participants, essentially regarding the suitability of creative tourism for the Cultural Heritage under study, from different perspectives. As well as five potential regenerative benefits for the destination: (i) Local Sourcing Practices, (ii) Social and Cultural Involvement, (iii) Sustainable Economic Performance, (iv) Inclusiveness Management, and (v) Education and Capacity Building, associated with nine United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs).
  • Perspectives of social sustainability in urban tourism. Comparative study between Porto and Barcelona
    Publication . Liberato, Pedro; Nogueira, Rita; Liberato, Dália
    Sustainability in the tourism sector has, in recent years, been raising not only a concern within the discussion of development strategies but also an area of intervention in terms of balance between residents’ quality of life and the perspective of economic benefit and investment attraction for the regions involved. This research applied a qualitative methodology, based on five semi-structured interviews with academics and governmental organizations in both cities of Porto and Barcelona. A comparative analysis was carried out between the cities of Porto and Barcelona, which despite being distant in terms of their positioning and development as destinations, consolidate the research, in arguments presented by stakeholders of both regions, regarding the perspective of tourism development, based on the pillars of sustainability supported in the literature. The interviews provided information through open questions, with the opportunity to reformulate the issues during the interviews, as a crucial aspect to obtain information. The main conclusions show that the tourism growth in the city of Porto had a crucial weight in its development, namely in the remodeling of the public and private buildings, enhancement of the social and cultural heritage by the residents, and stimulation of the local economy and subsequent increase of jobs in the sector. Considering Barcelona, its positioning differs from that of Porto and aspects such as the dissatisfaction of residents with the excessive tourism demand and the lack of implementation of visible strategies to preserve permanent residence in the city, the absence of a demand segmentation strategy in the region, the reduced average stay that generates an increase in environmental impacts in the city, is also induced by the strong concentration of tourism attractions in some districts.
  • Information and communication technologies in creative and sustainable tourism
    Publication . Ferreira, Ana; Liberato, Pedro; Liberato, Dália; Rocha, Álvaro
    In this article we intend to show the importance of information and communication technologies (ICT) in the election and diffusion of creative and sustainable tourism. Creative tourism, by focusing its action on the way of life and the identity of local communities, will be a tourism that proposes activities that are based on local identity and memory and consider the preservation of available resources. In this sense, we ask: What is the role of ICT for the valuation of creative tourism? Can ICT define the course of tourism in each territory? Firstly, we intend to clarify the pertinence of this interdisciplinary research - sustainable creative tourism and information and communication technologies. Next, we emphasize that the diffusion of information is a fundamental asset for tourism development, since the tourist value of a destination depends largely on its ability to affirm itself as a national and international brand. The methodology followed will be based on the revision of the available bibliography leading to the consolidation of the idea that ICT are an indispensable tool for the promotion of creative tourism.
  • Diversity in tourism demand and the revisiting of sustainable and pilgrimage destinations: an approach to the Ways of St. James
    Publication . Martins, Adriana; Sousa, Bruno; Liberato, Dália; Santos, José Duarte; Liberato, Pedro
    The way of Saint James is a pilgrimage to Santiago de Compostela that has seen great growth and tourist development in recent years. Allied to the marketing and tourism component, this pilgrimage is studied to understand what can still be done at the marketing level to promote the route and at the tourism level, as this is fundamental to support pilgrims, namely through sustainability, accommodation, and catering. In this sense, to design appropriate strategies for tourists and pilgrims, it is necessary to understand their motivations, experiences, and what makes them make this pilgrimage again, with revisiting being the focus of the study. In summary, evaluate the relationship between revisit intentions and motivations, satisfaction, and loyalty.
