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O texto expressa uma reflexão sobre a obra Triste Fim de Policarmo Quaresma,
escrita em 1915, por Lima Barreto, escritor realista, brasileiro. Busca identificar nas
narrativas e ações do seu narrador, um homem comum, as revoltas, mas também as
esperanças dos homens comuns no recém criado regime republicano. Enfoca ainda que,
apesar dos episódios narrados, dos personagens serem construções ficcionais do autor,
nos remetem a personagens, diálogos e espaços do Rio de Janeiro que evocam a historia
de um regime ditatorial de Floriano Peixoto, no alvorecer da Republica. Nesse regime,
mostra o autor, que a insegurança, a insatisfação e o medo tomaram conta da população
do Rio de Janeiro no começo do século XX. E Policarpo Quaresma, o personagem
narrador da obra, sofrera as injustiças e arbitrariedades da ditadura do Marechal Floriano
Peixoto. Diante disso, revela sua dor e plena desolação com a Republica, forma de
governo pelo qual lutara e que ajudara a criar. Por fim, o texto procura mostrar que
embora a literatura seja tecida com adornos da ficção, ela traduz a sociedade e o tempo no qual ela foi produzida, além de mostrar que o positivismo sustentava a pratica política da
Republica brasileira.
The text is a reflection on Triste Fim de Policarpo Quaresma by Lima Barreto, a Brazilian realist writer. It tries to identify rebellion in the narratives and actions that the narrator, a common man, recounts. It seeks to show that the episodes and characters, albeit fictional, refers to characters, dialogues and spaces of Rio de Janeiro in Floriano Peixoto dictator ship when 20th century was beginning. In this time the insecurity, the fear and the sadness were common in Rio de Janeiro and Quaresma recounts that he had suffered a lot of injustice. For this reason he was desolate with Brazilian Republic, the kind of government which he had fought to create. Finally, although literature is woven with fiction threads, it translates the society and the time in which it was produced, beyond to underline that the positive science held the politics practice of Brazilian Republic.
The text is a reflection on Triste Fim de Policarpo Quaresma by Lima Barreto, a Brazilian realist writer. It tries to identify rebellion in the narratives and actions that the narrator, a common man, recounts. It seeks to show that the episodes and characters, albeit fictional, refers to characters, dialogues and spaces of Rio de Janeiro in Floriano Peixoto dictator ship when 20th century was beginning. In this time the insecurity, the fear and the sadness were common in Rio de Janeiro and Quaresma recounts that he had suffered a lot of injustice. For this reason he was desolate with Brazilian Republic, the kind of government which he had fought to create. Finally, although literature is woven with fiction threads, it translates the society and the time in which it was produced, beyond to underline that the positive science held the politics practice of Brazilian Republic.
Rio de Janeiro Séc. XX Lima Barreto Literatura Brasil República Literature Republic of Brazil 20th century
Instituto Politécnico do Porto. Instituto Superior de Contabilidade e Administração do Porto