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Um dos problemas ambientais que afetam mais recentemente o nosso
quotidiano é o aquecimento global. O clima do planeta tem mudado de forma drástica
ao longo dos anos, o que tem gerado recentes catástrofes inesperadas pelos humanos.
Este problema vem de acontecimentos passados que contribuíram negativamente para
o meio ambiente do planeta. Apesar de muitas das decisões passadas serem tomadas ao
nivel da governação dos países, cada pessoa consegue contribuir para o bem do
ambiente. Sendo que o aquecimento global é um elemento de extrema importância no
planeta, devem ser tomadas medidas para que a contribuição de redução de poluição
aconteça de forma a manter o planeta estável e duradouro para gerações futuras.
Esta proposta de trabalho tem como base o desenvolvimento de um protótipo de jogo
que sensibilize para a temática da sustentabilidade. O design do jogo é focado no tema
do ambiente, sendo que o seu principal objetivo é contribuir para o aumento da
sustentabilidade das cidades. Com o jogo pretende-se educar os utilizadores de boas
praticas relativas a boa conservação do ar, reduzindo as emissões de poluições. No jogo,
o jogador encarna o papel de um presidente de camara que fará a gestão de uma cidade.
O seu principal papel é resolver a situação grave de sustentabilidade da cidade em
questão. Para isso ele terá de tomar um conjunto de decisões para melhorar a situação
One of the environmental problems that most recently affects our daily lives is global warming. The planet's climate has changed drastically over the years, which has led to recent catastrophes that humans have not been able to do so. This problem comes from past events that have contributed negatively to the planet's environment. Although many of the past decisions are made at the level of country governance, each person can contribute to the good of the environment. Since global warming is an extremely principal element on the planet, measures must be taken so that the contribution to reducing pollution happens to keep the planet stable and lasting for future generations. This work proposal is based on the development of a game prototype that raises awareness of the theme of sustainability. The game's design is focused on the theme of the environment, and its main objective is to contribute to increasing the sustainability of cities. The game aims to educate users on good practices related to good air conservation, reducing pollution emissions. in the game, the player embodies the role of a mayor who will manage a city. His key role is to solve the serious sustainability situation of the city in question. To do so, he will have to make a set of decisions to improve the environmental situation.
One of the environmental problems that most recently affects our daily lives is global warming. The planet's climate has changed drastically over the years, which has led to recent catastrophes that humans have not been able to do so. This problem comes from past events that have contributed negatively to the planet's environment. Although many of the past decisions are made at the level of country governance, each person can contribute to the good of the environment. Since global warming is an extremely principal element on the planet, measures must be taken so that the contribution to reducing pollution happens to keep the planet stable and lasting for future generations. This work proposal is based on the development of a game prototype that raises awareness of the theme of sustainability. The game's design is focused on the theme of the environment, and its main objective is to contribute to increasing the sustainability of cities. The game aims to educate users on good practices related to good air conservation, reducing pollution emissions. in the game, the player embodies the role of a mayor who will manage a city. His key role is to solve the serious sustainability situation of the city in question. To do so, he will have to make a set of decisions to improve the environmental situation.
Trabalho de projeto
Sustentabilidade Jogo sério Cidade Educação Sustainability Serious game City Education