  • Marketing's impact on sustainable tourism: an empirical study of hotel units in the Northern Region of Portugal
    Publication . Liberato, Dália; Ferreira, Fernanda A.; Guedes, Marta; Costa, Elga; Liberato, Pedro
    Sustainable tourism emerges as a response to mass tourism, caused by the intensification of travel. As a result of Sustainable Tourism, the practice of Responsible Tourism and Conscious Tourism emerges, leading to behaviors of greater environmental, cultural, and social sustainability at the destination, but also to an increasing environmental concern. The hospitality sector, government agencies, trade associations and tourism service providers in each country play a pivotal role in increasing environmental awareness/education among local communities and visitors at the destination. The main objective of this research is to understand the importance of Marketing in Sustainable Tourism, applied to hotel units in the northern region of Portugal. As specific objectives, the research aims to: Identify the marketing strategies adopted by the hotel units that lead to greater involvement of stakeholders (tourists, employees, stakeholders and local community), Identify the marketing strategies adopted by the hotel units, valued by the guests, before, during and after the tourist experience and find out how Marketing in Sustainable Tourism contributes to the dynamization of the region and improvement of the destination experience. In the development of this study, a qualitative methodology was selected, consisting of an exploratory study, based on semi-structured interviews. The sample consists of directors and/or managers of hotel units awarded with the “Green Key” certification, in 2022, in the northern region of Portugal. Furthermore, some partner entities that assist in the certification of these enterprises were also included, namely ABAE and consulting companies in the Sustainable Tourism sector. From an analytical point of view, it provides interesting results for the northern region of Portugal, where a continuous growth toward its sustainable development is expected, with an increasing number of certified tourist accommodations and their contribution to the distribution of economic wealth in the region, dynamization and promotion, as well as the responsible engagement of tourists with residents and increasing awareness of these indicators.
  • The economic impacts of the tourism sector within the residents’ valuation perspective
    Publication . Liberato, Pedro; Liberato, Dália; Cerqueira, Ricardo
    Residents play a key role in enhancing the tourist experience and in the sustainable development of the destination. From this perspective, residents’ perceptions and actions can significantly affect tourists’ feedback and the long-term development of destinations. Thematic research on the process of destination development and management tends to focus on the tourists’ perspective and excludes that of residents, yet residents are stakeholders of the destination and play a key role in its promotion and attractiveness. The research focuses on the characteristics of residents in two cities in the North of Portugal, as well as their perception of the tourism impacts. Two research hypotheses are presented: the income earned by residents influences their perception about the economic impacts of tourism in the region, and the length of residence influences residents' perception about the economic impacts of tourism in the region. A quantitative methodology was applied, using a questionnaire survey, to 810 residents, in the cities of Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia. The results identify that there is an increase in agreement with the valorization of the sector and the increase in gross monthly income, observing additionally the valorization of the sector in most of the length scales of residence in the region.
  • Fostering sustainability in tourism destinations through residents’ assessment
    Publication . Liberato, Pedro; Liberato, Dália; Cerqueira, Ricardo
    The growth of the tourism sector has significant impacts on tourism destinations. Therefore, sustainability is a very current issue and has received special attention in recent years. Considering the problems that the uncontrolled growth of tourism has caused in certain tourism destinations, strategic planning and sustainable development are determinant for their success. Tourism activity has a direct impact on residents’ lives; however, the maximization of economic benefits and the attraction of investment continue to emerge as a highlight in most destinations. Despite the resident’s critical role in the success of tourism destinations, their perspective still takes a secondary place, which must be reconsidered by destination managers, particularly DMOs. The research focuses on the characteristics of residents in two cities in the North of Portugal, as well as their perception about the tourism impacts at economic, sociocultural, and environmental level. A quantitative methodology was applied, using a questionnaire survey, to 810 residents, in the cities of Porto and Vila Nova de Gaia. By analyzing residents’ perceptions about the tourism impacts in the region, the results identify which factors need to be improved to influence residents’ opinions over tourism and leverage their intention to support the sector's development, in advance of strategies addressed to DMOs.
  • Sustainable practices in daily life and in the context of tourism
    Publication . Ferreira, Fernanda A.; Liberato, Dália; Lima, Ana Sofia; Fernandes, Paula Odete
    The concern and desire to follow sustainable practices is increasing, which makes tourists take this into account when choosing a tourism destination. The general objective of this paper is to analyze the di erence between tourists' sustainable behavior in their daily lives and in the context of tourism. To answer the objectives of this study, we opted for a quantitative methodological approach since this research aims to study population behavior, opinions, and values. The results suggest that although in their daily lives' individuals adopt sustainable practices, sometimes it doesn't happen in the context of tourism. It was veri ed that if individuals felt they had the resources to adopt sustainable practices in the context of tourism, they would more often do so. Also, word of mouth, the perceived image of the destination, and guest reviews positively in uence the intention to visit a destination that adopts sustainable practices. This study helps to recognize the sustainable practices most frequently adopted, those that do not present di erences in the two contexts, and nally, the tools considered most important in the decision to visit a sustainable tourism destination.