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- Partilha de informação em contexto empresarial na ótica da ciência da informaçãoPublication . Moreira, Diogo; Martins, Susana; Carvalho, MilenaEm ambiente empresarial, o cumprimento de prazos nos projetos pode levar à ausência de gestão da informação, nomeadamente a deficiências no processo de criação e organização documental que tornam difícil a sua recuperação. O projeto implementado assume como objetivo a definição de melhorias nos processos de criação, organização e partilha infodocumental, conduzindo ao desenvolvimento de instrumentos neste âmbito. Trata-se de uma investigação aplicada, baseando-se na revisão da literatura narrativa e na recolha de evidências através do uso de grelhas de observação e sua análise. É igualmente uma investigação exploratório-descritiva, permitindo conhecer e aprofundar temáticas. Foi necessário proceder-se ao mapeamento da documentação produzida ao longo dos projetos desenvolvidos e a uma avaliação da documentação armazenada nos repositórios institucionais DA ORGANIZAÇÃO X. Propuseram-se melhorias ao nível da criação, organização e partilha de infodocumentação que usassem as tecnologias por forma a facilitarem a criação, o acesso e a difusão infodocumental, cumprindo-se assim o objetivo proposto
- The Preservation of Memory and the Management of Information as a Step towards Sustainable DevelopmentPublication . Martins, Susana; Carvalho, Milena; Pinto, CláudiaSustainable development comprehends the balance between human activities and the environment. Today, more than ever, the need to act with respect for the environment and the urgency in recognizing that we belong to the planet, and not the other way around, have accelerated and generalized the demand for information about environmental sustainability, economic and social concerns, and the discussion about which Humanity should adopt paths to save the species. The United Nations 2030 Agenda recognizes access to information as a critical goal in the Sustainable Development Goal of promoting peaceful and inclusive societies, access to justice for all, and building effective, accountable, and inclusive institutions at all levels. In a global and inclusive society, people's access to information and the need to protect fundamental freedoms is necessarily the founding principle of the path to achieving global sustainability. The understanding of the world and society has always been founded on the study of the past, the knowledge of history, traditions, and memory. Only knowledge of memory allows us to know where we come from and to determine where we are going. Memory, which is nothing more than informational heritage, a generator agent of value and distinctive identity, is essential to create, distinguishing, and enriching socioeconomic activities based on the realities of the environment and local cultures towards socioeconomic and environmental sustainability and inclusion. In this paper, we intend to highlight the crucial role of information professionals in sustainable development, as they play unique and privileged roles in the preservation of people's identity and culture, as well as in the collection, research, processing, protection, promotion, enhancement, and transmission of information, which guarantee the viability of Humanity's cultural heritage and access to information as one of the goals of sustainable development.
- A gestão da informação como facilitadora do empoderamento psicológico e da melhoria do desempenho profissionalPublication . Pinto, Cláudia; Carvalho, Milena; Martins, SusanaA informação é imprescindível às organizações. Estas estruturam-na e classificam-na com~base na sua orgânica e nas suas funções e atividades, ou seja, com base na produção documental, nos fluxos de informação entre departamentos, na salvaguarda e prova que essa informação constitui. Na Goweb Agency, Lda., a maioria dos documentos existia apenas para efeitos de certificação de qualidade. Por forma a melhorar a gestão da informação na organização, todos os documentos foram organizados de forma válida, intuitiva e assente nas necessidades informacionais dos colaboradores. Ao incorporá-los nas tarefas rotineiras do quotidiano e ao incentivar o seu uso, criando e adequando a partilha e a gestão de informação nas atividades da empresa, assistiu-se a uma diminuição da tensão interna entre os colaboradores, a um aumento do seu grau de satisfação, da sua eficiência e eficácia e da satisfação dos clientes da empresa, devido ao desempenho e à qualidade do trabalho apresentado.
- Psychological empowerment and improved professional performance as a Rresult of effective information managementPublication . Pinto, Cláudia; Carvalho, Milena; Martins, SusanaInformation is essential for organizations. Information and knowledge, associated with technological and scientific advances are, nowadays, easily accessible to all organizations, so whoever holds more information and knows how to manage it in the most adequate way to their vision and style, will be able to acquire a competitive advantage faster than the competitors. In a highly competitive environment for companies today, managers must realize the need to design strategies for organizations based on information as a valuable asset. Companies structure and classify information based on their structure, functions and activities, that is, based on documentary production, information flows between departments, safeguarding and proving what this information constitutes. At Goweb Agency, Lda., the target company of this study, except for the document templates that were intended for commercial proposals and directly linked to sales, most documents existed only for the purpose of quality certification. All documents were organized validly, intuitively and based on the information needs of employees. However these documents weren’t used or even known by the employees. The project planning and the accountability for everyday tasks were lacking meaning to them and conflicts were a constant. By incorporating the documents that described the responsibilities and assignments of each function into the routine tasks of everyday life and encouraging their use, creating and adapting the sharing and management of information in the company's activities, there has been a reduction in internal conflicts among employees, an increase in their degree of satisfaction and motivation, its efficiency and effectiveness and the satisfaction of the company's customers, due to the performance and quality of the work presented. In order to maintain each employee’s accountability and therefore their motivation in doing a better work it is important to continue to invest in the management of information appropriate to the business area of the company, make known the existence of essential information to each workplace and make the access to documentation quick and intuitive for all employees.