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O presente texto e projeto artístico foi desenvolvido no âmbito do Mestrado em Artes Cénicas-especialização Interpretação/direção artística e tem como tema a construção de um solo de dança contemporânea, inspirando no poema de Maria Teresa Horta "A pele”. A opção de construir um solo foi motivada pelo desafio de ser coreógrafa e intérprete em simultâneo, visto que até agora só desenvolvi trabalho como intérprete-criadora. O projeto que desenvolvi para este estudo coloca-me numa nova posição. Com efeito, em projetos artísticos anteriores desenvolvi trabalho como intérprete-criadora. Nessa condição tinha de produzir material criativo como é óbvio, mas não era da minha responsabilidade selecioná-lo. Colocando-me, neste projeto, como intérprete e coreógrafa passa a ser minha responsabilidade assumir a seleção do material dramatúrgico produzido, bem como de toda a estrutura da peça.
The present text and artistic project was developed under the Master's Degree in Performing Arts - specialization Interpretation / artistic direction and has as its theme the construction of a contemporary dance floor, inspired by the poem of Maria Teresa Horta "A Pele." The option to build a solo was motivated by the challenge of being a choreographer and interpreter simultaneously, since until now I have only developed work as an interpreter-creator. The project I developed for this study places me in a new position. In this condition, I had to produce creative material, but it was not my responsibility to select it. In this project, as an interpreter and choreographer, it is my responsibility to assume the selection of the dramaturgical material produced, as well as of the whole structure of the piece.
The present text and artistic project was developed under the Master's Degree in Performing Arts - specialization Interpretation / artistic direction and has as its theme the construction of a contemporary dance floor, inspired by the poem of Maria Teresa Horta "A Pele." The option to build a solo was motivated by the challenge of being a choreographer and interpreter simultaneously, since until now I have only developed work as an interpreter-creator. The project I developed for this study places me in a new position. In this condition, I had to produce creative material, but it was not my responsibility to select it. In this project, as an interpreter and choreographer, it is my responsibility to assume the selection of the dramaturgical material produced, as well as of the whole structure of the piece.
Solo Dança contemporânea Criadora/intérprete Pele Poesia Contemporary dance Creator/interpreter Skin Poetry