Browsing by Issue Date, starting with "2021-10-27"
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- Interação com corpos andantesPublication . Paixão, Barbara Pedro; Carvalho, Rodrigo Guedes deO presente relatório pretende descrever o projeto desenvolvido em contexto de estágio curricular na Mecha Studio, com o intuito de finalizar o Mestrado em Sistemas e Media interativos. O projeto surge da forte motivação de querer explorar a interação em tempo-real entre o corpo humano e o computador. Para isso, desenvolvi em conjunto com a Mecha Studio uma instalação interativa que faz uso do movimento do corpo para gerar imagem e som. A instalação interativa tem o nome de Digital Soul e oferece uma visão mais profunda do interior de cada participante através de um espelho digital. Os visuais são inspirados pelo lado emocional do ser-humano de forma a despertar reações emocionais enquanto os gestos humanos formam imagem generativa. Para o desenvolvimento deste projeto existiu uma exploração intensiva sobre a criação dos visuais aplicados na silhueta dos corpos extraídos através de uma câmara sensor. Em simultâneo, a imagem era reproduzida num painel LED para uma melhor perceção da escala humana. Foi também desenvolvido som interativo de forma a haver uma interação mais notável entre participante-participante.
- Influências das teorias da montagem cinematográfica de André Bazin e Sergei Eisenstein no filme 3 MariasPublication . Maia, Soraia Filipa de Sousa Pedro; Lopes, Filipe; Morais, AntónioNum diálogo entre a teoria e a prática, tendo como principal objeto de estudo dois grandes teóricos do cinema, André Bazin e Sergei Eisenstein, este ensaio pretende refletir sobre duas teorias da montagem cinematográfica com ideias divergentes, e explora de que forma estas podem dialogar no filme 3 Marias. 3 Marias é um documentário realizado por Gabriella Florenzano no qual assumi a função de montagem, assim, este ensaio aborda as opções criativas que tomei ao longo do período de montagem e de que forma as mesmas foram influenciadas pela pesquisa teórica.
- Efeitos da pandemia da COVID-19 nos RH: o caso dos profissionais com cargos de Direção Técnica em estruturas residenciaisPublication . Cabral, Lisete Bertina Dos Santos; Martinho, Ana Luísa Moreira SoaresWith the outbreak of the COVID-19 pandemic, the residential structures had to adapt to a new reality. This adaptation had to be urgently and emergently experienced by the human resources of the structures themselves. The present study aims to understand the challenges faced by professionals holding the position of technical director of Residential Structures in a COVID-19 context, specifically regarding their human resource management functions, which is the focus of the research. We intend to investigate the strategies used by institutions to deal with the risks of the COVID-19 pandemic, to understand what changes have occurred regarding human resource processes in the COVID-19 context and to identify the changes needed in people management since the beginning of the COVID-19 pandemic. In Portugal there are Residential Structures aimed at three areas of intervention: i) residential structures aimed at the aged (Residential Structures for the Aged); ii) children and young people in danger (Residential Shelter for Children and Young People); iii) people with disabilities (Residential Home). Fifteen semi-structured interviews were carried out with the Technical Directors of 15 residential structures. The respondents perform their functions in the three types of Residential Structures identified in the private for-profit and non-profit sector. All respondents mentioned that their functions include the dimension of Human Resources management, along with other functions such as Client Management and Service Management. This study allowed us to identify several challenges and difficulties that the technical directors of the residential structures under study had to overcome, such as the preparation of schedules of services, the creation of teams with excessive working hours, the lack of human resources to work in the residential structures and meet the needs of the institution and users, and, consequently, employee turnover.
- Influência do caráter familiar na internacionalização e na performance financeira de PME portuguesasPublication . Oliveira, Inês Santos; Silva, Armando Mendes Jorge Nogueira daIn previous studies, a lot of evidence was provided about the relationship between internationalization and the financial performance of companies. This study thus analyzes the relationship between internationalization and financial performance in Portguese SME, in the years between 2010 and 2018. Thus, making a comparison between family an non-family businesses. To this end, a sample consisting of Portuguese SME was used, apllying a regression model with panel data to assess the following two study hypotheses: whether the relationship between internationalization and the financial performance of Portuguese family SME follows a curve in the shape of a W and if in the case of non-family Portuguese SME this relationship does not follow a curve in the shape of a W. The performance was measured through the dependent variavles: return on assets (ROA) and return on equity (ROE). As explanatory variables, the variables degree of internationalization werw used, this one squared, cubed and the fourth power. It was also considered a dummy variable, in order to define a company as family or non-family. The main results suggested that Portuguese family SME follow a W-shaped curve when analyzing the relationship between economic and financial performance and the level of internationalization, a relationship that was not verified in the case of Portuguese non-family SME. However, these results were only observed after dividing the global sample into two sub-samples, one for family businesses and the other for non-family businesses. In the global sample, it was possible to observe that the fact that it is a Portuguese family SME positively influences the economic and financial performance.
