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O desenvolvimento de recursos multilingues robustos para fazer face às
exigências crescentes na complexidade dos processos intra e inter-organizacionais é
um processo complexo que obriga a um aumento da qualidade nos modos de
interacção e partilha dos recursos das organizações, através, por exemplo, de um
maior envolvimento dos diferentes interlocutores em formas eficazes e inovadoras
de colaboração. É um processo em que se identificam vários problemas e
dificuldades, como sendo, no caso da criação de bases de dados lexicais
multilingues, o desenvolvimento de uma arquitectura capaz de dar resposta a um
conjunto vasto de questões linguísticas, como a polissemia, os padrões lexicais ou
os equivalentes de tradução. Estas questões colocam-se na construção quer dos
recursos terminológicos, quer de ontologias multilingues. No caso da construção de
uma ontologia em diferentes línguas, processo no qual focalizaremos a nossa
atenção, as questões e a complexidade aumentam, dado o tipo e propósitos do
artefacto semântico, os elementos a localizar (conceitos e relações conceptuais) e o
contexto em que o processo de localização ocorre. Pretendemos, assim, com este
artigo, analisar o conceito e o processo de localização no contexto dos sistemas de
gestão do conhecimento baseados em ontologias, tendo em atenção o papel central da terminologia no processo de localização, as diferentes abordagens e modelos
propostos, bem como as ferramentas de base linguística que apoiam a
implementação do processo. Procuraremos, finalmente, estabelecer alguns
paralelismos entre o processo tradicional de localização e o processo de localização
de ontologias, para melhor o situar e definir.
The development of robust multilingual resources to meet the growing demands of intra and inter-organizational complexity is a complex process that demands an increase of quality in the organizations‘resource interaction and sharing modes, trough, for example, stronger involvement of different stakeholders in effective and innovative collaboration ways. It is a process where several problems and difficulties arise, such as, in the creation of multilingual lexical databases, the development of an architecture capable of addressing a wide range of language issues such as polysemy, lexicalization patterns or equivalence in translation. These questions appear also in the construction of terminological resources or multilingual ontologies. In the construction of a multilingual ontology, the questions and their complexity increases, given the nature and purposes of the semantic artifact, of the elements to localize (concepts and conceptual relations) and the context in which the localization process occurs. We intend in this article to analyze the concept and the localization process in the context of ontology-based knowledge management systems, taking into account the central role of terminology in the localization process, the different approaches and models proposed and the existing linguistic tools that support the implementation process. Finally we will try to establish some parallels between the traditional localization process and the ontologies localization process to better contextualize and define it.
The development of robust multilingual resources to meet the growing demands of intra and inter-organizational complexity is a complex process that demands an increase of quality in the organizations‘resource interaction and sharing modes, trough, for example, stronger involvement of different stakeholders in effective and innovative collaboration ways. It is a process where several problems and difficulties arise, such as, in the creation of multilingual lexical databases, the development of an architecture capable of addressing a wide range of language issues such as polysemy, lexicalization patterns or equivalence in translation. These questions appear also in the construction of terminological resources or multilingual ontologies. In the construction of a multilingual ontology, the questions and their complexity increases, given the nature and purposes of the semantic artifact, of the elements to localize (concepts and conceptual relations) and the context in which the localization process occurs. We intend in this article to analyze the concept and the localization process in the context of ontology-based knowledge management systems, taking into account the central role of terminology in the localization process, the different approaches and models proposed and the existing linguistic tools that support the implementation process. Finally we will try to establish some parallels between the traditional localization process and the ontologies localization process to better contextualize and define it.
Gestão do conhecimento Multilinguismo Localização Ontologias Terminologia Knowledge management Multilingualism Localization Ontologies Terminology
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto