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O presente estudo analisou a influĂȘncia da qualidade dos contextos educativos (casa e creche) no envolvimento da criança com adultos, pares e objectos, observado em contexto de creche, e no seu desenvolvimento cognitivo, social e de linguagem. Participaram 120 crianças do Distrito do Porto, respectivas famĂlias e educadores. Os resultados indicaram que caracterĂsticas da criança, a qualidade da sala de creche e os comportamentos interactivos dos educadores influenciam o envolvimento da criança em diferentes nĂveis de sofisticação. Verificou-se a existĂȘncia de efeitos de pequena magnitude da qualidade das salas de creche nos resultados desenvolvimentais. Evidenciou-se tambĂ©m a existĂȘncia de efeitos, pequenos a moderados, da qualidade do ambiente familiar no desenvolvimento das crianças.
This study examined the effects of day care and home quality both on childrenâs observed engagement with adults, peers, and objects, in day care classrooms, and on their cognitive, social and linguistic developmental outcomes. One hundred and twenty toddlers from Porto district, their families and teachers participated in the study. Results showed that child characteristics, daycare quality, and teachersâ interactive behaviours influenced childrenâs engagement at different sophistication levels. Small effects of daycare quality on childrenâs developmental outcomes were found. Results indicated small to moderate effects of home quality on childrenâs developmental outcomes.
This study examined the effects of day care and home quality both on childrenâs observed engagement with adults, peers, and objects, in day care classrooms, and on their cognitive, social and linguistic developmental outcomes. One hundred and twenty toddlers from Porto district, their families and teachers participated in the study. Results showed that child characteristics, daycare quality, and teachersâ interactive behaviours influenced childrenâs engagement at different sophistication levels. Small effects of daycare quality on childrenâs developmental outcomes were found. Results indicated small to moderate effects of home quality on childrenâs developmental outcomes.
Envolvimento Desenvolvimento Qualidade dos contextos InteraçÔes Engagement Development Quality Interactions
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