- Exposição ao risco cambial de empresas "Domésticas": evidências de Portugal e AlemanhaPublication . Ribeiro, Márcia Cristina Couto; Silva, Armando Mendes Jorge Nogueira daContrary to most studies on foreign exchange risk that so far have focused only on internationalized companies, this research work studies and analyzes the degree of foreign exchange exposure faced by "domestic" companies, and then, of companies whose amount of exports doesn´t exceed 5% of its total turnover each year. Concretely, examines the underlying determinants of exposure to foreign exchange risk obtained in the companies in the sample. It was considered, as a sample, Data from the Refinitiv Datastream databases of domestic companies in Portugal and Germany, and it should be noted that the companies that compose the sample, have a continuous operational history over the last 10 years, and are listed on the Portuguese (PSI Geral) and German (DAX) stock exchanges, respectively. In this way, the final sample consists of 1,368 German companies (151,716 company-month observations) and 70 Portuguese companies (9,371 company-month observations), over the time spectrum from January 2009 to December 2020. Expectedly, evidence shows that, in fact, German “domestic” companies and Portuguese “domestic” companies are, on average, exposed to EUR/USD exchange rate risk, being that, this degree of exposure is significantly and positively explained by Dimension. The sample for the German companies seems to suggest that larger companies are exposed to additional foreign exchange risk and that Gross Profit Margin, and Asset Turnover are negatively and significantly associated with exchange rate risk. On the other hand, it is the Portuguese companies with larger dimensions that are more exposed to exchange rate fluctuations.
- Metabolic dysfunction biomarkers as predictors of early diabetesPublication . Luís, Carla; Baylina, Pilar; Soares, Raquel; Fernandes, RúbenDuring the pathophysiological course of type 2 diabetes (T2D), several metabolic imbalances occur. There is increasing evidence that metabolic dysfunction far precedes clinical manifestations. Thus, knowing and understanding metabolic imbalances is crucial to unraveling new strategies and molecules (biomarkers) for the early-stage prediction of the disease’s non-clinical phase. Lifestyle interventions must be made with considerable involvement of clinicians, and it should be considered that not all patients will respond in the same manner. Individuals with a high risk of diabetic progression will present compensatory metabolic mechanisms, translated into metabolic biomarkers that will therefore show potential predictive value to differentiate between progressors/non-progressors in T2D. Specific novel biomarkers are being proposed to entrap prediabetes and target progressors to achieve better outcomes. This study provides a review of the latest relevant biomarkers in prediabetes. A search for articles published between 2011 and 2021 was conducted; duplicates were removed, and inclusion criteria were applied. From the 29 studies considered, a survey of the most cited (relevant) biomarkers was conducted and further discussed in the two main identified fields: metabolomics, and miRNA studies.
- O impacto da inovação empresarial na performance financeira: o caso das PME excelência portuguesasPublication . Silva, Diana Maria Marques da; Silva, Armando Mendes Jorge Nogueira daInnovation is considered a fundamental factor for the growth and competitiveness of companies, allowing them to differentiate themselves from competitors and build competitive advantages in an increasingly complex and global market. However, the literature is still quite inconclusive regarding the impact of innovation on corporate performance. This study is directed to the “SMEs Excellence” of the Portuguese Manufacturing Industry. The status of “SMEs Excellence” is granted by a national state agency that supports SMEs, called IAPMEI. The main objective of this work was to analyze the impact of innovation on the financial performance of SMEs Excellence in the period between 2011 and 2019. Additionally, it was analyzed whether this impact is more pronounced in SMEs Excellence than in other SMEs. The intensity of intangible assets was used as a proxy for innovation, obtained through the ratio between total intangible assets and total company assets. To analyze the financial performance, the return on assets and the return on equity were used. The data were collected from the SABI and IAPMEI databases. The study analyzed 5427 companies (SMEs Excellence and SMEs Non-Excellence) belonging to the Portuguese Manufacturing Industry, in the period between 2011 and 2019. The results were obtained using the fixed effects panel data methodology. The main results suggest that innovation has a positive and significant impact on the financial performance of SMEs Excellence, however, considering all SMEs, the result is the opposite. Additionally, the results revealed that this impact is greater in exporting companies.
- Mixed reality in an operating room using hololens 2—The use of the remote assistance from manufacturers techinicians during the surgeriesPublication . Veloso, Rita; Magalhães, Renato; Marques, António; Gomes, Paulo Veloso; Pereira, JavierThe aim of this work is that the participants, using HoloLens 2 and Dynamics 365 Remote Assistance, can receive all the training and information necessary for the correct application of prosthesis and medical devices remotely, from a support center of the manufacturers, avoiding the displacement and presence of these technicians during surgeries. After implementing this method, an analysis will be made on its impact, avoiding displacement and the presence of technicians during surgery, in terms of increasing satisfaction and improving the experience of the participants, reduction of various risks (including the risk of infection) and on reduction of some economic and environmental costs.