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Os sistemas de informação integrados contribuem para a gestão eficiente das empresas, seja
na organização e funcionamento internos ou nas relações externas.
O mercado deste software é dominado pelas empresas que criam e distribuem sistemas
proprietários. Existe uma alternativa, software livre, que disponibiliza aplicações em código
aberto e maioritariamente de licença gratuita, que pode ser adaptado às necessidades das
O objetivo do presente trabalho é avaliar a viabilidade de plataformas livres, de natureza
vertical – OFBiz – e horizontal – Spring – como opção na escolha de um sistema de informação
nas Pequenas e Médias Empresas portuguesas.
Das áreas de negócio principais das organizações, foi selecionada a área de Recursos Humanos
para efeitos de adaptação na aplicação OFBiz, com incidência em dois casos de uso: uma
opção essencial, mas que atualmente não está prevista – Processamento de vencimentos – e
outra já existente e que é avaliada em termos de necessidades de adaptação – Recrutamento.
Sendo o idioma um requisito indispensável à internacionalização da aplicação, foi também
analisada a sua implementação.
A metodologia de investigação utilizada foi o Design Science Research, tendo sido
implementado um protótipo para efeitos de teste e avaliação do projeto, com a elaboração de
dois modelos: configuração e desenvolvimento.
Implementado o protótipo, verificou-se que a framework vertical apresenta-se como uma
alternativa mais viável do que a horizontal, pelas funcionalidades já existentes e que facilitam
a adequação às necessidades de informação das Pequenas e Médias Empresas. A sua base
tecnológica e de estrutura permite que a aplicação possa ser adaptada por técnicos
especialistas das próprias empresas.
Integrated information systems contribute to the efficient management of companies, whether in their internal organization and functioning or in their external relations. This software's market is dominated by companies that create and distribute proprietary systems. There is an alternative, free software, offering applications on Open Source and mostly free license, which can be adapted to business needs, namely small and medium-sized enterprises. The objective of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of these free platforms, namely of vertical – OFBiz - and horizontal – Spring - natures, as an option for an information system in Small and Medium Portuguese companies. The Human Resources were chosen from the main areas of the business organizations, for adaptation in OFBiz software, focusing on two use cases: an essential option, but that is not currently scheduled - Salary Processing - and another already existing area, evaluated here in terms of adaptation needs - Recruitment. Being the language a prerequisite to the implementation of internationalization, it was also analyzed its implementation. The research methodology used in this work was the Design Science Research, and was implemented a prototype for testing and evaluating the project with the development of two models: configuration and development. Implemented the prototype, it was found that the vertical framework – OFBiz – presents itself as a more viable alternative than the horizontal one, due the existing features designed to facilitate the adaptation to the information needs of Small and Medium Enterprises. Its technological base and structure allows the adaptation by technical experts from the companies themselves.
Integrated information systems contribute to the efficient management of companies, whether in their internal organization and functioning or in their external relations. This software's market is dominated by companies that create and distribute proprietary systems. There is an alternative, free software, offering applications on Open Source and mostly free license, which can be adapted to business needs, namely small and medium-sized enterprises. The objective of this study is to evaluate the feasibility of these free platforms, namely of vertical – OFBiz - and horizontal – Spring - natures, as an option for an information system in Small and Medium Portuguese companies. The Human Resources were chosen from the main areas of the business organizations, for adaptation in OFBiz software, focusing on two use cases: an essential option, but that is not currently scheduled - Salary Processing - and another already existing area, evaluated here in terms of adaptation needs - Recruitment. Being the language a prerequisite to the implementation of internationalization, it was also analyzed its implementation. The research methodology used in this work was the Design Science Research, and was implemented a prototype for testing and evaluating the project with the development of two models: configuration and development. Implemented the prototype, it was found that the vertical framework – OFBiz – presents itself as a more viable alternative than the horizontal one, due the existing features designed to facilitate the adaptation to the information needs of Small and Medium Enterprises. Its technological base and structure allows the adaptation by technical experts from the companies themselves.
ERP Open Source Framework Protótipo OFBiz Spring Prototype