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Os processos erosivos, associados à pressão antrópica sobre o litoral, ao clima de agitação marítima altamente energético e à perda de sedimentos, são responsáveis pela caracterização da costa noroeste portuguesa, onde predomina uma elevada fragilidade geomorfológica. Estas variantes implicam ser desejável efetuar com regularidade uma monitorização da zona costeira, identificando os locais mais sensíveis à erosão e possibilitando uma gestão do litoral mais eficiente. As informações baseadas em dados de campo sobre a dinâmica sedimentar tornam-se, por isso, ainda mais relevantes para os gestores costeiros. O aumento do nível médio do mar e o aumento da frequência e intensidade das tempestades costeiras fazem com que os gestores costeiros necessitem, regularmente, de implementar soluções eficazes e sustentáveis para aumentar a resiliência da costa. Por exemplo, a recriação do perfil de praia com recurso a alimentações artificiais de areia procura restaurar o equilíbrio sedimentar, contribuindo para a sua dinâmica natural. O presente estudo pretende caracterizar e quantificar o balanço sedimentar nos litorais de Aveiro e da Figueira da Foz, analisando e avaliando a variabilidade morfológica das praias emersas e submersas. A partir de levantamentos topo-batimétricos, criaram-se modelos digitais de terreno, calcularam-se balanços sedimentares, permitindo, ao mesmo tempo, compreender o comportamento da morfodinâmica local face a intervenções antrópicas e ao clima de agitação marítima. A metodologia implementada utilizou dados topográficos e batimétricos adquiridos em campanhas de monitorização realizadas entre 2012-2018 para Aveiro e 2014-2016 para a Figueira da Foz. Os resultados descrevem as principais mudanças morfológicas e tendências de evolução, recorrendo a técnicas de Sistemas de Informação Geográfica (SIG). A criação de modelos digitais de terreno permitiu a construção de mapas de diferenças de volume e a definição de indicadores de erosão e acreção utilizados para caracterizar as alterações morfológicas. Os dados obtidos contribuem para a gestão e ordenamento do litoral, tendo em conta que todo o troço é de exposição elevada aos processos que provocam erosão costeira.
Erosive processes, associated with anthropic pressure on the coast, the highly energetic wave climate and the loss of sediments, are responsible for the characterization of the Portuguese northwest coast, where a high geomorphological vulnerability predominates. These variants imply that it is desirable to carry out frequent monitoring of the coastal zone, identifying the most sensitive places to erosion and enabling more efficient coastal management. Information based on field data on sedimentary dynamics therefore becomes even more relevant for coastal managers. The increase in the mean sea level and the increase in the frequency and intensity of coastal storms entails that coastal managers regularly need to implement effective and sustainable solutions to increase the resilience of the coast. For example, the recreation of the beach profile using artificial sand feeds seeks to restore the sedimentary balance, contributing to its natural dynamics. The present study intends to characterize and quantify the sedimentary balance in the coasts of Aveiro and Figueira da Foz, analyzing and evaluating the morphological variability of the emerged and submerged beaches. From topo-bathymetric surveys, digital terrain models were created, sedimentary balances were calculated, allowing, at the same time, to understand the behavior of local morphodynamics in the face of anthropic interventions and wave climate. The implemented methodology used topographic and bathymetric data acquired in monitoring field surveys carried out between 2012-2018 for Aveiro and 2014-2016 for Figueira da Foz. The results describe the main morphological changes and evolution trends, using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques. The creation of digital terrain models allowed the construction of maps of volume differences and the definition of erosion and accretion indicators used to characterize the morphological changes. The data obtained contribute to the management and planning of the coast, taking into account that the entire section is highly exposed to the processes that cause coastal erosion
Erosive processes, associated with anthropic pressure on the coast, the highly energetic wave climate and the loss of sediments, are responsible for the characterization of the Portuguese northwest coast, where a high geomorphological vulnerability predominates. These variants imply that it is desirable to carry out frequent monitoring of the coastal zone, identifying the most sensitive places to erosion and enabling more efficient coastal management. Information based on field data on sedimentary dynamics therefore becomes even more relevant for coastal managers. The increase in the mean sea level and the increase in the frequency and intensity of coastal storms entails that coastal managers regularly need to implement effective and sustainable solutions to increase the resilience of the coast. For example, the recreation of the beach profile using artificial sand feeds seeks to restore the sedimentary balance, contributing to its natural dynamics. The present study intends to characterize and quantify the sedimentary balance in the coasts of Aveiro and Figueira da Foz, analyzing and evaluating the morphological variability of the emerged and submerged beaches. From topo-bathymetric surveys, digital terrain models were created, sedimentary balances were calculated, allowing, at the same time, to understand the behavior of local morphodynamics in the face of anthropic interventions and wave climate. The implemented methodology used topographic and bathymetric data acquired in monitoring field surveys carried out between 2012-2018 for Aveiro and 2014-2016 for Figueira da Foz. The results describe the main morphological changes and evolution trends, using Geographic Information Systems (GIS) techniques. The creation of digital terrain models allowed the construction of maps of volume differences and the definition of erosion and accretion indicators used to characterize the morphological changes. The data obtained contribute to the management and planning of the coast, taking into account that the entire section is highly exposed to the processes that cause coastal erosion
Erosão Acreção Balanço Sedimentar Praia Emersa Praia Submersa Deriva Litoral Evolução Morfodinâmica Erosion Accretion Sedimentary Balance Emerged Beach Submerged Beach Coastal Drift Morphodynamic Evolution