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No campo das múltiplas interações que ocorrem no acolhimento familiar, destaca-se a relação entre a criança acolhida e a família biológica, pelo impacto que tem no desenvolvimento da criança. Esta relação gera um conjunto de ligações que pode proporcionar ou dificultar à criança a possibilidade de partilhar valores, experiências e conselhos entre aqueles dois mundos. A manutenção das relações pessoais entre os pais e a criança acolhida é um direito de ambos, exceto se contrariar o interesse superior da criança, já que o corte abrupto das relações estabelecidas interfere na organização dos vínculos futuros. O presente artigo resulta da investigação em curso, no distrito do Porto, intitulado «Contacto no acolhimento familiar: padrões, resultados e modelos de gestão», no âmbito de atuação do InEd, o Centro de Investigação e Inovação em Educação da Escola Superior de Educação do Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Este estudo tem como objetivo analisar os resultados do contacto entre a criança em acolhimento familiar e a sua família de origem, bem como as causas da sua inexistência ou cessação.
Os resultados preliminares evidenciam que a maioria das crianças e jovens têm contacto com a sua família de origem, ocorrendo em quase 50% dos casos na casa da família de acolhimento, mas nem sempre com a regularidade desejada. Apesar do impacto do contacto na criança ou jovem ser muito diversificado, a maioria manifesta reações emocionais e comportamentais positivas. Por fim, apresentam se implicações para a prática dos técnicos envolvidos neste fenómeno.
Among the multiple interactions in foster care, the relationship between the foster child and the biological family is relevant because of the impact produced on the child’s development. The relationship leads to the development of a set of links that can provide or hinder the child’s possibility for sharing values, experiences and knowledge between those two worlds. The maintenance of personal relationships between parents and foster child is a common right, unless it is against the child’s best interests, since the abrupt rupture of established relationships interfere with the organization of future bonds. This article results of an ongoing process of research in district of Oporto, entitled «Contact in foster care: patterns, results and management models» within the scope of action of the InEd, the Center for Research and Innovation in Education, School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto. This study aims to analyze the results of the contact between the child in foster care and their family of origin as well as the causes of their absence or termination. Preliminary results indicate that the majority of children and young people have contact with their family of origin, occurring in almost 50 % of cases in the house of the foster family, but not always with the desired regularity. Although the impact of contact on the child or young person can be very diverse, the majority has shown positive behavioral and emotional reactions. Finally, it is presented implications for the practice of the technicians involved in this phenomenon.
Among the multiple interactions in foster care, the relationship between the foster child and the biological family is relevant because of the impact produced on the child’s development. The relationship leads to the development of a set of links that can provide or hinder the child’s possibility for sharing values, experiences and knowledge between those two worlds. The maintenance of personal relationships between parents and foster child is a common right, unless it is against the child’s best interests, since the abrupt rupture of established relationships interfere with the organization of future bonds. This article results of an ongoing process of research in district of Oporto, entitled «Contact in foster care: patterns, results and management models» within the scope of action of the InEd, the Center for Research and Innovation in Education, School of Education of the Polytechnic Institute of Porto. This study aims to analyze the results of the contact between the child in foster care and their family of origin as well as the causes of their absence or termination. Preliminary results indicate that the majority of children and young people have contact with their family of origin, occurring in almost 50 % of cases in the house of the foster family, but not always with the desired regularity. Although the impact of contact on the child or young person can be very diverse, the majority has shown positive behavioral and emotional reactions. Finally, it is presented implications for the practice of the technicians involved in this phenomenon.
Contacto Família Acolhimento Familiar Acompanhamento Técnico Contact Family Foster Care Technical Monitoring