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A Dissertação foi desenvolvida em contexto de empresa, tendo como objetivo principal
avaliar o impacto de mudanças introduzidas na metodologia de gestão de projetos adotada
na empresa. Apesar de inicialmente ter sido dada liberdade às suas equipas de gestão de
projeto para escolherem o seu modelo de funcionamento, devido ao rápido crescimento
da empresa, a gestão sentiu necessidade de uniformizar o funcionamento de todas as
Devido à popularidade e aos princípios das metodologias Agile, como o Scrum, Kanban,
Scrumban, entre outros, junto ao facto de existirem equipas na empresa que já tinham
adotado estas metodologias, mais especificamente uma equipa que trabalhava em
Scrumban, com sprints de dua semanas, a solução encontrada para a uniformização do
funcionamento de todas as equipas foi estas adotarem o Scrumban, com sprints de três
semanas. Foi escolhido o período três semanas como duração para os sprints, de forma a
permitir uma melhor adaptação, numa fase inicial, às equipas que até à data não
funcionavam com sprints. Existindo, contudo, a possibilidade de no futuro mudar a duração
para duas semanas.
Esta Dissertação foca-se no estudo do impacto, ao nível da produtividade, da satisfação dos
stakeholders e da dinâmica da equipa, da mudança na duração do sprint, na equipa que
previamente trabalhava com sprints de duas semanas. Os dados deste impacto foram
recolhidos sob dois formatos. O primeiro formato consiste no número de story points por
sprint, recolhidos através do Jira, num período de doze meses, dividido em dois
subperíodos cada um com seis meses. Durante o primeiro período os sprints tinham
duração de duas semanas e durante o segundo período os sprints tinham duração de três
semanas. O segundo formato consiste nas respostas a dois questionários online, um
enviado à equipa e outro enviado aos stakeholders. A partir destes dados foi feita a comparação do desempenho da equipa durante os
períodos, avaliando assim o impacto que a mudança na duração do sprint teve no
funcionamento da equipa.
Após esta comparação os resultados mostraram que a satisfação da equipa era melhor no
segundo período, com uma menor sensação de desgaste, no entanto a produtividade da
equipa era cerca de 30% superior durante o primeiro período.
The dissertation was carried out in a company context, with the main aim of evaluating the impact of changes made to the project management methodology adopted by the company. Although the project management teams were initially given the freedom to choose their own operating model, due to the company's rapid growth, management felt the need to standardise the way all the teams operated. Due to the popularity and principles of Agile methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban, among others, along with the fact that there were teams in the company that had already adopted these methodologies, specifically a team that worked in Scrumban, with two-week sprints, the solution found to standardise the way all the teams worked was for them to adopt Scrumban, with three-week sprints. Three weeks was chosen as the duration for the sprints, in order to allow for better adaptation, in the initial phase, for teams that had not previously worked with sprints. There is, however, the possibility of changing the duration to two weeks in the future. This dissertation focusses on studying the impact, in terms of productivity, stakeholder satisfaction and team dynamics, of changing the duration of the sprint in a team that previously worked with two-week sprints. The data on this impact was collected in two formats. The first format consists of the number of story points per sprint, collected via Jira over a twelve-month period, divided into two sub-periods, each six months long. During the first period the sprints lasted two weeks and during the second period the sprints lasted three weeks. The second format consisted of responses to two online questionnaires, one sent to the team and the other sent to stakeholders. Based on this data, a comparison was made of the team's performance during the periods, thus assessing the impact that the change in sprint duration had on the team's functioning. After this comparison, the results showed that team satisfaction was better in the second period, with a lower feeling of wear and tear, but team productivity was around 30 per cent higher during the first period.
The dissertation was carried out in a company context, with the main aim of evaluating the impact of changes made to the project management methodology adopted by the company. Although the project management teams were initially given the freedom to choose their own operating model, due to the company's rapid growth, management felt the need to standardise the way all the teams operated. Due to the popularity and principles of Agile methodologies such as Scrum, Kanban, Scrumban, among others, along with the fact that there were teams in the company that had already adopted these methodologies, specifically a team that worked in Scrumban, with two-week sprints, the solution found to standardise the way all the teams worked was for them to adopt Scrumban, with three-week sprints. Three weeks was chosen as the duration for the sprints, in order to allow for better adaptation, in the initial phase, for teams that had not previously worked with sprints. There is, however, the possibility of changing the duration to two weeks in the future. This dissertation focusses on studying the impact, in terms of productivity, stakeholder satisfaction and team dynamics, of changing the duration of the sprint in a team that previously worked with two-week sprints. The data on this impact was collected in two formats. The first format consists of the number of story points per sprint, collected via Jira over a twelve-month period, divided into two sub-periods, each six months long. During the first period the sprints lasted two weeks and during the second period the sprints lasted three weeks. The second format consisted of responses to two online questionnaires, one sent to the team and the other sent to stakeholders. Based on this data, a comparison was made of the team's performance during the periods, thus assessing the impact that the change in sprint duration had on the team's functioning. After this comparison, the results showed that team satisfaction was better in the second period, with a lower feeling of wear and tear, but team productivity was around 30 per cent higher during the first period.
Gestão de projetos Agile Scumban Sprint Duração Project management Duration