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A literatura propõe marcadores para caracterizar o desenvolvimento da Linguagem das crianças (Franco, Reis & Gil, 2003). Contudo, as referências consultadas são suportadas por investigações feitas noutras línguas, o que pode implicar resultados e tempos de aquisição diferentes. Este estudo pretende fazer uma aproximação a uma norma para crianças com dois anos de idade nascidas em Portugal, com português europeu como Língua Materna. Objetivos: encontrar indicadores semânticos, sintáticos, pragmáticos e ao nível das classes de palavras do português europeu de crianças com dois anos de idade e encontrar fatores que possam influenciar os indicadores acima mencionados. Método: o estudo parte de um paradigma pospositivista (Creswell, 2014), com estratégia quantitativa, utilizando um instrumento de recolha de informação para cuidadores previamente testado (Álvares, 2020). Resultados: Ainda que a amostra seja reduzida, os relatos dos cuidadores permitiram encontrar os indicadores pretendidos (média de palavras: 30.90 (DP=20.80); comprimento médio de enunciado: 3.25 (DP=1.90); média de morfemas por frase; 4.20 (DP=3.26)), tendo as crianças do meio urbano obtido melhores resultados. Associações encontradas: correlação positiva entre a escolaridade da mãe e o número de palavras, correlação positiva entre as formas de comunicação e as funções comunicativas e destas com o número de palavras produzidas e correlação negativa entre doenças como otites e os fatores linguísticos. Discussão: Identificaram-se discrepâncias entre os marcos da literatura internacional e o desenvolvimento da linguagem das crianças que participaram neste estudo, o que parece reforçar a necessidade da criação de uma norma de desenvolvimento da linguagem para o português europeu.
Literature proposes markers to characterize children’s language development (Franco, Reis & Gil, 2003). However, the consulted references are supported by investigations done on other languages, that can imply different results and different acquisition timings. This study wants to relate to a guideline for two-year-old child born in Portugal, with European Portuguese as the mother language. Targets: Finding semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic pointers regarding the class of words used by two-year-old children speaking European Portuguese and then finding factors that can influence the above-mentioned pointers. Methods: The study begins from a positive paradigm (Creswell, 2014), with a volume strategy using a previously tested work instrument to collect information (Álvares, 2020). Results: Although the amount of information was small, the caregiver’s reports allowed to gather the desired pointers (average of words: 30.90 (SD=20.80); average length of the statement: 3.25 (SD=1.90); average of morphemes per phrase; 4.20 (SD=3.26)), children living in an urban environment had better results. Interconnections found: positive correlation found between mothers academical education and number of words, positive correlation between communication forms and both the communicative functions and the number of words produced, negative correlation was found between diseases like ear infections and linguistic factors. Discussion: It was possible to identify discrepancies between the international literature markers and the development of the language on the children that were involved in this study, which seems to highlight the importance of creating a development guideline for the European Portuguese spoken language.
Literature proposes markers to characterize children’s language development (Franco, Reis & Gil, 2003). However, the consulted references are supported by investigations done on other languages, that can imply different results and different acquisition timings. This study wants to relate to a guideline for two-year-old child born in Portugal, with European Portuguese as the mother language. Targets: Finding semantic, syntactic, and pragmatic pointers regarding the class of words used by two-year-old children speaking European Portuguese and then finding factors that can influence the above-mentioned pointers. Methods: The study begins from a positive paradigm (Creswell, 2014), with a volume strategy using a previously tested work instrument to collect information (Álvares, 2020). Results: Although the amount of information was small, the caregiver’s reports allowed to gather the desired pointers (average of words: 30.90 (SD=20.80); average length of the statement: 3.25 (SD=1.90); average of morphemes per phrase; 4.20 (SD=3.26)), children living in an urban environment had better results. Interconnections found: positive correlation found between mothers academical education and number of words, positive correlation between communication forms and both the communicative functions and the number of words produced, negative correlation was found between diseases like ear infections and linguistic factors. Discussion: It was possible to identify discrepancies between the international literature markers and the development of the language on the children that were involved in this study, which seems to highlight the importance of creating a development guideline for the European Portuguese spoken language.
Terapia da Fala Desenvolvimento da linguagem Linguagem Criança Marcos de desenvolvimento Speech therapy Language development Language Children Development markers
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Escola Superior de Educação